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Halifax GM Opening


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Unfortunately we have another GM stepping down, I want to thank @rory for all the time he’s put into the team. Rory has been the GM of Halifax since January and has led them to the playoffs twice. He has always been an advocate for his players and other GMs. I want to thank him for the time and effort he's put into the position.  


With that said we will be looking for his replacement, This position is for the offseason, @rory will still be GM until the offseason begins.


If you’re interested please reply to this thread


Thank you.


***Please refrain from making comments regarding any candidates and their "worthiness" of being hired for this job, positive or negative. Any comment that is not an application will be removed to maintain a clean list of actual candidates, and (I hate that this actually needs to be said, but...) any member bashing will not be tolerated.*** (Thanks @Quik)


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Hey @rory its sad to see you step down, hopefully this doesn’t mean you will be less active, I always have a lot of fun messing with you. 

I am definitely interested in that job, I think I am ready to get into a GM position and Halifax is a canadian team! Eh?

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Even though I just took the AGM position with the Minnesota Storm, I'd love to just get the application experience. My goal is to be a gm in the future so this will be a great step in the right direction.

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