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Posts posted by Brandon

  1. Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Nov 7 - Nov 12

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. It's the off-season, what is keeping you busy while the sims aren't rolling?
    2. Which team do you think took the biggest step forward this off-season in the VHL?
    3. If you had to type one single sentence, as advice, for a new player joining the league, what would it be?
    4. What is your favorite Non-NHL team?
    5. Do you play video games, and if so are you a PC or Console player?
    6. Are you a early bird or night owl?

  2. Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Oct 31 - Nov 6

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    Well I guess it's time that I take these over from @STZ after the amount of work he has put in the past five seasons, a special thank you to STZ for always having these done and making my life extremely easy as a player when needing that last 2 TPE for my weekly cap. Gonna miss having you around, and I'll try my best to have the questions be as solid, entertaining, and interesting as yours. Moscow, answer away!


    1. Another tough loss in the finals, this time to DC after sweeping Warsaw in the previous round. What do you think we've done to Simon (Simon T Hockey Simulator) to deserve this treatment year after year?

    2. A very warm welcome to @BOOM, what are your thoughts on the trade between Moscow and Malmo?

    3. Happy Halloween! Did you happen do anything this year to celebrate in any way?

    4. What position do you think Moscow should target in the upcoming draft with our 15th overall pick?

    5. What attributes are you focusing on for your player in the coming weeks?

    6. If you had a walk-out song before you were about to take a penalty shot, what would it be?

  3. 19 hours ago, der meister said:

    1 - Has this been a really long week for you, too?

    2 - Do you have a Twitter account / are you staying after Musk buys it?

    3 - Are you doing anything for Halloween?


    1. It felt kind of short for me tbh. Had a lot of work to get done, so it was a fairly productive week. I find my weeks feel like they go by slow if I'm not doing anything after work for the whole week.

    2. Funny story, I used to own one of the largest Twitter accounts in the world (relatable quotes account), but it got wrongfully banned 2 years ago. Needless to say I don't like Twitter anymore... unless Daddy Elon unbans me

    3. Probably not, but I'm totally okay with that


    1. Until the end of 2022, what are you looking forward to the most?

    2. How did your player / team perform relative to your expectations this VHL (e or m) season / playoffs?

    3. If you ad to choose one, what's your favorite treat / desert?

  4. 15 hours ago, STZ said:

    Moscow Press Conference


    Week of Oct 10 - Oct 16

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. Round One begins with a matchup against London United. How well do you think we match up against this team?

    2. Which players do you think will be the x-factors in this first series?

    3. How did your VHFL Team do this year? Was your player a good fantasy player in VHFL?

    4. How did you feel your TPE earning went this season? Do you think you will be more, less, or the same in productivity next season?

    5. What is your favorite way to earn TPE?

    6. What was the favorite Halloween costume you ever had? (Can be any costume doesn't need to be for Halloween if you don't celebrate)



    1. I believe we have the upper-hand against London, hopefully we stay out of penalty troubles and we can perform like I believe we can.

    2. I think it will depend on Sogaard performing up to the level he was in the regular season. If production falls off, it could pose trouble for the series. If Sogaard continues his dominant season into the playoffs, then I think the series will go well. To me, Papa and Markinson are both super consistent, so although I think they are our best players, I don't predict either of them to have a bad series.

    3. I messed up by picking Johnston, and having him re-roll his TPE to remove his checking. Also passed on my own player knowing that our entire team was 40 checking but me, L. I think I got 2 TPE this year, hopefully I do better next!

    4. I think I will be at the same, the goal is to max-earn on Sogaard if I can. So far, so good! I also want to bring lots of value to my 5.5 contract. Being right at the 900 line doesn't really benefit the team in terms of salary cap, compared to someone at 1200 TPE being paid the same amount.

    5. Graphics + Trivia + Press Conference + Job Pay! I don't enjoy the creative writing aspect as much (never been a particularly great writer or enjoyed it in school), so it's nice to have a balance and not needing to write each week.

    6. My favorite would be a blow-up costume that I wore, where I was a safari dude riding a T-rex dinosaur

  5. On 10/8/2022 at 6:58 PM, STZ said:



    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Oct 2 - Oct 9

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. With less than 10 games left in the season, and our playoff seed basically set - what is the focus for the rest of the season?

    2. We are set to meet either Davos or London in the first round, what team do you think we match up better against?

    3. What player needs to turn it in in the playoffs for us to be successful?

    4. Reflecting on the previous season; what do you think the highlight was for you? - Can either in the sim or in the community..

    5. Thoughts on NHL opening up the season in EU?

    6. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dish?

    1. To be honest, I'm just hoping our production keeps up in the playoffs when it matters. We've had a strong regular season in all ends of the ice.

    2. I'd say London would be the matchup that I would prefer to have

    3. I need to keep up my above-TPE point production IMO

    4. Community side would just be the discord hangouts in the lockerroom. Sim side would be the 6 point (4 goals) game for Sogaard, did not expect that one bit.

    5. Smart for future of NHL market

    6. I'd have to say stuffing for sure

  6. 2 hours ago, STZ said:


    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Sept 26 - Oct 2

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    Relevant @Beketov Edition

    1. Will Papa Emeritus ( @Beketov) break the Moscow Menace all time wins record?

    2. Who is your favorite player @Beketovhas ever created?

    3. If @Beketovstepped down from being Commish, what VHL member do you think would make a good replacement?

    4. Describe @Beketov by using only ice cream flavors.

    5. Do you think @Beketov has ever processed sims in his underwear? Some of those late night sims, ya know…

    6. Considering this is the last season I’ll be doing Press Conferences, do you think @Beketovshould take over for me?


    1. I really hope he does, although with Murdock in the system I'm not sure, especially given how many games Bernard has. Regardless of that record, Papa has established himself as a Moscow all-time great, with a HOF induction ahead of him post-career.

    2. It will always be @Beketov's first player in season 6, Alexander Beketov. Both our players played on the same line that season in Hamilton. Unfortunately he got traded, however maybe you could say fortunately as he went on to have a HOF career.

    3. Father Spartan

    4. I'd say Vanilla, simply because he's been such a staple of the league for so many years, and Vanilla is honestly the ice cream staple no matter where you are.

    5. Definitely, I'm sure he probably has stories that he has never shared of moments in his life that he managed to sim in crazy IRL scenarios.

    6. I mean it would save me from potential PC's if I happen to become AGM

  7. On 9/25/2022 at 4:07 PM, STZ said:

    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Sept 19 - 25

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. This had been one of the tightest seasons the league has ever seen. There's not really been a clear cut favorite for the Championship with every team in playoffs within like 5 points. Who would you consider the betting favorites at the midway mark of the season?

    2. Do you think Moscow should try and make a push at Trade Deadline, or roll with the team we have? The cap situation could pretty much dictate what will happen, but waht do you think?

    3. Tomas Sogaard has broken out this season and could legit be the next big VHL star in his sophmore season. He's a dynamic scroing and hitting forward who has been clutch for the Menace. What do you see the upside is for this player? Do you see him continuing his hot pace, or cooling off?

    4. If you had to demote one VHL team to the VHLE and bring a team up from the VHLM or VHLE what teams would those be?

    5. What is the best potato chip?

    6. Fall is about to be here.. It's my favorite season of the year. How about you?



    1. I'm still going to hold strong with my Vancouver predictions, with their lowest players been all 1st round max earners, they are only getting stronger as the season progresses. Come playoff time, I think they will be the hardest team to play against fore anyone.

    2. I'm comfortable with where we are at, I'm not sure what areas we could improve within cap limits. I'm also happy that we are sitting with a solid amount of draft picks in a season we are still contending in. Shoutout our lord and savior Spartan for that.

    3. This production has honestly surprised me quite a bit. I definitely think my player is overperforming relative to my TPE with this seasons' success due to the help of Preo + Markinson. Having the #1 TPE player in the entire VHL on the same #1 line as you sure helps a lot. I've also tried to build my player to specifically compliment Preo's build. He's an offensive skating first center, with low defense. I want to be a strong hitting forward with a focus on defense, and lower skating relative to SC / PH. I think the balance actually works very well.

    4. Bring up Vasteras for the memes, and demote Seattle because Bana is too strong

    5. Me as a kid would say Sat & Vinegar. Me now says All-Dressed, because I get to keep the roof of my mouth alive.

    6. I've always been a Spring / Summer kind of person. Although now Summer's feel a lot more hot, so I've transitioned to being a Spring / Fall person. I'm not a fan of winter, thankfully I have snowboarding to get through it.

  8. 2 hours ago, STZ said:

    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Sept 12 - 18

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. After a really tough start to the season, Moscow is back to being two points from leading the EU Conference once again. Where do you think we will finish in the standing?

    2. Who do you think is the biggest influencer for our success so far this season?

    3. What team other than Moscow has impressed you this season?

    4. I’ve been rockin a pretty weird sleep schedule recently staying up till like 4am.. how many hours of sleep do you get a day?

    5. We’ve been talking a lot in our Discord Gaming channel about new games to play. Any recommendations?

    6. NHL season is almost starting back up. How does your favorite team look for the upcoming season?


    1. I think we will be either 1st or 2nd. Having the bot backup goalie has hurt comparable to last season, more so than I anticipated.

    2. I'd have to say Papa, he's having another strong season. Also Preo is doing a fantastic job centering the first line, with 32 pts in 24 games and 4 GWG to boot.

    3. So far I'd say London and Prague in terms of placements. Can't forget Seattle, as I'm still unsure how the heck Bana is making his team work with the cap. 5 forwards and a complete CPU bot on the 2nd line feels crazy, but it's working.

    4. I'd say I sleep an average of 7-9.5 hours of sleep a day. Not going to lie, I take quite a few afternoon naps throughout the week in between meetings.

    5. New Call of Duty when it comes out, I've been playing a good amount of chess recently too. But Apex is still GOAT for how fun and easy it is for everyone to hop on for.

    6. I'm interested to see how the Canucks start out the gate this season. They missed the playoffs last season because of their abysmal first 25 games to start the year. I'm hopeful this time around... (famous last words)

  9. Really quality signature, as always by you STZ. Love the balance of red's and yellows in this signature. You sure motivate me to use different colors than the jersey color in signatures. You pulled this off really well with such minimal stocks. Really hard to give any negative feedback on this one, the only thing I could think of is the 'witdahoodie' is a bit hard to see, although to be honest I don't know where I'd find a place to put it. AK92 is such a sick focal point, and the style matches the signature so well so it's turned out exceptionally well. 



  10. 17 hours ago, STZ said:

    Moscow Menace Press Conference

    Week of Sept 5 - Sept 11

    Claim six answers for 2 TPE


    1. Moscow currently sits at 2-4-2 and we are second last in the EU Conference. What is your level of concern? Do you think we just are in the middle of an early season slump, or do we need to make changes?

    2. How did your VHFL draft turn out? Who was your biggest steal?

    3. The landscape of the VHL changed a lot this off-season, what team do you think made the best improvements to their line-up?

    4. How have you felt about your player in the first week of sims?

    5. Turn you player into a Pokemon. Name, Type, and one move.

    6. Back to school this week - what was your favorite school subject growing up?

    1. I think we're okay and just getting RNG'd by Simon. We're generating an unreal amount of shots, and have a really strong powerplay. Line 1 could do better 5on5 but that's about it. One thing to note as well, we have the highest backup goalie games played so far, and our bot has been a muffin.

    2. Last round I drafted Poopy Peepants, although I'm not as confident this year as last.

    3. Vancouver by far, they are looking to be an extremely strong team. Also, all of their ELC contracts are max earners, meaning any low TPE player now is going to be 600-700+ come playoffs, they are going to be insanely deep.

    4. Other than my player playing awful defense and being on the ice for 10 more goals against than goals for, I'm super pleased. Good shot generation compared to last season, and my player is becoming a hitting machine.

    5. Pokemon: Voltwing | Type: Electric | Move: Hit & Run - Charge at the enemy and get away (25% chance of scoring)

    6. Math, Science, and Law for myself, although as I grew older and after Calculus I would take Math off that list real quick

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