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DC Dragons Press Conference


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1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?

I get it, but actually sharing answers leaves me feeling a bit better about the league.  Our activity check (Practice) is only 1 TPE and even getting answers from someone else proves you are active in the LR or wherever you got the answers.  I also still learn about the league and therefore increases my interest.


2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?

Tough call.  Keeping interest of both goalies is probably even more important, but if that's not an issue, perhaps a 50/50 split and see how things are going by game 50 or so?  Then if we are on the playoff bubble, which we are right now, we go with the hotter hand down the stretch.


3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?

Again, based on keeping everyone interested and updating.


4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?

Can't really pretend to know.  If it spurs Aaltonen on to Aaltonen like goal scoring, I'm all for it.  I'd say I was disappointed that Lesieur didn't get to the top line, but 1) he nd I can't expect top line play as a 2nd year player, 2) he's a puck hog and that won't help Aaltonen, 3) as a glory hound, he'd resent every shot Aaltonen took.  lol  Though really he's a team guy too, so Dragons win, Lesieur is happy.  He'll be Aaltonen one day and have his role.


5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?

I'm a big boy now (read old - especially for sim leagues lol) so it's all me and my wife.


6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?

If I could do the tomahawk chop and sing our war song, I would.  I'm from Kansas City and have been a Chiefs fan all my life so - after a 50 year wait in between Bowl wins all I can say is ....  Yahoooooooooooooooo!  GO CHIEFS!

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On 2/3/2020 at 2:31 PM, Enorama said:

anotha one


1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?


In theory it's a good change but enforcing it is basically impossible so I think it's kind of pointless to try, in most cases being able to share results is almost like rewarding GMs that are on the ball about helping their players out which I like.



2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?


I think Kriketers has been doing as well as can be expected, his performances in shootouts have been outstanding and that in itself has given DC more than a couple of points in the standings. He'll settle in soon and become a beast I'm sure.



3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?


I'm not too experienced with the balance of lines and icetime etc, that kind of stuff is left up to the GM and I trust that he knows what's best for the club.




4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?


Obviously I think it's a great opportunity for me, even though it ups the competition I face, having Frost on the second means the team can maintain momentum through line changes so I think it's a good thing. Even though I'm not scoring too much I think I have made a bit of a positive difference to the team at least.



5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?


I put most of my money in a savings account, I get tempted by impulse buys so hiding away a big chunk of my money as soon as I get paid works well for me.



6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?


I'm a UK lad through and through so never really got American Football, bit too slow for me so I didn't catch it.


Edited by DangerGolding
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1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?

Kind of a slippery slope, it's a tough rule to enforce and I understand the reasoning behind however I do think that collaborating with Team members in getting answers is more of a showing of activity than really trying to cheat the system.

2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?

I think a lot of us got off on a slow start but I think he's been tightening up and playing well the past few games. I think Pouta is great player that does deserve some more ice time though giving Kriketers some well deserved rest.

3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?

I think it's a good balance, gives everyone an ample opportunity to contribute out there. I'm personally not too worried about individual point and more concerned with the outcomes of our games.

4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?

I think it's a good move, Ritchie plays his heart out every game the second he steps out on his shift. I think the guy is a steal and that he's benefit greatly playing with Graves and Aaltonen

5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?

I have a track record of impulsive purchases and immediate regret in doing so. I've been trying to get better with it in the recent years which is good and has been working out thus far.

6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?

I was personally rooting for the 49ners cause Jimmy was Brady's Protege but I'm happy for the KC fans finally getting the prize they've been eyeing for years.


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On ‎2020‎-‎02‎-‎03 at 7:31 AM, Enorama said:

anotha one


1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?

2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?

3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?

4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?

5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?

6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?



1. I understand the angle they were going for. I mean it's easy to just tell people the answers. I did like the idea some people were putting out there for giving hints or maybe places to find said answers, but at the same time as someone who isn't as much of an VHLer as others I'd prefer the answers being shared. Not only does it get me and others more involved in the league, but I also feel like it's a great learning source for the newcomers.


2. I say we give Kirketers some more time. He's still new to the team and learning our play style. Give him some time to get his skates back under him,


3. Good? I mean I'm one of them so the more ice time for me the better aha


4. Definitely a big change and one that has had some results. I like the change. Give Ritchie some exposure to really show why we drafted him


5. Solely independent. I trust very little people with my money. The only person i'd reach out to is my financial advisor


6. I did not. Assuming we're talking about the same thing...I did see highlights, but truthfully never have been a big football guy.

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On 2/3/2020 at 4:31 PM, Enorama said:

anotha one


1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?

2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?

3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?

4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?

5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?

6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?


1) Very unnecessary, there will be people who will opt to look for answers instead of just taking it from others, so forcing this upon everyone was just a really dumb idea as a whole, glad it got reversed.

2) If the legends are true and the sim really doesn't like kriketers maybe we can squeeze pouta some more couple of games to make the sim forget that krik exists and then surprise it by unleashing him randomly.
3) I think it's good, everyone has their chance to show what they're capable of.
4) Initially I thought that frost-graves/washington-aaltonen line was gonna be big money, but it didn't work out at all, recently all of the big boys have started putting up points and maybe having younger wings was the answer, so far I think the change elevated the players and is working out just fine.
5) All by myself, ez pz.

6) nah, only saw the half-time show which was pretty cool.

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1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)?


That rule was doing nothing to prevent leaks so there was no reason put a punishment for that in the first place.


2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance?


back to being trash? what a surprise.


3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team?


as long as CPU don't get any minutes, that's prefectly fine.


4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change?


well, why not. sometimes this does work.


5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him?


spending them the first moment I get them. flex all around


6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think?


what's that.

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1/2 of the season edition


1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.

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1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.
I'm sticking with Cap!

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

Don't love this one.  Requires I say where my teammates might be weakest - or admit that Lesieur might not be measuring up. lol

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?
I trust my GMs, but I like this group of guys and we've got some pieces that can grow into greatness.

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?
I'd say Helsinki just because I never felt Seattle had regressed that much.  Sure, we got a star, but not the whole team.

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?
Only a hunch, but I'd say Borwinn.

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.
I'm sorry to say that I didn't know him at all.

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13 hours ago, Enorama said:

1/2 of the season edition


1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.

1. I still think Aaltonen gets it done in the end. 
2. I think it wouldn't hurt to bulk up on all our prospects across the board. Best player available in my opinion.

3. Im not too sure on this one. I like our squad right now, but if we can add a few pieces to propel us into the playoffs it would definitely be worth it.

4. I'd have to go with Seattle surging up to 5th. Definitely wasn't expecting it after the first few games.

5. I have no idea. So much talent there. If I had to pick someone i'd go with Borwinn. No real reason, just a hunch.

6. I don't think I ever got a chance to talk to him sadly.

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  • Head Moderator
On 2/10/2020 at 8:41 AM, Enorama said:

1/2 of the season edition


1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too. Frostbeard cause he RE-UPPED FOR ANOTHER YEAR

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft? MY EVENTUAL REPLACEMENT *FLEX*

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now? HAPPY WITH THE SQUAD RIGHT NOW -GJ DRAFTING

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start? SEATTLE

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home? JAGUAR - COOL ANIMAL

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one. I DONT SORRY


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1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.

Money is on Frostbeard. Started off slow, but he’s been stepping up lately.


2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

Forwards. More specifically the LW


3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?


Not sure if a trade is necessarily needed. I think we’ll get there without it.


4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?

Helsinki falling to 8th. They have a solid team that could compete the best of them. Weird to see them fall so far 


5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?




6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.


Damn..that’s so sad. I never knew of him/her until now. May he (or she) Rest In Peace ??

Edited by Midnite
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On 2/10/2020 at 4:41 PM, Enorama said:

1/2 of the season edition


1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.

1) Aaltonen is just getting started.

2) Getting a goalie prospect wouldn't be a bad idea.
3) I think our squad is good to go.
4) Helsinki falling for sure, I expected Seattle to pick it up in the later part of the season.
5) Helmsley, just for my fantasy pick sake.
6) Personally didn't know him, may he rest in peace.

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1. Who's going to lead our team in points this season? It looked like Aaltonen had it on lock but now Graves and Frostbeard are surging too.

Rooting for all of them to crush points but if I had to choose I'd say Aaltonen cause he's my ride or die. But nothing like some healthy, friendly competition between the boys.

2. What position should we be addressing at the next draft?

Left Wingers would be solid or a goalie prospect would be great additions.

3. Should we make a trade deadline addition to try and reach playoffs or are you happy with the squad we have right now?

I think we have a solid squad right now, I still think that we could make it with the pieces we have. Just some unfortunate luck in games.

4. What's the bigger surprise, Helsinki falling to 8th after their hot start or Seattle jumping up to 5th after their terrible start?

I'm more surprised about Helsinki, I figured they would be higher.

5. There's a 3 way tie for the league scoring lead between Helmsley, Jaguar, and Borwinn, who takes it home?

Hoping Borwinn takes the gold in this race but I know how high stakes the competition is.

6. Yesterday it was announced that Saskatoon GM @Elmebeck passed away. Share a memory if you have one.

I personally have never spoken with him but seeing how well loved he was in the community, it's a real tragedy and I wish the best for him, his family and loved ones during this incredibly unfortunate time.

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TDL baby


1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?


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1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

Tough call.  Maybe Kastelic or Borwinn.


2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

Mr. John Frostbeard.  And Guy Lesieur, of course.  He makes Frosty better.


3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

I've been a proponent of Seattle not falling as far as some thought they will.  So, I'm going to say New York.


4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

Awesome!  And it fuels my hope for our future.


5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

There are other teams?


6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?

Again, there are other teams?  

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1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

I'm hoping for McWolf. I really liked his game and is one of the model Defensemen I look up to.

2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

I think it's an awesome team effort on all parts. Guy, Frost, Mikko, Charles and Kastelic have all been killing it.

3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

I'm hoping it's Seattle cause it would be awesome to surpass the previous back to back champs to make a playoff spot but any spot will do!

4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

Loved it, loved every moment of it. I'm hoping that it'll build some momentum in the next coming games.

5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

I'm thinking Prague since they're just as green as we are so I see it as a rivalry of the new kids on the block. It's a rivalry I don't plan on losing.

6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?

Along with McWolf, I admire Garcia's style of play and how he values transition defense on the fly and contributing on the attack without putting himself out of position.

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  • Head Moderator
6 hours ago, Enorama said:

TDL baby


1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame? Anyone but Borwinn

2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success? ME

3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch? SEA

4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes? P GOOD P GOOD


6. Who's a player on another team that you admire? fong's guy


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On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

I think Kastelic has the best chance, from what I've seen of him he's a real quality player who being producing at a high level for quite a few seasons now, though the rest of them are all extremely good players.


On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

I think we've just had some time to mesh, our team saw quite a few new faces come in this off-season and as with any addition of players it takes some time to work out the kinks of people playstyles. I think now is the point of the season where we're going to start being a real threat to the top team as we force our way into the playoff spots.


On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

I think it's got to be New York, looking at their team on paper I think we've got the best roster and we're one of the hottest teams in the league right now.


On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

I've always been a underdog in my career and it's always nice bloodying the nose of the top teams, whether figuratively or literally. We've got what it takes to beat any team in the league in a 7 game series and that's what matter more come playoff time than any seeding.


On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

I guess Prague would be the obvious choice with both teams coming into the league alongside each other so it's easy to track the two franchise's success together. Though I think we're definitely better off than Prague at this stage in the team's history.


On 2/18/2020 at 3:20 PM, Enorama said:

6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?

I don't really pay much attention to other teams enough to have someone I admire, I tend to focus on my own development and watch my more experienced teammates for guidance.

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1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

I'd say Borwinn. Hard to ignore all the accolades he's accumulated throughout his career


2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

Definitely believe it's a team effort. Wouldn't have gotten where we are without the help over every one of the guys on the roster.


3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

I'd say New York.


4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

Pretty good. Hopefully we can continue winning against other elite teams too!


5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

Would have to agree with everyone else and say Prague. Both entered the league at the same time so it makes sense.


6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

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On 2/18/2020 at 5:20 PM, Enorama said:

TDL baby


1. Kastelic, Borwinn, Kriketers, and McWolf all retire after this season. Who has the best chance at a berth on the Hall of Fame?

2. We're on a tear lately. Who's to thank for our recent success?

3. We need to pass one of Calgary, Seattle, Vancouver, or New York to make the playoffs. Who do we have the best chance to catch?

4. We finished our season series against Vancouver with 5 wins and 3 losses. How does it feel to give it to those elitist assholes?

5. Do we have any specific rivalry?

6. Who's a player on another team that you admire?


1) prob Borwinn, 
2) We're working as a team, all players contribute to the big picture.

3) ezpz new york
4) Feels Good, u absolutely love to see it.
5) Could be Prague since they came in the same season we did.
6) Charlie Paddywagon, not the most offensive powerhouse in the league, but hes a steady player, great on the ice, great off the ice aswell, had the luxury of playing with him in the minors.

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Last week of the regular season? Could be.


1. We sit in a playoff spot in a meaningful part of the season for the first time ever as a franchise. Who needs to be our MVP for the last 6 games if we're going to make it to playoffs?

2. It's likely that either us or New York will finish 6th overall in the league but miss the playoffs while Riga, Helsinki, and Malmo/Prague will make it while finishing in the 7th, 8th, and 9th slots. Should we go back to a wildcard system to avoid situations like these?

3. Looking back at our off-season adds of Kriketers, Frostbeard, Ritchie, and Fish, who do you think was the most important piece for our turnaround this year?

4. If we slide into the playoffs as the North American 4th seed, we would likely play Vancouver in the first round. Does our 5-3 record against them in the regular season give you confidence in the series or do you think regular season results should be ignored and the playoffs should be a whole new season?

5. This season's theme week theme is "Future Hall of Famers". Who do you think is most likely to make the Hall from our active roster?

6. What do you put on a hot dog? And is it a sandwich?

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1. We sit in a playoff spot in a meaningful part of the season for the first time ever as a franchise. Who needs to be our MVP for the last 6 games if we're going to make it to playoffs?

I'd like to say Lesieur since we can count on our studs, but I think the right answer is our studs have to be studs:  Aaltonen and Frostbeard and Valentino


2. It's likely that either us or New York will finish 6th overall in the league but miss the playoffs while Riga, Helsinki, and Malmo/Prague will make it while finishing in the 7th, 8th, and 9th slots. Should we go back to a wildcard system to avoid situations like these?
Nah, I like that divisions make a difference and how it plays out will always be shifting around.


3. Looking back at our off-season adds of Kriketers, Frostbeard, Ritchie, and Fish, who do you think was the most important piece for our turnaround this year?
That's tough.  All so important.  But I'll go Frostbeard followed by Kriketers


4. If we slide into the playoffs as the North American 4th seed, we would likely play Vancouver in the first round. Does our 5-3 record against them in the regular season give you confidence in the series or do you think regular season results should be ignored and the playoffs should be a whole new season?
It is a whole new season, but yes, our regular season record would still give me more hope than might normally be appropriate.


5. This season's theme week theme is "Future Hall of Famers". Who do you think is most likely to make the Hall from our active roster?
Aaltonen.  But I'm writing about a fresh face - Guy Lesieur


6. What do you put on a hot dog? And is it a sandwich?
Nothing, mustard, or mayonnaise depending on my mood.  No, definitely not.  It is a hot dog - it's in its own category.

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7 hours ago, Enorama said:

Last week of the regular season? Could be.


1. We sit in a playoff spot in a meaningful part of the season for the first time ever as a franchise. Who needs to be our MVP for the last 6 games if we're going to make it to playoffs?

2. It's likely that either us or New York will finish 6th overall in the league but miss the playoffs while Riga, Helsinki, and Malmo/Prague will make it while finishing in the 7th, 8th, and 9th slots. Should we go back to a wildcard system to avoid situations like these?

3. Looking back at our off-season adds of Kriketers, Frostbeard, Ritchie, and Fish, who do you think was the most important piece for our turnaround this year?

4. If we slide into the playoffs as the North American 4th seed, we would likely play Vancouver in the first round. Does our 5-3 record against them in the regular season give you confidence in the series or do you think regular season results should be ignored and the playoffs should be a whole new season?

5. This season's theme week theme is "Future Hall of Famers". Who do you think is most likely to make the Hall from our active roster?

6. What do you put on a hot dog? And is it a sandwich?

1. John Frostbeard. He’s managed to pile in the points with goals and assists lately. We’ll need him to continue doing so for us late

2. Absolutely. Doesn’t make sense how a better team in the standings is less likely to play during the most competitive time of the season over teams lower in the standings.


3. I’d like to say all of them really. If I had to choose one I’d have to go with Frostbeard. 

4. It does give me confidence, but I do believe the playoffs are a whole different level of hockey. Especially since we’ll be playing against a team with plenty of playoff experience.


5. Kriketers. I may not have been around for his whole career, but from what I know he’s been one of the best goalies in the league for a long time


6. ketchup, banana peppers, mustard, and a bit of relish. Nah it’s a hot dog

Edited by Midnite
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1. We sit in a playoff spot in a meaningful part of the season for the first time ever as a franchise. Who needs to be our MVP for the last 6 games if we're going to make it to playoffs?

Honestly, it's hard to pin most of our hopes on a player or group of players. As long as we contribute as a team and play as a team, I think anything is possible!

2. It's likely that either us or New York will finish 6th overall in the league but miss the playoffs while Riga, Helsinki, and Malmo/Prague will make it while finishing in the 7th, 8th, and 9th slots. Should we go back to a wildcard system to avoid situations like these?

I'm all for WIldcards cause it throw a major mix up when it comes to playoffs, there's nothing like underdogs finishing on top!

3. Looking back at our off-season adds of Kriketers, Frostbeard, Ritchie, and Fish, who do you think was the most important piece for our turnaround this year?

100% all of them, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for their veteran experience and guidance for us greener guys.

4. If we slide into the playoffs as the North American 4th seed, we would likely play Vancouver in the first round. Does our 5-3 record against them in the regular season give you confidence in the series or do you think regular season results should be ignored and the playoffs should be a whole new season?

Absolutely, it's definitely motivation for us to know that they're human and can be beaten but it's not going to be a walk in the park.

5. This season's theme week theme is "Future Hall of Famers". Who do you think is most likely to make the Hall from our active roster?

My ride or die, Aaltonen! Guy is an amazing player, teammate and leader. I'm really hoping he's the first Dragon to do so!

6. What do you put on a hot dog? And is it a sandwich?

I like my hot dogs Chicago style with all the works: mustard (preferably brown), chopped onions, sweet pickle relish, a dill pickle spear, tomato slices. And no you mad man!  A hot dog is a hot dog!

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On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

Last week of the regular season? Could be.


1. We sit in a playoff spot in a meaningful part of the season for the first time ever as a franchise. Who needs to be our MVP for the last 6 games if we're going to make it to playoffs?

I think we're gonna have to rely on Kriketers to step up and be the brick wall that can shore up up defence, we've let slip quiet a few goals in recent games and we'll need to shut that down if we're going to make the playoffs and make some noise against the top teams.

On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

2. It's likely that either us or New York will finish 6th overall in the league but miss the playoffs while Riga, Helsinki, and Malmo/Prague will make it while finishing in the 7th, 8th, and 9th slots. Should we go back to a wildcard system to avoid situations like these?

I think so, seeing teams missing the playoffs that would get in if there were no conferences is always tough to look at, especially for the players that miss out through no fault of their own. 


On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

3. Looking back at our off-season adds of Kriketers, Frostbeard, Ritchie, and Fish, who do you think was the most important piece for our turnaround this year?

It's so tough to say, probably Frostbeard, he's added so much quality to the line and the defensive presence he brings as well is great. He's such a great all-rounder that even this season when he's struggled with his shot he's found other ways to impose himself on the ice.

On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

4. If we slide into the playoffs as the North American 4th seed, we would likely play Vancouver in the first round. Does our 5-3 record against them in the regular season give you confidence in the series or do you think regular season results should be ignored and the playoffs should be a whole new season?

Playoffs are a whole nother season in my eyes. The teams are so different to, say, a early season matchup that it's almost a whole new set of teams. Add in that the GMs and coaches will gameplan to try and outsmart each other and the regular season fixtures means less and less. Though I will say it definitely shows we can go toe to toe with them even if I say we're still the definite underdogs.


On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

5. This season's theme week theme is "Future Hall of Famers". Who do you think is most likely to make the Hall from our active roster?

We've got such a large spread of talent on the roster with a lot of potential games ahead, probably Kriketers is the most likely as he's one of the older members of the team and his list of acolades is extensive.


On 2/24/2020 at 5:55 PM, Enorama said:

6. What do you put on a hot dog? And is it a sandwich?

Just ketchup for me, though I much prefer a proper good sausage like a cumberland in a hotdog bun rather than these weird pink plasticy hotdogs you get over here. I guess it is a sandwich if you really want to call it that.


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