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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. offers: S40: $3,750,000 NTC S41: $3,750,000 NTC S42: $3,750,000 NTC If you want to come here we will make the space
  2. Let's just put it this way: when you were picked there were two other GMs in the Skype chat who were disappointed and wanted you. 15th is probably about right, would be a 1st in another draft
  3. but you'll settle for the other Olsen...
  4. 45th: Chase White to Calgary
  5. Sepp Reiter at 35
  6. 25th pick: Calgary selects Marcus Hurley
  7. Chico comes home: Calgary selects SUPERBMAN
  8. Yeah, guys like you will likely have me there, it's the ones who have been here for a while or brushed up on old history that won't, and I respect that
  9. Couple of people have had me in theirs, which is great, obviously I like the vote of confidence but I don't really mind being 11-15 or so either. Still says a lot, thanks.
  10. Just know that once you don the name, there is no going inactive. Gifford shock must be given his proper place among the elites, so now that you have the name you must do it justice.
  11. I am computerless, have been looking things up on my phone concerning the trade. I saw that he had an update thread and that the last post was late august. I looked all that up. I thought it was earlier in September than it was, and therefore that the gaps weren't as big, but I also know from experience that not having updated in a given time frame doesn't necessarily mean you didn't do things and aren't going to get tpe. The rest of the cracks have just been from talking to 8o8 after the fact and hearing his plans, which weren't my plans, but still doable. Unless I specifically ask for permission to talk to him while Davos has him, no version of me would know that before. Either way it's half a career of a guy who is good, and a season of Landry, as opposed to the Riga pick (which admittedly will be good) and the s42 Calgary pick which we don't know about yet, but will be late in the round regardless. Also, none of this had to do with my opinions of top people in this draft. I just don't think Cologne got even half decent value, but if they want a player enough, it might be worth it to them anyway.
  12. Yeah I've been seeing some cracks in the armor post-trade (oddly on things I'd looked at before and was ok with then), but in any case I'll still take it, it's not the worst trade this offseason (or even second worst, as of a few mins ago)
  13. Accept, this will round out our defense nicely, welcome aboard Kravinen!
  14. Goooood. Let the "my trade sucked" comments flow through you.
  15. Yeah I actually don't mind the value on the wolf trade, more that I get a sense of where the market sits
  16. Yuma is signed already so we get a hugely active and good player for the rest of his career, who himself is probably worth the 1st and half of another 1st. Landry is only a rental, which I'm generally not fond of rentals, but he has to be good for a half a 1st. I just don't see how this price is high if a guy like Janssen with only 2 seasons left can go for picks that should be better. 5th in this draft > 8th in the same. 13th s40 > cgy 1st s42 considering we will still be good s41 going into s42's draft. Price is not high and I will hear none of it.
  17. Accept, welcome back Yumalatopinto, and welcome Landry
  18. Inb4 face of boe reveal e5
  19. Was considering getting in on wolf but this is a better price than I would have given, good job to both teams
  20. Marcellin
  21. I think one of the issues would be that since this draft is so deep, it's hard to tell who a team will and/or won't be in a position to draft. I know I personally tend to PM people I think I'll have a good probability of drafting. I would like to draft you (although not if you intend to quit, of course) but I have no idea if Calgary will be in a position to do so. If you end up in the mid-2nd you're out of my price range, and if you as well as some other people fall to my late 2nd and early 3rd I don't want to guarantee you anything in case I go with them. In a shallower draft it would be easier to get an idea who is going where, but with something like this, unless every GM went and PMed about 20-30 guys each, there are going to be some mid to late guys who don't get PMs even if there's interest, just because of all the uncertainty.
  22. I would say it does. Weed is actually less damaging medically than cigarettes. I'm sure there are those out there who would disagree (I'd assume Kendrick, what with the laws and all that, and I get that from a cop perspective) but as far as actual hindrance to your health, cigarettes are worse, so it's an improvement to switch to weed.
  23. For me personally, intelligence is the single most important thing. If forced to enter into a relationship with one of the following (and honestly, if none of the above was an option I might take it, but it defeats my point): A: 10 intelligence, 3 appearance B: 10 appearance, 3 intelligence it would be A all day. Not even close. However, I understand that other people do not share this opinion. I'm actually happy that not everyone likes the same thing, because it gets all the hot idiots off the market and leaves my niche to me. If everyone liked the same thing, people would be forced to compromise more than they already do, because there are only so many people who fit a certain ideal.
  24. NY will win 3, Dav will win 4. It's all in the Fyodorov Challenge. (otherwise known as my Finals Fantasy Zone Predictions, since I am undefeated in the Fyodorov Challenge)
  25. I vote jaladolar for Ottawa. Always good to give guys a chance.
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