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Prague Phantoms Press Conference


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4 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

1. We managed to bring home 2 free agents this season. Brian Strong Junior and Xavier Leflamant. What is your thought about that? - Going into my seventh season, luring in free agents that weren't already connected to the team is something that really didn't happen before. To have two in one off-season... that's big. It signals a shift in outside opinions in that Prague is a desirable place to play and contend. It's a big moment for the franchise. 


2. With Moscow and Malmo now in a rebuild, we can say this season will surely change the power ranking in the europe conference. Give us your prediction, what position do you think Prague will be in the Europe conference standings? - As long as it's at least fifth, I don't care. Punching our ticket to the playoffs is all that matters. 


3. Someone broke our player stat bot in the discord, who is guilty? - Kisslinger, dude's always messing with that thing!


4. @animal74, former Prague Phantoms got drafted by Malmo with his new player. How will you be when you will play against him for the first time? - He's very familiar with the team and our style of play, and Deathwalker is built well to roll with it. He's gonna be out to disrupt our game, but we have a roster full of guys ready to take him on!


5. With only one pick in the entire draft, Prague drafted Nicholas Mariani with the 43rd pick and he already showed us good things in our locker room. Any message for the new Phantom's prospect? - He's a perfect fit for this team, it feels like he's been one of the boys forever instead of just a weekend. Very hard worker too, and I hope he can keep it going, because I would love to get to play with him for my final season next year!


6. Do you think that Mikko Lahtinen will still be at the top of the league after being traded to London? - Oh yeah, Mikko is way too good to not be. London still has a quality roster, and adding Lahtinen to it means both will do well this season. 

I honestly hope that i can get to play with you.. but i would be lying if i said it would easy, chances are slim so gonna need extra help to get there thats for sure!

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1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_ace might like to see your answers to this one.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?

Edited by Domg5
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1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long? - Certainly felt long, but I think the fact that the season ended at an odd time really didn't help that feeling. Either way, it's the eve of a new season, and I can't wait!


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why? - Definitely Crosby, could never stand him. All the skill and talent in the world, but all the whining to officials, diving for penalty calls, and cheap shots are just a little too over the top for my liking.


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_acemight like to see your answers to this one. - Wawa is where you go for cold subs, Sheetz is where you go for hot food, and if you have access to one or both, you're a happy dude.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape in perform? - The trick for me is enough to maintain conditioning, but not to the point you're overdoing it and wearing yourself down in the process. For me, that's about thirteen hours per week, during the off-season. It's naturally less than that during the season, with all the games and whatnot.


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete? - Anything is capable of being a distraction without the proper amount of self-discipline, and, well, video games are no different. We've heard of some NHL players struggle with Fortnite addictions, and Jakub Voracek's COVID-19 quarantine routine included a lot of Call of Duty. But as long as you maintain that discipline, video games and pro sports can mix!


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season? - London, Chicago, Prague. We're doing this!

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1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?



It was extremely long and I hope that we don't have another off-season like that since I am not sure I can handle a break of that length again. It was very hard to stay motivated but I guess once the games start flowing again; it will be back to driving towards the play-offs again this season.


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?



Brad Marchand as I am not a huge fan of pesky and boarder line dirty players. But that being said mad respect for a second round pick (24th overall to Moncton) before being trade twice over the next two season to Val'dor and then to Halifax; and for a guy that wasn't highly regarded during his Major Junior Career to be selected 71st by Boston in the 3rd round to become what he is today in the NHL is impressive.


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_ace might like to see your answers to this one.



What??? I am clearly on the side of having no clue what they are as the only Wawa I know is a small town you have to drive through along the great lakes heading to or from Thunder Bay.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?



Interesting question as I could take this from a role play aspect and say that two or three practices per week with training sessions every day in the morning and weight room time cut down but still required after a game to help maintain muscle. Or


I could go with the mathematics answer of trying to figure out TPE before I hit my final build of around 900 TPE or so. Which doesn't sound fun to me at the moment so take the role play answer please!! 


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?



Yes, I know when I was semi-pro player that I didn't have much time for video games as I was always doing something to improve my game be knowingly or simply since I found it fun to do. I was a tenders so I was always juggling something in my hands, bounce balls off objects and reacting to them, shooting pucks in the drive way (player stick or goal stick didn't matter which), rollerblading to the next community over some 30km away from my house and giving my parents a heart attack as they could never find me. Swimming in the lakes in around the two major communities that I grew up. Getting my ass handed to me by the Atlantic Ocean when body boarding, surfing or simple trying to swim in waves anywhere between 10M and 20M. Could be the best of swimmers and still come out looking like a drown rat. So I didn't tend to play video games other then to relax at the end of day with freinds but I tended to be outside playing or doing other activities. It is only now that I am much older that I tend to play video games and play around on my computer too much due to not having the same freedoms I did in my youth; which I wish I still had. 


(Wow that was long winded)


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?



Tough to call since some team really have changed a lot and some are going to improve as the season progresses so I am going to say that Chicago, Warsaw and Helsinki but I also think a few other teams should make some huge steps this season like Riga.


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On 3/14/2021 at 10:51 PM, Domg5 said:

1. We managed to bring home 2 free agents this season. Brian Strong Junior and Xavier Leflamant. What is your thought about that?


2. With Moscow and Malmo now in a rebuild, we can say this season will surely change the power ranking in the europe conference. Give us your prediction, what position do you think Prague will be in the Europe conference standings?


3. Someone broke our player stat bot in the discord, who is guilty?


4. @animal74, former Prague Phantoms got drafted by Malmo with his new player. How will you be when you will play against him for the first time?


5. With only one pick in the entire draft, Prague drafted Nicholas Mariani with the 43rd pick and he already showed us good things in our locker room. Any message for the new Phantom's prospect?


6. Do you think that Mikko Lahtinen will still be at the top of the league after being traded to London?


1.) Happy to have them on board and hopefully we're all able to contribute to a deep playoff run this year.

2.) Prague number 1. But realistically, hopefully we can get 2 or 3.

3.) It's probably @Squinty. No reason in particular - just wanted to tag him.

4.) New player? I don't recognize that player as a former member of the Phantoms.

5.) Just to keep up the good work. Keep earning that TPE and success will follow.

6.) I think so. Top top players usually have success regardless of where they're playing.

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  • Commissioner

1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?

Seems like it was a bit long, but not terrible.


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?

Brad Marchand, guy is an absolute rat. 


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two American companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_acemight like to see your answers to this one.

Never been to either one, I heard Wawa is cool though so.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?

Does all of the hours count? My player is trashhhhhhhhhhhhh


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?

Naw, I think video games can help relieve some stress and pressure.


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?

I think Chicago has a good shot. Warsaw looks good and maybe Moscow... 


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16 hours ago, Domg5 said:

1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_ace might like to see your answers to this one.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?

1. It felt like it was never going to end! I'm so happy the season is finally about to get underway!


2. Brad Marchand. Little rat piece to trash. He gets a pass on team Canada but everyday NHL I can't be stand him.


3. I only know what Wawa is because of tv or movies. I've never heard of the other one. I'm going to assume it's also American. I have no opinion as I've been to neither.


4. I try to put in a solid three hours a day for training and another couple for weights.


5. Depends, I find it helps me unwind from everyday bull crap so I don't it beneficial to play on the weekends. Though I'm sure there's some cases where it's gotten out of hand. If your play drops or your focus is elsewhere you're going to have to make a decision on what's more important.


6. Chicago, Prague, London

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1) before the pro-am tourney started up when i was in the M it definitely took awhile especially when you didn't make it into the play offs, but with the tourney it speeds up the off season. 

2) has to be marchand, but the biggest piss off is if he wasn't so dirty he'd be a more enjoyable to with and im sure his stats would show it.

3) i dont know what either is and i honestly dont remember the convo lol

4) got my ass kicked a bunch during the season so im starting to train more to get my strength up, hopefully it helps

5) as long as it doesnt take time out of hockey and training what you do on your own time is fine

6) chicago, helsinki, longdon

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On 3/21/2021 at 7:01 PM, Domg5 said:

1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_ace might like to see your answers to this one.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?

1. Yeah it felt like forever.

2. Adam McQuaid, I don't know why but i cannot stand him.

3. I have no clue, im canadian so all i know is tim horton's lol

4. I do 20-40, usually way harder on myself after a pointless night.

5. Yeah they can be, but so can anything else. 

6. Us, LAS and LDN.

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On 3/21/2021 at 7:01 PM, Domg5 said:

1. We are starting the season this week, was that off-season too long?


2. Who is the NHL player that you hate the most and why?


3. Earlier last week, our locker room was in the middle of a debate between two american companies which was Wawa and sheetz. What is your personal opinion over that debate? Do you prefer Wawa, sheetz or like me, you have no idea what they are? @diamond_ace might like to see your answers to this one.


4. How many hours of training per week is needed for your player to be in shape and perform?


5. Do you think that video games can be a distraction for an athlete?


6. Early prediction; what will be the top 3 teams in the league this season?


1.) No, it was fine. It was slightly longer than usual, but not outrageously long. Gives the body extra time to recouperate.

2.) John LeClair - I heard he was a pretty good player.

3.) Wawa, easy. As I said, actual meals are better at Wawa. If you're looking for a snack, I could see why you would answer Sheetz, but I still choose Wawa.

4.) 12 capped hours per week and then 1 extra is the most optimal, but 11 and 1 isn't bad either. I like to spend the extra "uncapped" hour just doing work around the house as a relaxer.

5.) Video games are no more or less a distraction for athletes than drinking, partying, or going to the bar. Anything in excess is bad.

6.) Prague, Prague, and Prague. We're just that good.

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1. At the time I am writing this, the Phantoms are siting at the first spot in the league standings, why do you think our team has such a good start this season?


2. April fool is coming soon, what is your funniest April fool you ever did?


3. Still on the April fool topic, do you also look at the April fools made by the big companies? If yes, any in particular that you remember being really funny?


4. There is also easter coming this week, be honest, do you still buy easter chocolates? (I still do)


5. You know what... back to April fool (yes I like April fool), which Prague Phantoms player should we prank this year?


6. Ok enough with the April fool now... Actually, let this be my April fool to the team, give your opinion on that fish:


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1. At the time I am writing this, the Phantoms are siting at the first spot in the league standings, why do you think our team has such a good start this season?



Group effort, balance lines and balanced scoring. Also have to give credit to our tender as he has stole a few games for us already this season.


2. April fool is coming soon, what is your funniest April fool you ever did?



Not a huge fan of April fools and most of the jokes I have seen have been mean spirited. So I have never really taken part in any jokes or pranks. 


3. Still on the April fool topic, do you also look at the April fools made by the big companies? If yes, any in particular that you remember being really funny?



Again I am not a huge fan of April fools so I don't pay attention to big companies either.


4. There is also Easter coming this week, be honest, do you still buy Easter chocolates? (I still do)



Heck, Yeah!! I actually miss my Easter candy as Japan just doesn't really have the same tradition with Easter as Canada. But I can trust my mom to send something for the kids that I will re-possess.

5. You know what... back to April fool (yes I like April fool), which Prague Phantoms player should we prank this year?



Somehow I am guessing I would be the one pranked or assumed to be pranked to find out that it was real. Like being traded on April Fools day but thinking it a joke and not joining my new team. LOL!!  

6. Ok enough with the April fool now... Actually, let this be my April fool to the team, give your opinion on that fish:



Ops!! I deleted the fish so I am not sure what to think about a fish that I deleted. Was it a gold fish? If that is the case I am more a tetra and beta fish type of guy, even though I have killed almost all fishes I have every looked after. Is there a term for fish thumbs? I know Green thumbs for someone that is good with planets. Either way I am not good at either!!


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On 3/28/2021 at 9:53 PM, Domg5 said:

1. At the time I am writing this, the Phantoms are siting at the first spot in the league standings, why do you think our team has such a good start this season?


2. April fool is coming soon, what is your funniest April fool you ever did?


3. Still on the April fool topic, do you also look at the April fools made by the big companies? If yes, any in particular that you remember being really funny?


4. There is also easter coming this week, be honest, do you still buy easter chocolates? (I still do)


5. You know what... back to April fool (yes I like April fool), which Prague Phantoms player should we prank this year?


6. Ok enough with the April fool now... Actually, let this be my April fool to the team, give your opinion on that fish:


1. I think we have a good group of guys who really fit well together. We obviously aren't top in TPE, but I think we're top in heart!

2. Well, if you've ever had a bottle of water that was actually vodka, you might know where I'm going with this, but if not, you'll learn one day ;)

3. I remember Taco Bell buying the liberty bell, that was pretty good.... live mas!

4. I've bought easter chocolate twice this week and I don't celebrate Easter lol

5. I think we should prank the captain Landry, but don't let him know I told ya

6. Fishy looks more orange than gold, but the determination in his eyes reminds me of a young leFlamant, 8/10

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On 3/28/2021 at 9:53 PM, Domg5 said:

1. At the time I am writing this, the Phantoms are siting at the first spot in the league standings, why do you think our team has such a good start this season?


2. April fool is coming soon, what is your funniest April fool you ever did?


3. Still on the April fool topic, do you also look at the April fools made by the big companies? If yes, any in particular that you remember being really funny?


4. There is also easter coming this week, be honest, do you still buy easter chocolates? (I still do)


5. You know what... back to April fool (yes I like April fool), which Prague Phantoms player should we prank this year?


6. Ok enough with the April fool now... Actually, let this be my April fool to the team, give your opinion on that fish:


1. This team has great chemistry. Lines are put together pretty much as well as they can be. Along with solid goaltending, this team will continue to make waves.


2. In all honesty, I play enough pranks throughout the whole year that when April fools comes around the biggest prank is none at all.


3. Not really, I don't really pay attention to that stuff. Though I do seem to remember one about ihop rebranding as ihob giving up on pancakes and moving on to burgers. Don't know why that one always stuck with me.


4. I don't really eat chocolate or any sweets for that matter. Mini eggs are ok from time to time.


5. I guess I'm a little late to the party here. But honestly we're playing really well I'd hate to have something like a prank throw our game off in any way.


6. Classic design, shiny, never understood why goldfish have such a name when they're Orange. It's a good-looking fish though.

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1. The NHL trade deadline is coming soon, do you think Taylor Hall will be traded?


2. Last weekend was easter, did you need to do a bit more workout to burn that chocolate?


3. What is your favorite candy?


4. Do you have any hobby that is less current?


5. We let you choose the next dog of the team, what breed is it and what name do you give it?

6. What is the one game you are really good at?

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On 4/6/2021 at 11:59 AM, Domg5 said:

1. The NHL trade deadline is coming soon, do you think Taylor Hall will be traded?


2. Last weekend was easter, did you need to do a bit more workout to burn that chocolate?


3. What is your favorite candy?


4. Do you have any hobby that is less current?


5. We let you choose the next dog of the team, what breed is it and what name do you give it?

6. What is the one game you are really good at?

1. I do think Taylor Hall will be traded, but I have no idea where. He's not going to the Leafs though, that would be nuts

2. Yes unfortunately, I let the chocolate get the best of me and have been doing cardio all week lol

3. Call it recency bias, but cadbery cream eggs are great

4. I think rowing is probably against the current :)

5. St. Bernard which is a great winter dog mascot and then name it Peter, for alliteration 

6. Rocket League is my game, or at least the one i play the most

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On 4/6/2021 at 11:59 AM, Domg5 said:

1. The NHL trade deadline is coming soon, do you think Taylor Hall will be traded?


2. Last weekend was easter, did you need to do a bit more workout to burn that chocolate?


3. What is your favorite candy?


4. Do you have any hobby that is less current?


5. We let you choose the next dog of the team, what breed is it and what name do you give it?

6. What is the one game you are really good at?


1.) In a normal year, I'd say yes, but with all the salary cap constraints and even straight dollar salary issues, he might not.

2.) Nah, I did pretty good this year not eating sweets. Had some good ham though!

3.) Hm.....that's a good question. Shoestring licorice is pretty good, sweetarts are pretty good, dark chocolate is pretty good.

4.) Not sure I'm following, but I wouldn't say I have any hobbies that aren't popular...unless going way too indepth about the Flyers counts.

5.) Schnauzer (miniature or full size) and we'll name it Kevin.

6.) The NHL 21 series as an EASHL defenseman - @WentzKneeFan036can vouch for me. In my prime, I played for a routine top 50 club.

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1. The NHL trade deadline is coming soon, do you think Taylor Hall will be traded?



Traded deadline? Is the NHL still playing hockey against the same team over and over still; where each team has 25% chance of making the final so I am expecting Toronto to actually make their one and only Final appearance under Mathews, yet they are still going to lose it some how but that is only if they can get past Edmonton in the North Final some how since McJesus is playing for them. If Edmonton makes the final though I am sure they will manage to win it but again will never make the finals again with McJesus on the roster. Oh yeah the actually question being asked ....... Uh, No he won't be traded tomorrow if my Japanese brain can wrap itself around the time difference and when the trade deadline is actually. Expecting a quiet trade deadline.


2. Last weekend was Easter, did you need to do a bit more workout to burn that chocolate?



No need in Japan they really don't celebrate Easter; one of the few Western holidays that they don't celebrate slightly or in a weird fashion. So sadly I was looking forward to a Chocolate care package that comes from my Mother year means I went without.


3. What is your favorite candy?



Chocolate covered Jujubes

4. Do you have any hobby that is less current?



LOL!! At my age and shape almost all hobbies are less then current LOL!!

I used to Ice Climb, Skate board (when the boards where long but not a long board lol), Radio Flyer Down hill racing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Hockey etc.... Even running and working out!!

5. We let you choose the next dog of the team, what breed is it and what name do you give it?


Black Lab all the way and of course named Phantom.

6. What is the one game you are really good at?



In my old days that would have been an easy answer as Hockey was my game but now I am not even sure I could stand on skates (not true I went skating only three years ago before leaving Canada for Japan) so I am going to say Wack a Mole.


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1. With locker room activity being the hot topic in the league right now, how would you rate Prague's locker room activity this season?  (I myself  give it a 6.5/10 or 7/10, we kinda slowed down lately)


2. The VHL trade deadline is coming next monday, can you try to predict a move that will happen in the league?


3. What is your thought on the Taylor Hall trade in the NHL?


4. Which NHL team won the trade deadline? (if you answer before the deadline, just answer with who is currently winning it)


5. Since Bouchard really liked the puppy question last week, we decided get a kitten as well, what is its name?


6. What do you think of fights in hockey? Should it be banned?

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18 minutes ago, Domg5 said:

1. With locker room activity being the hot topic in the league right now, how would you rate Prague's locker room activity this season?  (I myself  give it a 6.5/10 or 7/10, we kinda slowed down lately)


2. The VHL trade deadline is coming next monday, can you try to predict a move that will happen in the league?


3. What is your thought on the Taylor Hall trade in the NHL?


4. Which NHL team won the trade deadline? (if you answer before the deadline, just answer with who is currently winning it)


5. Since Bouchard really liked the puppy question last week, we decided get a kitten as well, what is its name?


6. What do you think of fights in hockey? Should it be banned?

1. I think we started with an 8 or 9/10 and then slowed down to a 6 or so, which is pretty normal

2. Oh man, you're really putting us on the spot here... How about Luke Thornton? Best forward on the worst team in the NA conference should always be in trade conversations, right?

3. I think that Boston definitely paid a little less than I expected for them, and of course this keeps the "other Anders" Bjokr in the East.

4. THE NEW YORK ISLANDERS BABYYYYYYYYYY Palmieri, Zajac, & Coburn for depth and fun? Legggo stanley!

5. I think we should name the kitten Parker, because i said we should name the dog peter,

6. Fighting in hockey is essential and necessary and anyone who's saying it should get banned is an enemy of mine

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3 hours ago, Domg5 said:

1. With locker room activity being the hot topic in the league right now, how would you rate Prague's locker room activity this season?  (I myself  give it a 6.5/10 or 7/10, we kinda slowed down lately)


2. The VHL trade deadline is coming next monday, can you try to predict a move that will happen in the league?


3. What is your thought on the Taylor Hall trade in the NHL?


4. Which NHL team won the trade deadline? (if you answer before the deadline, just answer with who is currently winning it)


5. Since Bouchard really liked the puppy question last week, we decided get a kitten as well, what is its name?


6. What do you think of fights in hockey? Should it be banned?

1. 7/10, these are busy months and irl stuff has come into the factor for all of us 

2. Honestly not sure.

3. Thought it was a little less than what i thought he would go for but it is his contract year and he hasn’t been doing well at all lol 

4. The leafs, they added a nice back up and some depth forwards to an already great team.

5. Luna

6. People who say fights should be banned are the people who have never played before lol, sports can bring out a very aggressive side of you and sometimes fighting is the only way to make it go away ahaha. 

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1) 7/10 i dont usually have stuff to add to the conversations going on or there usually when im at work.

2) in case of us im not sure what we'd need to get, started off strong but now our slump is kinda dragging on

3) he will probably help them out a bit, but still waiting to see whos stupid enough to offer him money lol

4) leafs, added alot oof depth and guys they can stick in the top 6 that will help out

5) tink

6) they shouldnt remove it, i think removing it would follow up with more dirty shit in the game which fights kinda works as a were even

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  • Commissioner

1. With locker room activity being the hot topic in the league right now, how would you rate Prague's locker room activity this season?  (I myself  give it a 6.5/10 or 7/10, we kinda slowed down lately)


I think it's a 6, most of the people are the same people. I'm one of the ones who just hangs out and doesn't really say anything. 


2. The VHL trade deadline is coming next monday, can you try to predict a move that will happen in the league?


I think we would be trying to go for a defenseman.


3. What is your thought on the Taylor Hall trade in the NHL?


I think it's a bit off since they traded Seguin to Dallas because he didn't fit. Hall is about the same thing. 


4. Which NHL team won the trade deadline? (if you answer before the deadline, just answer with who is currently winning it)


I think the red wings won it by far. They stocked up on some nice picks.


5. Since Bouchard really liked the puppy question last week, we decided get a kitten as well, what is its name?


Ravioli, I think food names are fun. 


6. What do you think of fights in hockey? Should it be banned?


I think fights have a place in hockey, they should stay. There really isn't an enforcer role in the NHL anymore so let it be. Most teams don't have one guy who only fights they have guys who can do a bunch. 

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On 4/12/2021 at 9:39 AM, Domg5 said:

1. With locker room activity being the hot topic in the league right now, how would you rate Prague's locker room activity this season?  (I myself  give it a 6.5/10 or 7/10, we kinda slowed down lately)


2. The VHL trade deadline is coming next monday, can you try to predict a move that will happen in the league?


3. What is your thought on the Taylor Hall trade in the NHL?


4. Which NHL team won the trade deadline? (if you answer before the deadline, just answer with who is currently winning it)


5. Since Bouchard really liked the puppy question last week, we decided get a kitten as well, what is its name?


6. What do you think of fights in hockey? Should it be banned?


1.) It started off hotter than it is currently, but it seems like there's some discussion in there every day, if not almost every day. So overall, maybe a 7/10.

2.) Ha, no way. I barely know who is on my team, let alone who is on other teams!

3.) I think all the talk about how Hall specifically is a "loser" because of the teams he's been on is insanely dumb. Yes, you can hold it against him for only scoring 2 goals with Buffalo this year, but Hall is a talented offensive player who will put up points (as we've seen) on good teams. You know who else was a loser before he won? Ovechkin. I'm not saying they're on the same level of player obviously, but the whole notion of a player being a "loser" is just dumb, IMO.

4.) Obviously the Philadelphia Flyers - get two low round draft picks for expiring contracts AND re-sign a bottom 6 winger for FIVE years? BEAT THAT.

5.) Tiger, Simba, Tiger King, Claws, who knows. Cats barely respond to you anyway, so does it really matter what you call them?

6.) So fighting is actually banned - it results in a 5 minute major penalty. But I know what you actually mean. If fighting was truly "banned" I wouldn't blink an eye. You're telling me that somehow hockey is the only physical sport that needs some sort of fighting to police the game? How about the league actually calls penalties that are penalties and doesn't engage in "game management" and actually suspends players for dirty hits. Having to fight after a clean hit is dumb, having to fight after you get knocked into the opposing goalie is dumb, fighting just to fight the big guy (aka watching Sam Morin play) is dumb. 9/10 times, a fight happens for a dumb reason, and for the 1/10 times it was actually "needed", if the refs/league did it's job, it wouldn't be.

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