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So to recap, Caboose and I are both claiming we are jailor (though most people seem to agree I am the true jailor)


Here is the game plan: I will jail Caboose tonight because I am the actual jailor. If by some miracle Caboose is the real jailor, he will jail me. It is a common tactic that a person claiming they are jailor is a medusa, so odds are that one of us is the medusa. But by the real jailor jailing the fake jailor claim, we don't have to worry about town protective going on the medusa, since they will be in jail, so no town protective will die. 


Here is what I am proposing:


Lookout, bodyguard, and doctor go on me

Crusader go on Caboose


It is crucial that the Crusader does not go on me as well, otherwise he will wind up killing everyone protecting me. Also, I don't think the Crusader should reveal themself as they are an important role, unless Caboose is not actually jailed. 


Anyone who is not a lookout, bodyguard, or doctor stay the hell off me

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So @GustavMattias if the jailor jails a medusa who is stone gazing at home, what happens? Does the stone gaze occur? 


If it doesn't,  then this (possible) medusa bait doesn't matter. Whoever is the real jailor, jail the other person, and then we don't have to worry at all about who is who. TP should be fine either way. Then tomorrow night we do the exact same thing but actually execute the other person. 

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1 minute ago, Mr_Hatter said:

So @GustavMattias if the jailor jails a medusa who is stone gazing at home, what happens? Does the stone gaze occur? 


If it doesn't,  then this (possible) medusa bait doesn't matter. Whoever is the real jailor, jail the other person, and then we don't have to worry at all about who is who. TP should be fine either way. Then tomorrow night we do the exact same thing but actually execute the other person. 

stone gaze does not occur while jailed iirc

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13 hours ago, ContinentalCup036 said:

Thank you for hosting this again Gustav! 

I am JAILOR, and I am calling for tp lo on me tonight. That means if you are town protective (doctor or bodyguard), and lookout I demand you go on me tonight.


As jailor, I am going to declare myself the towns dictator and run the show. It is crucial for my plan that only town protective and lookout go on me tonight, and if anyone not on those roles goes on me I very well could wind up killing them.


If anyone else claims to be a jailor, I am killing them on night 2 no exceptions. 


13 hours ago, Caboose30 said:

Fine hardball it is. I'm the jailor. I doubt you'll kill me though.



(i know I'm not playing but can't help myself here)

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1 minute ago, Proto said:


I feel like this is the answer. I'll be honest I've never played a Coven game so I don't know the details, but couldn't one of you just execute the other for the false claims?


yea read my post above - whichever one of us is really jailor will jail the other. Only problem is jailor can't execute until night 2, so I cant kill him until then

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22 minutes ago, ContinentalCup036 said:


yea read my post above - whichever one of us is really jailor will jail the other. Only problem is jailor can't execute until night 2, so I cant kill him until then

The important part is that any TP worried about Medusa don't need to be, assuming Jailor stops Stone Gaze. So as long as one of you is real it shouldn't matter ?‍♂️

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4 hours ago, Mr_Hatter said:

The important part is that any TP worried about Medusa don't need to be, assuming Jailor stops Stone Gaze. So as long as one of you is real it shouldn't matter ?‍♂️


Being jailed is a role block, so Medusa can't gaze.

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17 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

I wonder if a day 1 Lynch will ever happen in this game


Too reckless even with reveals. Basically a coin flip for town on sides and could take out a vital role otherwise. It'd be pretty wild to see though.

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1 minute ago, Devise said:


Too reckless even with reveals. Basically a coin flip for town on sides and could take out a vital role otherwise. It'd be pretty wild to see though.

Yah I could never actually see it happening but it would be cool to see it happen especially if it worked out for town 

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