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So this may come as a surprise to some and not to others. After the many seasons as being the GM of Prague I am stepping down. Life has become too hectic for me to handle everything at once so I am giving up my position as the GM of Prague. I will still be a commissioner though so I'm not leaving leaving. I wanted to thank everyone who has been/is on Prague. We were able to finally win a cup for the franchise!


So with that said we will be looking for someone to take over as the GM of Prague!


If you are interested in the opening, please post in this thread. Please do not contact the Commissioners outside of this thread, we will reach out to the chosen candidate privately.


***Please refrain from making comments regarding any candidates and their "worthiness" of being hired for this job, positive or negative. Any comment that is not an application will be removed to maintain a clean list of actual candidates, and (I hate that this actually needs to be said, but...) any member bashing will not be tolerated.***

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Applying. Have had tons of experience AGMing and I think I'd like to move into a GM position. If any further positions open I'd also like to say I am interested in them, although I will still be applying to them directly. 

Edited by Hogan
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Acyd it's been a crazy ride in Prague and I'm proud that you were able to bring a Cup home!

Edited by Tetricide
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Sad to see you step down acyd! Always worked well together as opposing GMs. I’m not applying as I feel others have been waiting for an opportunity but I will be applying in the not too distant future. 

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I don’t apply, I did in excitement but then remembered I won’t be around enough in the summer

Edited by UnknownMinion
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Thank you Acyd for the great times in Prague! I'm glad we were able to get a cup with Laperriere and appreciate your dedication to the players you GMed. Your efforts are greatly appreciated and I wish you well!!

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Not applying now, but being Czech myself, I definitely will once I have some VHLM and VHLE GMing experience and there's an opening again. Good luck applicants!

Edited by VattghernCZ
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