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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. Is Talbot playing on an Olympic roster? I know he's in the KHL now, so he's theoretically eligible
  2. I've been to several Riverhounds games and have debated getting season tickets (it's only $200 or so), so I generally follow USL. Riverhounds aren't good though
  3. Fucking Riverhounds... why did we sign him again? Kicked a guy in the back (during a dead ball, where there wasn't really any way to say it was momentum or an accident - clearly intentional). Kicked him off the team, rightfully so, but then signed him again. “Romeo has shown tremendous improvement and maturity as an individual and expressed remorse for his actions last year,” said Riverhounds owner Tuffy Shallenberger. “I fully believe he is more than deserving of a second chance to help improve this club. I look forward to embracing his contributions to the Riverhounds organization both on and off the field" Don't care, he kicked a guy in the back. Improvement and maturity are a bit too late...
  4. Team Western Europe F - Kristof Mueller F - Lukas Muller F - The Charm F - Rusty Trombone F - Phil Bennington F - Phil Shankly D - Boner D - Luka Volkov D - Augustus Gloop D - Dragon McDragon G - Shawn Brodeur G - Brienne O'Tarth
  5. Done
  6. Looking like my best bet for the extra D is Dragon McDragon
  7. posting in this thread to get it to notify me, so I remember to do this later when I'm on the tablet. Reddit is blocked on work computers
  8. What do you think is the definition of the word "ban" as it pertains to this league? It seemed as though it had a pretty clear definition, but apparently that's not the case. How do you think a ban is different here than it is elsewhere? How do you think NYA will do next year? Quick overview of the draft and draftees - who do you think goes where, out of the first few picks or so, go as deep as you feel you need to in order to fill time? Provided of course you've gone deep enough to reach Evan R. Lawson...
  9. Obviously everyone on WE list is in Muller Mueller Trombone Bennington Shankly (Aleksei, pending WE/World) Volkov Boner Gloop Brodeur (I'll make a thread later on)
  10. If Aleksei is on World rather than WE, then I'll need to add a Forward after Mercs pick as well.
  11. Fair - I'm good on forwards, just I have no goalie and short one D
  12. There aren't enough players for Western Europe to fill a roster, where do I take extra people from
  13. Probably people like Jericho liking the page tbh
  14. Who the fuck are you?: Um, a writer. Clearly What will you write about?: The league? Nah probably some sort of thing to highlight new players or so, maybe 3 in an article (with hopefully a way to tag the people who are talked about) Why would the Mag benefit off your Article?: People tend to ignore general team talk. People like to read about their guy Why would Robbie like your Article?: Because people will read it if it's about their guy Personal opinion of Robbie: (Be honest even if you hate me. NO ASS KISSING) Not the biggest fan sometimes, but meh. You're not Anderson or Boubs by a looooong shot. Controversy isn't really my thing but you do it well and you get people talking about you
  15. You're the only one who considers the number of lines in a team a fundamentally different system. To everyone else, it's as simple as X players / Y teams, you get how many lines you get. There is no such thing as a "2 line system" and separately a "3/4 line system" and the lines are simply a byproduct of what players compared to what teams. If I'm talking about why a person should buy my new, cheesier mac and cheese, I'm going to tell them it has more cheese, it's creamier and less pasta-heavy, and things pertaining to the taste. I'm not going to advertise "you can put it on a plate" like it's some sort of design feature, it's just a thing that happens in order to eat the mac and cheese. That's what the number of lines are, a thing that happens in order to play the league. Not a feature, not a system on its own.
  16. Toronto 4-2 Riga 2-1 Seattle 3-1
  17. @Beaviss you were a point short

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diamond_ace


      catching S21 Ottawa. I'll still do the 590 though, just because I think it'll be fun

    3. Beaviss


      You could always compare the two teams I’d be interested in that.

    4. diamond_ace


      Basically what it'll be, just with a little extra part about S53 Ottawa since they're the highest point total Ottawa team

  18. As a member of both Vegas and Oslo, I don't feel as though one team is a strong enough favorite over the other to give an inevitable feeling
  19. I don't think anyone feels "tricked" by it, other than maybe you - that is, if you really do feel "tricked" by a league you've been in for some time and ought to understand it by now. Anyway, you got your poll, and you're pretty soundly losing, can you put this issue to rest finally?
  20. might have to create the same guy multiple times and put him on multiple lines that way
  21. I'll take a standby if you can't fill a team - Lawson is USA and that's taken.
  22. Missing a shoe? So we need Chouinard @Spangle?
  23. Takashi Fujimoto
  24. Evan R. Lawson Points +-
  25. BET, posting out here for accountability's sake: if Beaviss' current Ottawa ends up with a better point total than my S21 Ottawa (he can only drop 5 points the rest of the way, so I think it'll be pretty close either way) I have to write a 590 about the top 3 Ottawa teams (his, mine, and S53).

    1. NotAVHLM-GM
    2. diamond_ace


      Then I don't have to, but might decide to anyway, since it gives me an opportunity to showcase one of my old Ottawa teams a bit

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