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Posts posted by UghSike

  1. On 1/25/2024 at 7:33 PM, Beketov said:

    Fun times! Nice to see a few of our newer members mixed in with some old hands winning, was a good mix.


    Tier 1 - 5 Winners: 5 uncapped TPE

    @leandrofg @RJMW @Trazan @v.2  @LucyXpher


    Tier 2 - 5 Winners: $15 donation equivalent

    @hedgehog337 @Jubis @OrbitingDeath  @ScottyP @STZ



    Tier 3 - 3 Winners: Video Game of your choice (up to a max of $90 CAD, on any system)

    @comrade cat @Phil @Noodle Enjoyer


    Tier 4 - 1 Winner: Nintendo Switch (OLED) console OR an NHL Jersey of the winner's choice.



    Congrats to all the winners, we will be in touch shortly to get your prizes all sorted out :cheers:

    Congratulations to all of the winners! Now, I can uninstall Twitch. 

    😂 😂

    Kidding. I'll tune in from time to time @Beketov

  2. 1: What excites you the most about the VHL?
    What excites me the most about the league is seeing just how much I can progress and better my player's build so I can be a key contributor to any team I'm in.

    2: Do you have a specific team you would like to play for? Are you playing for that team now?
    I haven't entirely done my research on every team in the league yet, so I can't honestly say any one team is on my radar.

    3:Everyone has a pre-game ritual. What is yours?
    My pre-game ritual is just listening to a specific song that gives me good vibes. Lately, it's been "Dragon Slayer" by Animal Collective. I feel like good vibes manifest more good vibes, and if everyone around me picks up on that then we all go out on the ice feeling positive.

    4: Is there any music you listen to to pump you up for a game? Do you have a playlist?
    If there was any other sport you could play what would it be?

    Well, like I stated in my previous response, yes. It's been that one song for awhile now, but that's subject to change. And as far as playing another sport, well, I didn't know there were other sports besides hockey. So, I don't know how to answer that.

    5: What's the worst hockey-related injury your player has endured? 

    Luckily, nothing too serious so far. Separated shoulder once, but that's generally an easy recovery.


    6: As far as the NHL goes, is there a certain player active or retired that you look up to?

    I have a ton of respect for anyone that's put in the work and made it to the top, but if I had to pick one player it'd probably be Mike Modano.

  3. This was a pretty raw and unfiltered breakdown of each team. I like how you pulled no punches. 😂 You said "Vancouver Wolves. Not a good squad.". I sort of empathize with them, but I think if we pick up just 1 more solid, active D man/woman, we'll be seriously competitive. I digress though. This isn't about me. I can see you put a lot of time into this as far as stat checking and inserting images in the appropriate places. Good work!

  4. Cal-Gary. Future holder of The Key to the City! It's crazy these days. 6 year olds can't even walk down the street with a $100 bill in their hand. Makes you wonder what the world is coming to. 😔 

    This was a fun read. It has comic book potential with a superhero type of theme. Maybe you could create a graphic for Cal-Gary's superhero suit. Superhero suit or not, I'll be sure not to snatch any $100 dollar bills from the hands of toddlers if I'm ever in the Saskatoon area. And if I do, I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for a zip tie toting truck first!

    Nice work!

  5. A well though out press conference, and the gif/header is fire. Literally and figuratively speaking. Very neatly composed and organized with all of the mentions. The accurate inclusion of statistics really bumped it up and gave it a professional feel.  I may have to take a page from your notebook for any of my future press conferences. 👍

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