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The new guard of the VHL


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The new guard of the VHL





In honor of theme week I thought I'd take us on a trip down memory lane of who used to be the "old guard" of the VHL, and all of the new members we have now forming the "new guard". I joined back when the pandemic was in full swing and a lot of us didn't have a whole lot to do other than the VHL (with lockdowns and what not). That was around early 2020. It was an interesting, but tense time in VHL history. I think everyone had a little too much personal stock in the VHL since it was out main thing to do during the pandemic. I was no exception and to some extent its why I got so pissed off I went inactive. ENough about me though, let's take a look in the past.


The Old Guard


@.sniffuM - Muff was one of my favorite members. We we're constantly down in the gaming voice channel playing something random that we had recently discovered. I'll never forget the Sims 4 drug dealer streams he used to do. Plus, I'd dare consider us friends. We'd share personal issues we were going through with each other and help the other out best we could. Plus you were so fucking funny, please never change man. Last I spoke with Muff he had entirely burnt out on sim leagues, and was done with them. We don't keep in touch too much anymore, but I definitely miss him here in the VHL.


@gorlab - Haha, oh Gorlab. Literally the most degen of the degens here in the VHL. From classic topics such as Lick or Bust, to his pretty damn good graphics, he was always an enjoyable member to have around. Yes, I know he was absolutely a shit stirrer and that rubbed a lot of people the wrong way, but he provided forms of entertainment that we really don't have anymore. Past midnight you could always find him in a voice chat with one or two others doing online gambling lol.


@McWolf - Ahh my GM in Saskatoon when we won it all. Along with @Doomsday as the AGM. What a great team and fun season we had. McWolf helped make me feel at home while I was still acclimating to the league. Especially considering there had been some fallout during my first season in the M as a first-gen. The fallout caused me to fall a bit in the draft and McWolf was able to draft both me, and @a_Ferk back to back. I'll always look back on our days fondly wolfy.


@Hatter - Wtf you deleted your forum account? Or do you just have some weird name on the forums that I forgot. Hatter put out some of the best VSN content the forums ever saw. Again, a super genuinely nice guy that was fun to game with. Remember teaching me to play rocket league with @Nykonax and @Josh? That was always a hilarious disaster. Miss you man.


@Sonnet - Not really part of the old guard per se, but was obnoxious enough in chat that you'd see him everywhere. He ended up pulling a twists, and fully deleted his account on the forums. He was by far the biggest weeb the VHL has ever had, and someone probably made fun of his favorite anime character so he ended up REEEing out of here.


@Proto - Again, not exactly old guard, but yeah. Proto joined here just before me. He was a VHLM GM and pulled a twists before it was cool. Ironically, he left for the same reason I did. ANTI AMERICAN SENTIMENT.


@Advantage - You can still consider adv part of the guard, but he's around so infrequently I'm going to consider him a part of the old guard. Adv was always on a health kick trying to get in shape. I honestly always appreciated that, because during the pandemic I was fucking overweight as shit. We'd share tips in the health channel of the discord and make notes of our progress. He was also by far the nicest and most reasonable members of the BOG. We had some fun late nights where we'd bullshit for a few hours. Great guy 11/10. 


@Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.


@Renomitsu - Hiiiiiiiii reno. I miss you, can you take a break from doctoring and come be active again? Never forget the garden gnome story, and all the fun we had hanging out. There's so much I could write in this section about you, but I'm going to keep it short. Reno is genuinely the nicest person I have ever met, and if you haven't ever had any interaction with him I highly suggest you try to.


@Beaviss - Please don't come back from being IA.


I'm sure there's a bunch of you I forgot, but don't hate me for it. If we talked even semi-often back then you probably had a pretty big impact on my life. Also, if you're still currently a part of the guard, I didn't count you either. This is simply a old vs. new comparison and if you're still around you don't exactly qualify.


The New Guard


@Lemorse7 - Hi, I love you. Immediately when I came back from my two years of inactivity Lemorse and I became friends. He's a lover of red pandas, I'm a lover of red pandas, there wasn't a chance we wouldn't become BFFs. Honestly I'd love to game with you or something here. It would be fun to get to know each other a bit better.


@Blazzer - I think you showed up just after I had quit. It was a pleasure playing for you in Vegas (even though you betrayed me and didnt draft me). We can't always have consistent chats because our timezones are so flipped, but you're a blast to talk/hang with. 


@Moon - Hi mooooooooooner. We need to game again soon. Plus I can teach you tekkit and we can start a minecraft server or something. You've been fun to hang around with, keep being you.


@N0HBDY - Fuckin' trivia guy smh. You've been fun to chill with since coming back. I'd love to get to know you a little better too. A lot of our conversations recently have boiled down to "U MAKE TRIVIA ANSWER WRONG?!?!" then I figure out I don't know how to read and its actually my fault.


@thadthrasher - It's been great getting to know you my guy. I'm genuinely so glad to have you as my E commish because you're always on top of stuff. Plus you put up with me and my stupid requests, questions, etc. I'm coming up to Pennsylvania in a couple months and I'm going to steal all of your delicious home grown foods.


@badcolethetitan - Damn why'd they let you in to the league? We've only talked a little bit, but you're a blast to hang out with, plus you're a hell of a GM. I'm sure you'll be getting a VHL job in no time. 


@Subject056 - I see you making waves here. You'll be getting your own team to GM shortly I'm sure. Keep on being awesome and you'll go far :). 



Honorable Mention: @Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard. Hell, I'm pretty sure you've been a part of the VHL since the big bang occurred in our universe. I know I give you a lot of shit on discord and here on the forums, but I have nothing but respect for you. You, and a key few others, have helped keep this place afloat for over half of your life now. I used to be intimidated by you when I first joined, but its nice now to at least be able to call you an acquaintance. I'm also very much looking forward to the Zoo Tycoon stream. Keep on being awesome.


Once again, I'm sure I probably forgot a few of you and I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you I promise <3. However, this post isn't as much of a blast from the past as it is me being excited for the future. The VHL seems to be in very good hands moving forward. The combination of the new guard and those who have stuck around from when I first joined create a great team that will help grow the VHL to what it deserves to be. I hope you all enjoyed this read as much as I enjoyed typing it, and I hope you all have a fun filled theme week. 


1557 words.

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7 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

Baby Boomers Boomer GIF by MOODMAN


Lmao do you remember when you first found this gif and we all agreed it was the greatest gif ever found? 

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1 hour ago, twists said:

@Beketov - I think its fair to consider you both part of the old guard and the new guard.

I am simply “the guard”

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3 hours ago, twists said:

@Gustav  - In the same vein as ADV, I'm going to bring up Gustav. I know he's an M commish, but I still just barely seem him around. Back in the day he had every copypasta ever created in the VHL in his back pocket. A personal favorite has to be when Shawn didn't understand how timezones worked and got really pissed off about when sims happened. Gus would drag us into voice chat and play the most awful music I've ever had to listen to. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about Gus. The thunderdome section of the forums and discord used to be nonstop fights, memes, and just all kinds of insanity. Gus probably started half of that. It's been sad to see those don't really have any activity in them anymore.

It’s so weird to think of myself as an old member (even though it’s definitely true at this point) because there are still people with many times my experience. I still check Discord and the forum every day and put out articles and all that when I’ve got the time to; it’s just that the way I enjoy the league is different these days. 

Most of it just boils down to me not having the time to sit around online literally all day. I’m effectively working (sometimes more than) full time on more of a conventional schedule than I had before, plus I live on my own now and put a bunch of time into everything attached to that (including time spent doing nothing because that’s valuable too). 

But yeah I’m still very much around. I’m glad that Terminally Active Gustav is missed because it means I did some cool stuff that people liked when I had more time to do it. Maybe you’ll see more of me in a week or so when I’m finally done (forever!) with coursework. 

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On 4/24/2023 at 1:21 PM, Ricer13 said:

Slightly hurt :(


Hey, you're still around so you just didn't qualify for the post lol. I love you tho ❤️ 

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