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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. What do you think of the drastic difference in podcast length, considering some podcasts only run 10-15 minutes (Seth Speaks) and others run for more than 5x as long (Pajodcast)? Is it similar to a group of article writers consistently writing 2500 word articles, or does the difference not matter as much with podcasts? (depending on how much depth you go into while answering flyersfan, you may end up having already answered this)
  2. Austin Gow/Thomas Corcoran didn't do badly. Corcoran 691 Gow 401 Maybe Nikolai Chershenko too, although his total retired TPE isn't on Wahl's player page. Still a ridiculously poor class, considering the best two weren't even in the draft.
  3. Bundesliga is MILES ahead of France and Netherlands. France is a two team league (and even then, Monaco are well back of PSG) and Netherlands? Even Ajax has had trouble in international play and that's about all they have. PSV, Feyenoord, AZ Alkmaar might have been better 5 years ago than the Bundesliga teams other than Bayern are now, but they've fallen off at the same rate and thus have stayed far worse.
  4. Basel will be an interesting case. A team from POT 2 that most people will probably predict to go out, as Pool are their POT 3 team. Personally, I think that one will end up going down to the wire, Basel are better than people give them credit for and Pool are probably not as good as the same, but if you go up to a casual fan and talk to them about Pool vs. Basel they'll think you're talking about something akin to Arsenal vs. Anderlecht.
  5. Pet Peeve: When people who either watch the show or read the books call Daenerys "Khaleesi" with no other descriptors. Khaleesi is a title, not a name. For example, imagine holding this conversation about your friends: "So I got a call from Postal Worker the other day, he asked if I wanted to go to a party he was having. I told him I'd get hold of Blackjack Dealer and Hotel Clerk and get back to him. Really, I'm not sure I want to go, especially if he brings History Teacher there. History Teacher is a drag at parties." Would you do this? I'd expect you would call them by their names, not their positions. Now it's different for people who are actually in the GOT world, they're calling her Khaleesi in much the same way as we might call Obama "Mr.President" or the Queen of England "Your Majesty" as it's an honorific to her. The difference is, they're talking TO her, not ABOUT her. When they are talking about her, they call her Daenerys, like any normal person would.
  6. Lol at USA being the best at anything soccer related. I mean I live here, have a reason to be predisposed toward thinking positively about the team, and no. Just no.
  7. Belize?
  8. Knowing nothing can be helped by teammates who know things.
  9. Riggery. Always riggery.
  10. Svec, if you're ever in Pittsburgh: Church Brew Works. Brewed and served in Lawrenceville, which is just across the river from me (I can walk there). http://www.churchbrew.com/
  11. New Mexico can either be West or South, so it offers some flexibility if someone joins for the last spot of either.
  12. The rules are that the backup must play a set number of games. Both games were on the list of ones I sent Jardy to play the backup, but I didn't put much thought into it and should have put Brookside back in for the SEA game (I had a little bit of panic at making sure I was on pace for enough backup games). This game, vs QUE, should have been a better result regardless, and would always have been a CAL G1 game.
  13. It gave me Power Player, but honestly I'm pretty average. I played a few Madden tournaments back in the dorms (also when I was in a house with 4 other students), haven't done much Madden at all since graduating, and I was never great but didn't suck at it either. QB on offense unless handing off, in which case switch to the RB when the ball is handed off. DE on defense, unless 3-4 in which case OLB and bring him down just short of the line of scrimmage (basically acting as a DE but without directly being schemed in by the CPU's offensive line). Always play one franchise with Carolina, and other franchises with redrafts. If playing another person, I take a defensive team within 2-3 overall of the team they pick, but with defense at least 3 higher than offense if I can find one.
  14. Silver City Caballos
  15. I can't hate City that much either though. They saved the world from yet another Untied championship in their first year of actually being good. I also don't see a problem with spending money to make your team better.
  16. Cal G1 over Bagelface and a good team. Definitely a goalie controversy brewing in Calgary.
  17. So Cal G1 is officially better than Brookside
  18. Yeah, what happened to the renames? Cal G1 was supposed to be Ken Wregget.
  19. I'll put City at 17. The relegation spots belong to Untied, Arsey, and Spuds.
  20. yep, definitely crap goalie
  21. Fifa 12 here, imagine how hard it is with a team with a transfer budget of about 400k (Galway United). I even created a 79 OVR LF player-manager (can play him as LAM or ST in my 4-3-2-1) and I still have ONE star of strength across the team. That said, I'm in the round of 32 of the Europa League (2 seasons in), so we'll see how it goes from here.
  22. diamond_ace

    QUE/CGY ; S39

    Nope, doesn't affect it at all.
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