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The goat of hockey

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Status Updates posted by The goat of hockey

  1. sry for inactivity

    1. Triller


      No apologies needed!  Life happens, hopefully!

  2. Happy Canada day!!!!!

  3. man what was up with players in S36

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Victor


      @Will can we please fix that already

    3. Will


      Yes I will cut them all in half 

    4. BOOM


      No, don't do that. I worked hard for points that season!

  4. hello

    1. Banackock


      Hey bud, how you doin?

    2. The goat of hockey

      The goat of hockey

      @Banackock pretty good eh, you

  5. You know Russel Wilson's "Broncos country, let's ride!" well I came up with one for the Oilers, "Oil country, let's mine"

  6. #69 Billy Joel had a hell of a game scoring 2 goals and an assist in game #69


  8. are JST stats saved?

    1. N0HBDY


      JST isn’t “officially” recognized by the league since it’s mostly community ran and so we don’t have the tools without the league to save stats like you would see regular season stats and such

    2. Beketov


      @N0HBDYTechnically it's official, the Pro-Am is the one that isn't. It's stats aren't saved on the portal though, it's ,more just for fun.

  9. what's your ya'll's opinion on Taylor Swift?

  10. What's the junior showcase?

    1. Zetterberg


      An off-season tournament for all yet to be drafted players

  11. Going to the Emerald city?

  12. let's go it's playoff time!

  13. Who's your favourite for the founders cup?

  14. San Diego 4 life!

    1. jacobcarson877


      This guy gets it!

    2. Mysterious_Fish


      San Diego is home

  15. just a question (not related to trivia in any sense) what is the record for +- by a rookie in vhlm history

    1. Gaikoku-hito


      Can find all career stats in the Portal under HOF -> VHL Career stats -> Regular season than select the drop down for the league that you want to search: VHLM  than you can sort the page.


      Riley Walker:  -166 in 161 GP from S71-S73 all played with Houston Bulls


      Danny DeYeeto: +418 in 483 GP from S66 - S72 with Mississauga Hounds, Saskatoon Wild & Minnesota Storm


    2. Pifferfish


      S70 Kyl Oferson +126 (2nd season)

      The best rookie outing was in S71 by DeFenz Mann for Ottawa.

    3. Pifferfish


      Kyl was the highest single season total btw, but technically I wouldn't count him as a rookie

  16. First career 3 point night for billy joel

  17. Billy joel scored a game tying goal in win vs miami

  18. Question: are you allowed to have multiple accounts?

    1. Enorama
    2. Gustav


      Short answer is no; I'll elaborate on the long answer for anyone curious.


      If you were the sort of person to do any of the following, a second account would let you:

      • Back yourself up in arguments/unfairly manipulate public opinion
      • Gain an advantage on your teams (especially in the VHLM and/or if you were a GM) by essentially placing yourself somewhere twice, or by putting yourself somewhere else and purposely building/earning poorly
      • Act disrespectfully to other people under the mask of that other account
      • Really just confuse everyone in a community that's small enough where most of us know each other
      • Probably some other stuff that I'm not evil enough to think about


      The second and fourth points there are especially relevant to our site, and it's why we especially have those rules while larger places (think every social media site) do not. Even if your motivation is just "I really love the VHL and want to do more of it," the point about it being confusing and making the ways we interact with each other really weird is enough reason to say you shouldn't.

    3. BOOM


      I have an excellent VPN/Browser that could help.

  19. Officially #1... in PIM i'm so disciplined

  20. just scored first vhlm goal in win vs reapers lets go!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pifferfish


      Jorgen Lovstrom, arch enemy acquired. Congrats though. 

    3. FrostBeard



    4. dstevensonjr
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