I am computerless, have been looking things up on my phone concerning the trade. I saw that he had an update thread and that the last post was late august. I looked all that up. I thought it was earlier in September than it was, and therefore that the gaps weren't as big, but I also know from experience that not having updated in a given time frame doesn't necessarily mean you didn't do things and aren't going to get tpe. The rest of the cracks have just been from talking to 8o8 after the fact and hearing his plans, which weren't my plans, but still doable. Unless I specifically ask for permission to talk to him while Davos has him, no version of me would know that before. Either way it's half a career of a guy who is good, and a season of Landry, as opposed to the Riga pick (which admittedly will be good) and the s42 Calgary pick which we don't know about yet, but will be late in the round regardless.
Also, none of this had to do with my opinions of top people in this draft. I just don't think Cologne got even half decent value, but if they want a player enough, it might be worth it to them anyway.