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Everything posted by diamond_ace

  1. No, they're represented by the Abidjan Elephants of the IHL (Ivory Coast, southern edge of the west African region) and the Nairobi Rhinos of the CDL (Kenya, southeast-ish in terms of the whole African continent)
  2. Adrienne vote here
  3. He did the nasty in the pasty
  4. Los Angeles to Maine is 45 hours, not that anyone would actually do that
  5. Technically, we proved the most people wrong, since the only teams with more votes actually went on to miss the playoffs.
  6. Just means @BladeMaiden has to get 12 shutouts now en route to a cup and playoff mvp. That might do it
  7. One of these days you will make a successful VHLer. I will always believe that. You could be on attempt 800 and I'd still believe that. You're too much a staple of the sim league community to not add this particular feather to your cap along the way.
  8. @Matt_O if he ever does want to come back, I'll gladly let him into Prague discord just so he has some people to talk to and ask questions of, until he's gotten more of the hang of things
  9. the pick that he thought would be good
  10. @.sniffuM your legacy lives on
  11. I see @GustavMattias has already gotten it, but you would use a colon rather than a semicolon. You would also not capitalize how.
  12. Dredge wanted a change of scenery because STHS was not being as kind to him here as he would have liked, and rather than lose him for free at the end of the season, I got something for him. If it was strictly what I thought was best for the team, our guy would still be in purple, with a shiny new contract. That wasn't what he felt was best for him though, and I can respect that.
  13. If you're going full Shaka this time, I think this is the best move Peace could have made. Lot of good apps out there (Kachur in particular has been applying like mad and hopefully he gets something) but you can't go wrong with the guy who has created leagues out of nothing before.
  14. Dredge wanted a change of scenery, STHS didn't seem to like his fit here. Great guy and welcome back any time of course. Let's see if Ohradka clicks a bit better here, and the 2nd to make up the value gap. Welcome aboard @animal74
  15. Going to make sure I don't repeat anyone from the last time: Hardest Shot Wolf Stansson Jr @Cornholio Shooting Stars Willie Dredge @sjs88speed Fastest Skater Cinnamon Block @omgitshim Accuracy Shooting Thomas Landry II @Doomsday Save Streak Solomon Crawford @AndrewWarren13
  16. Best 3rd rounder of all time, especially taking into consideration the shallow drafts back then
  17. 1. You guys would be the place to start, if I did want to do so, but be confident in the fact that I make the decisions I do for a reason. If I wanted to play, I would be in this game. I will play when I'm ready, although it will definitely be on here because VHLers don't tend to suck like the gaming community at large. You guys are largely pretty good with that sort of thing. 2. The browser game? In the general population? FUCK NO. I've watched enough TOS on youtube to know being new at a game, including TOS, is worse than mass murder to some people. The guy I watched started making all these crazy assumptions where he definitely didn't have enough evidence, he was right nearly every time, and he didn't even bother to explain how he came to the conclusions he did because to him it was obvious. Put me in a game with someone like that, and I'd get reported for throwing, just for having the audacity to not know every perfect move at every time.
  18. Yeah I'm not the "learning by doing" type. Given the way internet gaming culture treats people who dare to play a game without having magically become an expert in their sleep, I'll feel more comfortable playing this after I've watched it happen a good 80 times or so.
  19. I'm not in the game.
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