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Town of Salem #8


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So not that it has impact on the lynch, but there has been some more chit chat amongst the dead of late. Even the dead mafia getting involved.


That said Mike did raise some pretty big concerns over Eagles again, this time after catching up on the thread the other night. He's pretty positive he's TT or evil in some regard. From claiming 3 roles to claiming it's a ploy to voting for Berocka late and then throwing such shade on me. Of course Mike is operating under the knowledge that I'm medium because as a dead man he can be assured that.


One of the mafias also remarked in response to this that Eagles is either playing the best game or the worst and that due to medium presence letting town decide what that means.


It's your choice @Spartan but I'd be fine if in the event Doomsday is mafia or TT we jail Eagles indefinitely until we find real evidence to clear him. There has been enough dead chatter in regards to it to make me think that his stock isn't quite worth letting him do whatever he plans to do. 

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I have claimed 2 roles not 3. I claimed veteran night one to stay alive, and then said I was doctor the entire rest of the game. No idea what Mike is talking about there.


Also no idea what he is talking about on the berocka vote. I was one of the hardest to push berocka, and voted early...


@Devise you didnt even vote berocka and called him a victim

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"Lynching @Doomsday is fun."

-Albert Einstein


"I'm an Investigator!" he says. "I've been giving you my results every night."


The town decides it doesn't matter and decides to take him out anyway. He was the MAFIOSO.


List of those alive (11):



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@osens died last night, protecting someone as a BODYGUARD...


...from @OrbitingDeath, the new MAFIOSO. 


osens' last will:




N1 - In the day heard a lot of talks, was thinking of going over to sheriff to drink some booze, but in the end I decided to make my way to jailer's house. Everything was quiet.

N2- Continued to be quiet, but hearing these day talks I decided that it would be best to stay by jailer. Guarded his doors and everything was quiet.

N3- This day was insane, we got the mafioso but still we are not in the clear. Lookouts know that I am good, so I am gonna keep on guarding our jailer. Hopefully that works out and I don't die.

N4 - Protect Spartan

N5 - Protect Spartan

I am tired of writing it, I am on spartan everynight and gonna continue till i am dead.



OD's last will:




Hey towns people,

If you read this, I am dead. I was orbiting this for a while, but finally hit it.

As you have figured out by now, I was not a retributionist as eagles had pointed out several times. With just a town support spot open it was the only thing that could keep me in the game, and I wish I just had given up at that time instead as I really hated to lie about the role, but guess the game forces you to do this.

I am truly sorry about lying about my role, but I did what I had to do to survive a few more days.
The role was the only thing I lied about and just that alone was already something that I could not really cope with and felt bad about.


The rest I have mentioned is actually true and I think it's best if I will not sign up for these kind of games anymore. If I get an evil role again, I will feel bad about lying. If I am a good role again, I will probably die as soon as I have given the information (like what happened last game as psychic). It really bothered me and has cost me a lot of sleep the last few days (night time starts around 2-3 am) and I keep laying awake, grabbing for my phone to stay up to date) and if I have to work the day after being up at 7, it just made me feel miserable the whole day.


Sorry if you felt that bringing my family and kids in as an excuse was foul play, I really did not mean it like that. I actually also missed forging my targets last will like I was supposed to. I want to thank MMFlex, Doomsday and Berocka for trying to guide me, and trust me they have heard me go crazy a lot in the mafia discord, going crazy that i didnt know what to do with myself, my role and this game. Thanks for being nice guides and sorry you guys all had to die before me.

The previous games I tried I died without having to lie, so that is why I might have kept trying, but even if its a little one like this, i kept felling bad about it. Sorry if my mental breakdown has ruined this game for some of you, but when my brain indeed does go crazy, the thing that works best for me, is put my words on paper, trying to explain how I feel. I hope you all will keep having fun like this and I would love to see how things play out as a neutral spectator in the discords or something, but I don't think I will actually play myself to prevent myself from going crazy.


Since I am the forger, I can promise you this one is not forged and is actually written by me. Good luck to everyone finishing this game.

Yours truly,




ALL THE MAFIA ARE DEAD! The town has three days to find the Town Traitor, starting now. Should they fail to do so--Mafia wins!


List of those alive (9):


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8 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

@OrbitingDeath thanks for giving the game a shot! It's not for everyone, and if I made you feel uncomfortable then I'm sorry. Hope all is well with you


I know im technically not allowed to speak. But just want to make sure you all know im fine, just glad its over.  I dont have hard feelings to anyone but the game itself. Thanks for inquiring. Silent mode enabled now, if someone needs me ill be on discord.


Good luck everyone

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So Town has 3 lynches and 1 Jailor execute to find the Traitor amongst the remaining 8 Town. Probably best to have the Jailor execute someone tonight; eliminate a possibility early and the only real reason to stall that would be if Jailor is TT.

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This honestly is why I don't know if I like TT. If you are TT your best course of action is to just be town. not always but early game yes. We have 9 people alive. only 1 TT.


I have an idea b/c we just need to remove as many pieces off the board as possible.


Jailor do not jail/exe anyone tonight.


I have 1 more alert.

I will alert tonight. 

Anyone who can visit or whom ever we think should visit should visit me and die. that will remove as many pieces as we can. also if we have someone who SHOULD visit me who does not we know they are the TT.

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Just now, rjfryman said:

This honestly is why I don't know if I like TT. If you are TT your best course of action is to just be town. not always but early game yes. We have 9 people alive. only 1 TT.


I have an idea b/c we just need to remove as many pieces off the board as possible.


Jailor do not jail/exe anyone tonight.


I have 1 more alert.

I will alert tonight. 

Anyone who can visit or whom ever we think should visit should visit me and die. that will remove as many pieces as we can. also if we have someone who SHOULD visit me who does not we know they are the TT.

also you will find out if im TT tommorrow b/c if i don't alert and wasted a whole day then im TT.

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Just now, rjfryman said:

also you will find out if im TT tommorrow b/c if i don't alert and wasted a whole day then im TT.

Also sorry last one. if we can get a whole role list again i say we lynch someone who cannot kill or visit anyone.

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13 minutes ago, rjfryman said:

Also sorry last one. if we can get a whole role list again i say we lynch someone who cannot kill or visit anyone.

Interesting so you’re proposing a strategy of tying to kill everyone so whoever is left has fewer options.... it’s honestly not a bad idea

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Just now, BarzalGoat said:

Interesting so you’re proposing a strategy of tying to kill everyone so whoever is left has fewer options.... it’s honestly not a bad idea

With 9 people, all whom are actual town regardless of TT is hard to shift through. there are too many people so we need to do something. I think after the mafia lost a lot of people this turned into their plan. OD killed himself on attacking the jailor to get us into this 3 day TT win scenario. There is no reason to go after the jailor when you know a BG is on him unless you are hoping to run out the clock. So lets speed up the clock and kill as many people as we can to shake things up. I personally would like to see the most up to date role list we have and anyone who is not revealed or said publically should do so today. IF you have a visiting role you come meet me at my house for some fun fondue and cherry coke. We need to know everyone who should come visit and then if they are still alive tomorrow that means they didn't want to come and should be voted off the island for poor manners.  

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4 minutes ago, BarzalGoat said:

We could have 5 people visit you, lynch probably devise, don’t let jailor exe and then lynch you and jailor exe omg ... unless someone doesn’t visit you and we can safely lynch then 

Ok So if I visit tonight and all 5 come to my party. then it will be 









If one of the 5 do not come and visit we lynch them tomorrow and win.


I know it doesn't mean much b/c no on trust anyone but basically hoping that either Spartan OMG or Devise is not TT. (B/C I know I'm not TT.)


If Spartan is TT we are screwed. 

If OMG or Devise are TT then Spartan/Myself/(OMG or Devise) lynch the other (OMG or Devise) and Spartan jails and exes the other.


Unless we think Spartan is the TT, I don't know if I feel that way but honestly have no clue.


Either way I think getting 5 pieces off the board is a good call.



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Town traitor is so messed up lmao


but that is such a great idea @rjfryman! I will be visiting.


So with 9 of us left, we can rule out OMG being TT. So thats 8.


I am also going to rule out Spartan being our TT so  thats 7.  Everyone who can visit visit RJ!




Vote Devise

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