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Allowance of AI for point tasks

Prof. Zach Enron

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As the gaming industry continues to evolve, so do the platforms where gamers gather to share their experiences, strategies, and camaraderie. One such platform, gaming forums, has seen significant transformation through the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). Here’s a compelling argument on how AI benefits user growth on gaming forums:

1. Enhanced Personalization

AI-powered algorithms can analyze user behavior, preferences, and interactions to deliver a highly personalized experience. By tailoring content recommendations and forum suggestions to individual interests, AI ensures that users are exposed to relevant discussions and threads. This personalized engagement keeps users more connected and invested in the community, leading to increased participation and growth. For instance, a gamer who frequently engages with strategy discussions might receive notifications about related threads or upcoming strategy events, fostering a sense of relevance and community.

2. Improved Moderation and Safety

Maintaining a safe and respectful environment is crucial for the growth of any online community. AI can assist in moderating forums by automatically detecting and filtering out harmful content, spam, and abusive language. This not only helps in creating a positive environment but also encourages new users to join and contribute, knowing they are entering a well-regulated space. Enhanced moderation tools prevent toxic behavior from overshadowing constructive discussions, making the forum a more welcoming place for all gamers.

3. Efficient Content Management

AI can streamline content management by categorizing and tagging posts automatically. This ensures that discussions are organized, making it easier for users to find relevant threads and topics. With AI handling routine tasks like sorting and tagging, human moderators and administrators can focus on more complex issues and community engagement. This efficient content management system improves the overall user experience, which can attract and retain members, fueling forum growth.

4. Intelligent Search and Navigation

Advanced AI algorithms enhance search functionality by understanding the context of queries and providing more accurate results. Gamers can quickly find answers to their questions, discover new content, and navigate through the forum with ease. A more intuitive search experience encourages users to explore various sections of the forum, participate in discussions, and stay engaged with the community, ultimately driving growth and user retention.

5. Dynamic Content Creation

AI can generate content such as discussion prompts, polls, and quizzes based on trending topics and user interests. By introducing engaging and relevant content, forums can stimulate interactions and discussions among users. This dynamic approach keeps the forum vibrant and lively, attracting new members and encouraging existing users to remain active. Additionally, AI-driven content can adapt to emerging trends, ensuring that the forum stays current and appealing.

6. Data-Driven Insights

AI can analyze user data to provide valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and engagement patterns. These insights help forum administrators understand what drives user activity and what areas need improvement. By leveraging this data, administrators can make informed decisions to enhance the user experience, optimize forum features, and implement effective growth strategies. Data-driven decision-making ensures that the forum evolves in alignment with user needs, fostering growth and sustainability.

7. Enhanced User Interaction

AI-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can provide instant support and answer frequently asked questions. This improves user interaction by offering timely assistance and guidance, which can enhance user satisfaction and retention. Moreover, AI chatbots can facilitate engagement by initiating conversations, providing recommendations, and encouraging users to participate in ongoing discussions. This enhanced interaction creates a more dynamic and engaging forum environment.


AI brings numerous benefits to gaming forums, from personalized experiences and improved moderation to efficient content management and enhanced user interaction. By leveraging AI technologies, gaming forums can create a more engaging, safe, and user-friendly environment that not only attracts new members but also fosters the growth and retention of the existing community. As AI continues to advance, its role in shaping the future of gaming forums will only become more integral, driving continued growth and innovation in these vibrant online communities.

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Just now, Spartan said:

What's the point of even being in a community if you're just gonna use AI to do everything though?

You can still use AI to create very deep narratives provided you give the AI useful data regarding the league. I feel like the hate on AI is coming from a place where AI was not yet advanced enough to create these narratives and it make them seem shallow, now AI is in a good place and I think it should be allowed to help create richer narratives. Especially given how poor the writing is from free thinking people imo.

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3 minutes ago, Prof. Zach Enron said:

You can still use AI to create very deep narratives provided you give the AI useful data regarding the league. I feel like the hate on AI is coming from a place where AI was not yet advanced enough to create these narratives and it make them seem shallow, now AI is in a good place and I think it should be allowed to help create richer narratives. Especially given how poor the writing is from free thinking people imo.

I would think in the context of this league the 'hate' comes from the expectation that one does work to improve their player and not let some other entity do it instead (be it human or AI). 

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15 minutes ago, Daniel Janser said:

I would think in the context of this league the 'hate' comes from the expectation that one does work to improve their player and not let some other entity do it instead (be it human or AI). 

My mom writes my stuff for me 


The Simpsons Flute GIF

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27 minutes ago, Prof. Zach Enron said:

You can still use AI to create very deep narratives provided you give the AI useful data regarding the league. I feel like the hate on AI is coming from a place where AI was not yet advanced enough to create these narratives and it make them seem shallow, now AI is in a good place and I think it should be allowed to help create richer narratives. Especially given how poor the writing is from free thinking people imo.

I mean in writing AI is blatant, there's really no depth to what people say. The words are repetitive across AI written articles and easily flagged, and it's just boring to try to read. Who wants to read some standard language AI writing when there's someone putting in even 10 minutes of effort to use their brains and write something somewhat personal to their own experience. Anyways the AI baiting has been fun but at least put your own efforts into it vs asking ChatGPT to give you talking points lol.

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13 minutes ago, Spartan said:

I mean in writing AI is blatant, there's really no depth to what people say. The words are repetitive across AI written articles and easily flagged, and it's just boring to try to read. Who wants to read some standard language AI writing when there's someone putting in even 10 minutes of effort to use their brains and write something somewhat personal to their own experience. Anyways the AI baiting has been fun but at least put your own efforts into it vs asking ChatGPT to give you talking points lol.


I'm sorry, this isn't in a format they'll understand. Here's a more perfect one courtesy of my friend GPT-4o


Generative AI has made significant strides in recent years and can produce impressive written content, but there are still several reasons why it might be considered worse at writing than a human:

  1. Lack of True Understanding: AI does not understand context, emotions, or cultural nuances the way humans do. It processes patterns and probabilities rather than comprehending the meaning behind words.

  2. Creativity and Originality: While AI can generate content based on existing data, it often struggles with true creativity and originality. Humans can draw from personal experiences, emotions, and unique perspectives to create genuinely original works.

  3. Context and Relevance: AI might produce content that is technically correct but contextually irrelevant or inappropriate. Humans are better at understanding the specific needs of the audience and tailoring their writing accordingly.

  4. Emotional Depth: Human writing can convey deep emotions and complex characters in ways that AI-generated text often cannot. The subtlety and depth of human emotions are difficult for AI to replicate.

  5. Ethical and Moral Judgment: Humans can apply ethical and moral considerations to their writing, ensuring it is appropriate and sensitive to various audiences. AI lacks the capacity for such judgment and may produce content that is inadvertently offensive or harmful.

  6. Humor and Sarcasm: These elements of writing often rely on subtle cues and shared understanding, which AI may not accurately capture, leading to awkward or unfunny results.

While AI continues to improve and can be a valuable tool for certain writing tasks, it is not yet a replacement for the nuanced, creative, and empathetic touch that human writers bring to their work.

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AI is fun to experiment with, but it will never replace true human creativity or spontaneity unless AI literally becomes sentient and deserves the status of personhood-- and even then, it wouldn't be human, but human derivative, having it's own unique experience of the world, and it would remain distinctly other and disconnected from the true human experience.  


IMO human creativity, at its root, is not bound by rationality, while AI, antithetically, is purely rational.  All art is materially useless.  There's no guarantee that any piece of art will have any practical effect on the world, even though it has the potential to be communicative, profound, and powerful.  My view of art is as a personal gift to the world from the artist.  Perhaps it becomes widely revered and valued by society, or maybe none but a few people experience it, or maybe it's so nonsensical or specific that it can't be understood by anyone but the artist.  It meant something to the artist, or at least the act of creativity did-- enough to share it and manifest it in the world.  If it wasn't a gift of some kind, why bother creating it? A non-thinking or feeling AI can't participate in this kind of artistic creativity or interaction, even if what it creates is aesthetically similar or objectively superior.  I think the value of art and creativity is deeper than its objective quality.  Objective quality matters to an extent, but there's a certain human "je ne sais quoi" about art that can't exist if it's created by an AI-- that subjective, feeling, and experiential element distinct to the human person.


I consider human language, speech, and writing as works of art in a certain sense.  We all have our inner voice and personal thoughts, but communicating outwardly through speech or text is a kind of gift-- a sharing of oneself.  If it wasn't meant for the world or for other humans in any respect, it would remain an internal thought and wouldn't be actualized.  

An unthinking AI can't gift any part of itself to humanity-- any compliment it pays, for example, comes from a place of pure rational response that doesn't understand the feeling of receiving a compliment.  Any facsimile of a gift it gives would be devoid of the interpersonal experience that impells one to offer something of themselves to another or to the world.

I'm off the rails lol.  I'm happy to chat more about it with anyone interested, but this is a hockey forum and I've lost the plot.  

TLDR; AI can't give gifts

Edited by LucyXpher
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About a third of the year below me--in a decent graduate engineering program--got busted last year for submitting the same AI answer on an assignment. It was pretty obvious that it was AI because, first, AI writing is super easy to spot, and second, ChatGPT spit out an answer that was flat-out wrong and wouldn't have been put down by anyone who actually thought about it.


I personally know and trust most of those people, but if you didn't and you heard that someone cheated their way through their courses, would you trust what they do for a living? We're talking about a field that has people working on making almost every single product you use in your daily life. You don't want your phone dying because someone doesn't really know how to design a battery, and you don't want your food to be unsafe because someone laid out the factory in a weird way that contaminates the production lines. Sitting there and learning nothing about what you're doing robs you of the chance to improve as a person.


This applies to sim league stuff as well, believe it or not. If making an article with AI is OK because you're not a good writer, then how will you ever become a good writer if you're always allowed not to try? And what about anyone else who does put the time and the effort into creating high-quality, original content and sees other people earning exactly the same points by...not doing that? The VHL isn't school and isn't here for the express purpose of forcing you to learn things, but even if you take that argument out, people who really do dedicate themselves to their work deserve fair treatment for it. No one even cares if you're a bad writer. I'd rather see something written poorly and honestly than neither of those.


I'm sure none of this will change any opinions because I feel like most people either find it OK or don't. But it's a huge concern and I find it a bit troubling how many people find nothing wrong with never having an independent thought.

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Just use it and don't claim it.  You can create whatever you want with AI.  Create your deep narratives and perfectly detailed images just don't claim it. Why do you need to claim it?

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  • Commissioner
7 hours ago, Triller said:

Just use it and don't claim it.  You can create whatever you want with AI.  Create your deep narratives and perfectly detailed images just don't claim it. Why do you need to claim it?

Hes Right GIF by MOODMAN

If you want to play around with it and post stuff for people to see and have fun with by all means do so; we obviously have specific sections for that which you know because you used one. The point task sections, however, are not it.


The league has not banned AI, the league has banned AI point tasks, there’s a difference.

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Being able to use tools and technology should be all good so long as you’re the engineer. I’m fortunate in that I have software on my work computer that feeds me synonyms and grammar corrections. I’ve had to stop using this for submitting PTs because it makes people think I’m a computer.


I’ve accepted that for now but I think this is the way of the future. @LucyXpher said it best imo above, AI can’t replace humans for now. Not trying to open an argument on Milo Fox Scouting Report but I literally spent threes hours of my life writing and editing that. As stupid of a move that was I was trying to blow everyone’s socks off with the best scouting report ever. 

The whole debacle is THE reason why I came back with an unrealistic player so that people couldn’t claim it was AI. So I think this is a war that will be lost, concessions will have to be made to allow for further enhancements in the tools and technology available to us. 

I will not respond to anyone wanting to debate me on this because I don’t care enough to fight it. Which is why I genuinely dumb down my work before I hit submit. 

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  • Commissioner
1 hour ago, Tate said:

Being able to use tools and technology should be all good so long as you’re the engineer. I’m fortunate in that I have software on my work computer that feeds me synonyms and grammar corrections. I’ve had to stop using this for submitting PTs because it makes people think I’m a computer.


I’ve accepted that for now but I think this is the way of the future. @LucyXpher said it best imo above, AI can’t replace humans for now. Not trying to open an argument on Milo Fox Scouting Report but I literally spent threes hours of my life writing and editing that. As stupid of a move that was I was trying to blow everyone’s socks off with the best scouting report ever. 

The whole debacle is THE reason why I came back with an unrealistic player so that people couldn’t claim it was AI. So I think this is a war that will be lost, concessions will have to be made to allow for further enhancements in the tools and technology available to us. 

I will not respond to anyone wanting to debate me on this because I don’t care enough to fight it. Which is why I genuinely dumb down my work before I hit submit. 

Ultimately as the tools get better the detection tools will also get better. I don't see a massive issue with using a grammerly type tool that simply improves on writing without generating it for you; int he same way that I don't mind AI images being used as a base (rather than using a render) for Graphics; that's the same situation to me and totally fine.


The problem is that, as you say, it gets flagged by detection tools so being able to accurately prove what is purely AI and what is simply AI assisted is difficult. GFX has it a lot easier in this regard because we can simply get a copy of the PSD file and see what was done at every stage but that's not possible with written content short of maybe a side by side "pre / post AI" pass which is likely to be a lot more complicated than it sounds.


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22 hours ago, Daniel Janser said:

I would think in the context of this league the 'hate' comes from the expectation that one does work to improve their player and not let some other entity do it instead (be it human or AI). 

you forgot pandas

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Grammarly needs to be banned. Google translate needs to be banned. NO artificial intelligence shall be used, only your own brain. You know what? Fuck it. No photoshop, too artificial. Everyone take photos of your pen and paper graphics.

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