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Stepping Down from Commissioner

Fire Tortorella

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I've thought about this for a lot over the past few weeks, and I've come to the decision that I'm going to be stepping down from the Blue Team. Work has really picked up for me over the past month, and I just don't feel I have the free time or really just the drive to do all the things the Commissioners have to do.


These past 9 months have been a blast, and it felt great giving back to the VHL community. I've been a member of the VHL for...2 and a half years now (?), and I can honestly say it's one of the best online communities I've ever been a part of. I know I may disagree with some of you from time to time, but in the end, we're all part of what makes the VHL such a great sim league. The nature of the job forces you to make a decision which often leaves at least one party unhappy, and I can say it's pretty shitty having some relationships strained as a result of the job. In the end, none of it is personal, but it's still an awkward situation all around. 


I'd like to thank some combination of Higgins, Jardy, Victor, and Sterling for giving me the opportunity to be Blue Team. It was great working with you all.


Draper, it's been a pleasure working with you as well. I'd like to think we did a pretty good job together, as we managed not to burn the whole thing down. I'm sure you'll continue to do a fantastic job.

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  • Commissioner


Seriously though, thanks for the effort put in. Commishing here is a pretty solid commitment and workload that you took on. You worded it as having "not burnt the place down" but I'd like to think that the Flyers era VHL was probably more than that.

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