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S42: Contracting the VHLM


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Its pretty neat how most franchises I've been to, have had little to no issues keeping me when I expressed that I'd like to stay long term with most of the teams I get drafted to.


I mean if we're talking about loyalty, most of the franchise I've been "loyal" to have continuously made the playoffs. I put a lot of credit of course on good GMing.


I know Chris had to put in a lot of thought to be able to keep me in NYA but then again Frank managed to keep a good core contending while I was in Davos as well and so on and so forth. I know he has spent the time crunching the numbers and that's how they made it fit.


So from experience alone, keeping a team of loyal players that want to stay can be challenging but not impossible. Obviously players will get moved but for the most part a core of players that want to stay and play well can generally be had without needing extra cap space as I've noticed currently.


On restructuring of contracts...well that's just bad cap management in the first place.

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Took six pages, but we finally got a good rule change suggestion!


Also, rivalry games. I want them back and I want them ravaged with PIMs.


For what it's worth, I didn't want rivalry games abolished, and when they were I fought for keeping them in a limited role. And I was in the minority both times.


So I think it's time for a league uprising to usurp some authority. I'll lead the attack.


Also the rest of this thread sucks.

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For what it's worth, I didn't want rivalry games abolished, and when they were I fought for keeping them in a limited role. And I was in the minority both times.


So I think it's time for a league uprising to usurp some authority. I'll lead the attack.


YES! This is the kind of action conserving our PIMs needs and deserves, a full frontal assault on the BOG, courtesy of a Checking Republic! When I get my hands on one of them, Im'a punch him square in the face and then sit on a bench for five minutes cause I'll be damned if I'm gonna be stopped from picking up PIMs whenever and wherever I please!

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For what it's worth, I didn't want rivalry games abolished, and when they were I fought for keeping them in a limited role. And I was in the minority both times.


So I think it's time for a league uprising to usurp some authority. I'll lead the attack.


Also the rest of this thread sucks.



make me commish

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YES! This is the kind of action conserving our PIMs needs and deserves, a full frontal assault on the BOG, courtesy of a Checking Republic! When I get my hands on one of them, Im'a punch him square in the face and then sit on a bench for five minutes cause I'll be damned if I'm gonna be stopped from picking up PIMs whenever and wherever I please!


You mean the Czech Republic?

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Well it's rather difficult to get people interested in joining. I have discussed it plenty wit quite a few people. Just because they don't sign up, doesn't mean I haven't put forth the effort to try and bring in members.

Which is a fair assessment of your own work if you say so, but I still ask: Where are these influx of players coming from? Also once they get here it would be 2-3 seasons before we notice a real prominent point that the cap needs to rise.

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The issue I have with the cap is that we have never adjusted it despite all the inflation that has undoubtedly been happening. Just compare it to the real NHL which frequently raises the cap as long as there is no big recession or other financial problems. And they don't do it because they say "Hey, let's give the Penguins/Blackhawks/another superstar team with cap issues more capspace so they can sign even more stars". They do it just to account for inflation, a few years ago the superstars in the league made $7 or $8 million, now they make $10 million or more. It's the same for other types of players as well, be it second liners or decent #3/#4 defensemen, salaries are getting higher all over the board. And it's no different in the VHL, players have more TPE now than they did a decade or two ago so they make more money yet we have neither touched salary brackets nor the cap in the recent past. And I think we should at least adjust one of these two factors, if we don't raise the cap then let's look into updating the salary brackets.

I get that its for inflation, but the contracts here can't go past a certain level. Maybe its not the cap we need to look at and instead we look at the brackets. People have more TPE now because of welfare. People who normally wouldn't even update every week are now able to gain welfare. Still doesn't prove the point that 8/10 seem to be doing quite well with working with the current cap.


What you are all forgetting is that Seattle seems to have some players her voicing their displeasures with the cap. However, they are also one of the team that looks to have mismanaged their budget and allocated money to players they shouldn't have.


Quebec has a full roster, which is something the league rarely sees (6F/4D/1G), one of which being a retiring severely depreciated player in Tony Stark at $3 Million.


These are rare cases and not the norm league wide. Helsinki made it work by trading pieces away for draft picks that turned into VHL ready players. The NHL does the same (as mentioned before) with Leddy and Bolland off Chicago. If you raise it by 2 Million all you do is tell Seattle that singing Mikkaelson to a $4 Million contract was not their fault and it was the leagues fault.

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Basically this is my thoughts on the whole salary cap thing. Membership is at an all time high, TPE earning is at an all time high. Higher contracts and more members forces teams against the cap harder I would say. I am for it going up a bit and no it isn't because my team is in cap hell as many have suggested. I gave big contracts early on purpose, I knew people would have to take minimum contracts later as we started to compete and added more players. I'm not struggling with cap, I just used my cap. Next season we have a bunch of players making less money, I can maintain my team and add a player or two. In the future I feel we will be harder up against the cap as will Davos and Vasteras and any other team that loads up on picks in one draft. I can deal with it either way, I'm not worried. As far as Brovy always talking shit about my GMing, well you inherited a contender and the team is no better than it was when you took over. I took over a team full of players in regression with half a roster and everyone on their way out. I don't think you have any room to poke at me. Kendrick, you made your point about what you wanted to say, then yo turn it into childish bullshit when someone wasn't agreeing with you like every other time. Go back to your moms basement and pretending to be a cop. 

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Basically this is my thoughts on the whole salary cap thing. Membership is at an all time high, TPE earning is at an all time high. Higher contracts and more members forces teams against the cap harder I would say. I am for it going up a bit and no it isn't because my team is in cap hell as many have suggested. I gave big contracts early on purpose, I knew people would have to take minimum contracts later as we started to compete and added more players. I'm not struggling with cap, I just used my cap. Next season we have a bunch of players making less money, I can maintain my team and add a player or two. In the future I feel we will be harder up against the cap as will Davos and Vasteras and any other team that loads up on picks in one draft. I can deal with it either way, I'm not worried. As far as Brovy always talking shit about my GMing, well you inherited a contender and the team is no better than it was when you took over. I took over a team full of players in regression with half a roster and everyone on their way out. I don't think you have any room to poke at me. Kendrick, you made your point about what you wanted to say, then yo turn it into childish bullshit when someone wasn't agreeing with you like every other time. Go back to your moms basement and pretending to be a cop. 

How did I make it childish? I discussed the issue in which they were upset about. Mr. Jones then turned it personal for some reason. Stop simply defending a point strictly because it came from a teammate, the point had no points behind it to make it effective. Way to prove your immaturity though at the end there, solid work.

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How did I make it childish? I discussed the issue in which they were upset about. Mr. Jones then turned it personal for some reason. Stop simply defending a point strictly because it came from a teammate, the point had no points behind it to make it effective. Way to prove your immaturity though at the end there, solid work.

I made my point, TPE earning is at an all time high, went up consistently season in and out. This was proven by the fact the rookie TPE record has been broken over and over the past 10 seasons. Membership is at it's highest ever. I didn't take my view on this subject because DT did, it was my view all along. You call DT a fat stoner and then call out my maturity when I state facts that are well known. I won't respond to this thread further because I know how you are and I won't acknowledge the bullshit.

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I made my point, TPE earning is at an all time high, went up consistently season in and out. This was proven by the fact the rookie TPE record has been broken over and over the past 10 seasons. Membership is at it's highest ever. I didn't take my view on this subject because DT did, it was my view all along. You call DT a fat stoner and then call out my maturity when I state facts that are well known. I won't respond to this thread further because I know how you are and I won't acknowledge the bullshit.

Those facts are what? Ones thrown by a member on another board before they know anything? So essentially making everyone a sheep. Hey if DT is going to throwing shit at me, I'll throw it right back at him man. He can't sit there and act like an innocent guy, that's all I'm saying. That to me is silly, because no one made this entire thing personal until he said something when he knew his opinion was poorly thought out surrounding a point that was off topic to the OP. Everyone in here has shot it down because the proposed opinion was not very well presented. No pros, no cons just basically pointing out they are unhappy with something that isn't much of a concern. When we point out that certain players (one being Mikkaelson) are on contracts that make them more then the minimum, they trend it personal. Not the other way around,r dead the entire thread.

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