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Discord locker room ownership.


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Hey! Most of you have probably noticed but its already been 2 times this season that we had to make an emergency locker room for 2 different teams, thanks to @Alex_J32 for being our savior both times. The fact that it happened twice in a season make me think that maybe it's time to reconsider how locker room ownership should be handled. Feel free to disagree or agree with me but I want to share my thought about it.


So first, why should we consider a change in it? Obviously, for the new players, their first locker room is most of the time their stepping stone. It's important that they get invited in it and get their role and everything. It's what retain the most people in my opinion and it shouldn't be neglected. Also, sometimes, these players are in only that single discord server and not even in the main VHL one and in a case where the server get deleted, they are left all alone and confused or worse, they think they got kicked and wasn't wanted. There is also the memories that everyone have in the locker room, while its not as important as retention, memories is still something everyone likes to hold onto.


What I suggest:


- Locker rooms could be owned by mods/commish/admins or anyone who is trusted enough

- Maybe only apply that to VHLM locker rooms as it is the ones that are the most important for retention and the most likely to be managed by a less trusted member

- A solution could be to make it owned by an account shared between admins so they can't see in the hidden channels with their main account.

- Not making them owned by an admin that is GM of an other team in the same league for spying purpose




- Less privacy in locker rooms (But at the same time, should we really have anything to hide? In the worse case, there is DMs)



Now, just know that this post is to make everyone think about it and see if there is a way to fix that problem, what I suggested doesn't mean I absolutely want it that way but more that I throw a first idea and we can all discuss about it. If it makes no sense, we'll just let this thread die.




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yes -  teams would still have permissions to have private channels etc where 99% of people cant see but no risk of channels being deleted out of spite or malicious intent. It will easily be bypassed though and official and unofficial locker rooms would exist. All in all its a great idea but it probably will be worked around immediately.   

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additional comments:

Make Joshua or Dilliam script the bot to make private locker rooms within the main discord that could be used that way no risk of being yeeted. Same issue of not being used though. 

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This might take away from the whole locker room invite thing but for the VHLM specifically maybe have a big discord with locker rooms within it. That way new members can interact with other new members. Right now it kind of feels like theres a disconnect between new members of different teams. The VHLM discord can be owned and managed by a VHLM commish and can be a place where new/returning members can interact and provide support for eachother.

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  • Commissioner
7 minutes ago, Beaviss said:

additional comments:

Make Joshua or Dilliam script the bot to make private locker rooms within the main discord that could be used that way no risk of being yeeted. Same issue of not being used though. 


We did this before and no one used it. Although it really is the simplest option.

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14 minutes ago, Beaviss said:

additional comments:

Make Joshua or Dilliam script the bot to make private locker rooms within the main discord that could be used that way no risk of being yeeted. Same issue of not being used though. 

We can do that for a different reason: the main discord server roles + logo of team next to name (like you were talking about earlier)

Realistically no one would use the main server locker room since 1 channel is not enough.


I like the idea of spreading out the ownership of the VHLM locker rooms between the blues & greens in case of implosion.

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Could be like this:

-roles channel-
-click team logo-
get logo beside name
channel opens up and tags you in channel (doubles as LR) and has team discord invite in thread


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A single discord with a ton of locker room channels would be kind of nice. It would result in like 1 #tpe-opportunities channel where trivia answers get posted in a central location for everyone to steal, much more streamlined trivia cheating.

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  • Moderator
30 minutes ago, BarzalGoat said:

A single discord with a ton of locker room channels would be kind of nice. It would result in like 1 #tpe-opportunities channel where trivia answers get posted in a central location for everyone to steal, much more streamlined trivia cheating.

all about the trivia cheating when trivia isn't even  done anymore lmao

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1 hour ago, frescoelmo said:

you should move this to fan 590 and claim TPE :D

The real pro-gamer/Chad move would be to link this thread and claim it anyway.


Anyway, I’m obviously in favour of upper tier members conglomerating even more power. 

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6 minutes ago, Fire Vigneault said:

I think we should move locker rooms to the forum (at the bottom!), uninstall discord, and bring back chat. This would eliminate the issue of not having access to a team's locker room.



u wanna fight me old man

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  • Commissioner
30 minutes ago, Nykonax said:

i just dont think this is a huge issue, how many times are LR's nuked vs peaceful handovers, and is it enough to warrant commish's owning every LR. And if that happens what happens if the person who owns everything goes rogue.

I don't think it's that it happens often but it still can. What benefit is there to having things hidden away in different servers vs. having the league have them all under one banner like they were when they were on the forum? The intention would not be to overtly moderate the locker rooms but rather to retain and pass along control of them when needed (thus a clean passage of control especially in unfortunate circumstances and safety in those same circumstances). The added bonus of course is that if something does come up evidence can't just be deleted. We would not be having to trust screenshots (which may or may not contain context) or worse, have nothing. We could simply go in and find the offence ourselves to judge it.


I think the benefits of having them centrally controlled, tbh, outweigh the cons.

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Instead of cluttering up the main discord server, how about a centralized VHLM locker room server owned by the commissioners, with a separate category for each team? They can share a general chat, tpe opportunities, job opportunities channel at the top. Can even hire more people to be posting that stuff in there.

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12 minutes ago, Beketov said:

Where they belong truly.

I don’t think as many people would chat in them then, you can do a lot more with a locker room for each team

Edited by Minion
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  • Commissioner
16 minutes ago, Minion said:

I don’t think as many people would chat in them then, you can do a lot more with a locker room for each team

You misunderstand. Before discord was a thing there locker rooms were on the forum. Every team still got their own private one they could use however they wanted but the forum hosted it. The “at the bottom” part is because of a long-standing debate on whether locker room forums should be at the top of the board (wrong) or the bottom (correct).

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17 minutes ago, Minion said:

I don’t think as many people would chat in them then, you can do a lot more with a locker room for each team

He’s half kidding, we’re just nostalgic for The Good Old Days

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35 minutes ago, Dil said:

Instead of cluttering up the main discord server, how about a centralized VHLM locker room server owned by the commissioners, with a separate category for each team? They can share a general chat, tpe opportunities, job opportunities channel at the top. Can even hire more people to be posting that stuff in there.

So this sounds like the WJC/WC discord server where the LR's are built into the main server. It's great in the sense that it's a centralized community with a very specific focus. People talk trash to each other, have general conversations. It's a slightly less cluttered gen chat, since there are less people in the server.  It's pretty good for those short offseason tournaments.


The problem is that I don't think the actual smaller LR's within are used like individual servers would be. Even in Pro-AM or the Junior Showcase Tournament, both of which were structured the same way, there's an initial flurry of activity - as there is in all new channels/servers. It dies off pretty quickly, and I think it's because it's not really personable. Just a standard team chat, announcement chat, lines chat.


Part of why server LR's are fun are because the content within it is catered and organized to how the people in the server like them. It's also a significant step GM's take to make teams their own. I've seen plenty of M LR's change appearance drastically when new GM's take over, as channels are removed and added to fit what the GM wants to do. I'd rather not put the burden to customize a centralized LR on mods or staff when I could just do it myself, or have an AGM do it.


Plus deleting a server isn't the end of the world, the next GM would end up remaking it anyways. I've seen M GM's reset all their chats and private channels anyways before passing it over (not that it should be done if there's nothing to hide, but there's plenty of instances of it I can recall off the top of my head), so no history is really ever 100%. Hell, we even had gen chat completely reset and purged and it was owned by staff. Nice going guys :P.


I really don't think 2 isolated incidents of GM's rage quitting mean that we need to be completely changing how we treat team LR's and how they're owned/where they are. 

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