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Hello everyone, 


It's been a little while since I've had to do this, however @MexicanCow123 has been officially relieved of his duties. After teaching him everything I know, setting him up for massive success and having him be an absolute legend, it's time for a new prodigy to be born. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a great GM some day with all of the stuff he has learned over our time together and I really truly believe he's even helped me become a better GM. 


With that being said, I'm a very fun GM, I'm an active GM but if you're going to be my AGM, I want someone who: 


> Is Active 

> Willing to learn

> Is committed to the team regardless of results

> Willing to go above and beyond for the sake of players fun


If that is you, this is what the job entails: 

> Setting lines/tactics when I am unavailable to do so

> Recommending line/tactics whenever you god dang please

> Recruitment (this is a biggie)

> Draft Scouting

> Discord & Forum Engagement


I'll field some applications for a bit, see how peoples activity levels have been, and then make a decision immediately when I feel I have found the right candidate. I know the tasks seems like a lot but you're taking over from one hell of an AGM who has done a lot for this team, and I don't really care for slackers. 

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First off let me say, Congrats Mexican, you were an amazing AGM! I wish you the best of luck on your long journey ahead of you! ?


I would just like to say that you know that I am already helping with scouting so you know that I can help you with that! I’ve been active for a while now, playing for your team, I believe i’ve been active for 5 weeks. I am very willing to learn and take in any tips, suggestions, or advice that you wish to give me! I am very committed to this team, and I am dedicated to making it better, know matter how bad or good it can be. I’m used to being the underdog, so being a bad team will it affect me. I have a never quit type of personality. I’ve already learned a lot from you, and I know what it’s like to have fun as a player. I know that there is a time to be serious and a time to be funny. I am willing to take time out of my day, to make sure players are at their maximum happiness on your team. I am very good at setting, and suggesting lineups. I have practiced almost my whole life, to be a NHL GM. Now I am chasing that dream! You know that I am good at Scouting and recruitment. I have a lot of free time to do this stuff. I am very active on discord, and help with creating forums for the team a lot! 


To all other applicants trying out, I wish you the best of luck. Rockstar, I will jot be mad if you don’t pick me, I just hope for the best for this team going forward, and if that means a different AGM than me, so be it. You’ll always be one of the best GM’s ever!

I know that I am very new to the forum and the league, but I feel like this would give me more incentive to stick around and be more interactive with the people around the league. Also it would help me learn a lot more about the league as a whole. I am a hard worker, who has some free time on evenings and weekends, and would definitely be able to give you the most help I could. I know this is a shot in the dark, but it's worth a shot anyways. If you got any question or want to have a chat just let me know. Thanks, take care. 

4 hours ago, InstantRockstar said:

 You're taking over from one hell of an AGM who has done a lot for this team.

I have read this over 100 times. It makes me feel so good about myself. I will probably never quit reading it.

Edited by MexicanCow123
5 hours ago, Krice13 said:

I am extremely eager to learn and think that I would make a great addition as AGM. If you have any questions please private message me.

Here to throw in a recommendation. Great guy in the locker room, built a great player, and will do great things with your team.

I'm applying because I'm eager to help new members out and help encourage them/ make them feel welcome so their more prone to stick around. I felt like @GustavMattias did a great job of that when I first joined up and helped me out by answering some of my questions as I figured out this whole VHL thing. I kinda want to do more or less of the same thing for others. 


I don't have any previous GMing experience but i'm interested in the challenge of scouting and I'd like to learn more on how the STHS sim works. hit me up if you got any questions

10 hours ago, Viperxhawks19 said:

I'll apply. I have been interested in becoming a GM since I started, and an AGM could be the thing I need.

I would like to see a young kid like this get a shot. Tired of the inbred system of regurgitated GM/AGM's jumping from one team to the next.

11 hours ago, Viperxhawks19 said:

I'll apply. I have been interested in becoming a GM since I started, and an AGM could be the thing I need.

Viper has been consistently involved and a positive and active influence in our LR (both when I played with him in Houston, and now when he's at Saskatoon) and I'd love to see him getting a chance, I'm sure he'd make both San Diego and the VHLM proud.

8 hours ago, Sebster03 said:

I'm applying because I'm eager to help new members out and help encourage them/ make them feel welcome so their more prone to stick around. I felt like @GustavMattias did a great job of that when I first joined up and helped me out by answering some of my questions as I figured out this whole VHL thing. I kinda want to do more or less of the same thing for others. 


I don't have any previous GMing experience but i'm interested in the challenge of scouting and I'd like to learn more on how the STHS sim works. hit me up if you got any questions

Can vouch. Seabass has been super valuable for Prague, he's one of the main Press Conference posters also, certainly think he'd be a good candidate for one of these openings

After having interviewed everyone for a bit and getting the time to know them a bit more, this process has been very hard and not one I enjoyed tbh. So many deserving people applied and I think regardless of this outcome you all deserve and will do great in roles you’ll be given. 

That being said @Alex Bridge has been working with me already as a scout and has put in work to showcase to me that he is ready to learn, eager to learn and excited for the opportunity. 

I am pleased to announce he will be the 2nd ever AGM of the San Diego Marlins. 

Again, to everyone else that applied please do not feel discouraged, your interviews have not gone unnoticed and we are very happy that we got so many amazing candidates applying. 

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