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  1. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1. We need to calm down and play our game.
    2. We relied on him this whole season no reason not to now.
    3. Pineapple. But not all the time it’s weird 
    4. Well it was pointed out we could pull a Tampa bay and I’ve been knocking on wood ever since
    5. I’d like to be better defensively but I’ll get there.
    6. Well chel but uh not recently. Maybe Mafia 2
  2. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from mattyIceman in Season 73 VHL Expansion!   
    Alright now let’s put a team in Montreal ?
  3. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1.I can’t see this team losing another game we are the best in the league I don’t care what anyone says
    2. Oh I don’t even pay attention to awards all I care about is the chip
    3. Playoff mvp because chances are we won
    4. I think u need a good mix of both
    5. Sweet peppers 
    6. Got to be the first on the ice after the goalie. Always
  4. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in Squirrley Dan Interview   
    Sportsnet590 : Squirrley Dan

    Alright everyone our next guest is currently a member of the first place Minnesota Storm and prospect for the Vancouver Wolves! Please welcome Squirrley Dan!
    Hey happy to be here and just call me dan l, everyone does.
    Well sure thing we’re happy to have you Dan. So, how do you feel your season as gone this year?
    Well obviously we’re the top team in the league this year, we’ve got a great group of guys that just want to win.
    How has this team gotten better from last year? 
    Well for to start we’ve all had another year of growth, we all have gotten better and I think that’s a huge part of it. Forwards defence and goalies have all taken huge strides to improve their game and I think it’s all just starting to come together.
    I’m sure your leadership has something to do with it right? You were with the storm last year and they obviously liked what they saw and have you the C.
    Haha yeah I’m very happy to be the captain for this great organization. When they first told me I was going to be captain I felt honoured to be even considered for the roll.
    Now Dan before the season started their was speculation you would be playing with Vancouver was there any truth to that?
    Well obviously it was a possibility but, I really didn’t think I was ready and there wasn’t really any talk of me making the jump. I’m happy to stay in Minnesota.
    With your team securing a playoff spot is there any talk of easing of the gas in games?
    No, none at all we all know not to get to complacent. Playoffs are a completely different beast. Now I’m really superstitious so I won’t really go into it.
    thats a great lead into my next question, what are your biggest superstition’s?
    Well everyone has the stick tape one. I always tape my stick before every game. I always have to be the first one on the ice for warmup and the start of the game, obviously after the tendy. Even if I’m not starting which I usually do I have to be first on. That’s been my biggest one since my highschool days.

    Ah yes your highschool days, you opted not to play highschool hockey right?
    Yeah I didn’t see myself getting to the VHL that way so when I was drafted by the Titan I decided I would play their, it was probably the best decision I could’ve made.
    Any reason you chose the CHL instead of Europe or the U.S? 
    It all came down to staying close to home.
    Did that influence your decision with your first contract?
    Yea of course it did, When Mexico offered me a contract I was happy to have an offer from a western team. Not to mention it was my only offer, but yeah I want to stay in North America for my career. Obviously if I’m forced into Europe I’ll go play but I want to stay near home.
    So how happy were you on draft day?
    Which one? Both my draft days were very close together. When I was drafted my Vancouver I couldn’t have been more happier, not only was I staying in North America I got to stay in Canada.
    When the Storm drafted me I was happy I would get to play for a organization with a history in the league. 
    You were drafted after the first round for both drafts was there any disappointments with that?
    No I was disappointed for a second, being drafted just meant I made it. It meant I finally made it to the big leagues. Unless your touted as the number 1 prospect I don’t think anyone really thinks about their position.
    That is all the time we have for today a big thanks to Dan for coming on and doing this with us! 
    Word count 660
    claimed for June 21
  5. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Squirrley Dan Interview   
    Sportsnet590 : Squirrley Dan

    Alright everyone our next guest is currently a member of the first place Minnesota Storm and prospect for the Vancouver Wolves! Please welcome Squirrley Dan!
    Hey happy to be here and just call me dan l, everyone does.
    Well sure thing we’re happy to have you Dan. So, how do you feel your season as gone this year?
    Well obviously we’re the top team in the league this year, we’ve got a great group of guys that just want to win.
    How has this team gotten better from last year? 
    Well for to start we’ve all had another year of growth, we all have gotten better and I think that’s a huge part of it. Forwards defence and goalies have all taken huge strides to improve their game and I think it’s all just starting to come together.
    I’m sure your leadership has something to do with it right? You were with the storm last year and they obviously liked what they saw and have you the C.
    Haha yeah I’m very happy to be the captain for this great organization. When they first told me I was going to be captain I felt honoured to be even considered for the roll.
    Now Dan before the season started their was speculation you would be playing with Vancouver was there any truth to that?
    Well obviously it was a possibility but, I really didn’t think I was ready and there wasn’t really any talk of me making the jump. I’m happy to stay in Minnesota.
    With your team securing a playoff spot is there any talk of easing of the gas in games?
    No, none at all we all know not to get to complacent. Playoffs are a completely different beast. Now I’m really superstitious so I won’t really go into it.
    thats a great lead into my next question, what are your biggest superstition’s?
    Well everyone has the stick tape one. I always tape my stick before every game. I always have to be the first one on the ice for warmup and the start of the game, obviously after the tendy. Even if I’m not starting which I usually do I have to be first on. That’s been my biggest one since my highschool days.

    Ah yes your highschool days, you opted not to play highschool hockey right?
    Yeah I didn’t see myself getting to the VHL that way so when I was drafted by the Titan I decided I would play their, it was probably the best decision I could’ve made.
    Any reason you chose the CHL instead of Europe or the U.S? 
    It all came down to staying close to home.
    Did that influence your decision with your first contract?
    Yea of course it did, When Mexico offered me a contract I was happy to have an offer from a western team. Not to mention it was my only offer, but yeah I want to stay in North America for my career. Obviously if I’m forced into Europe I’ll go play but I want to stay near home.
    So how happy were you on draft day?
    Which one? Both my draft days were very close together. When I was drafted my Vancouver I couldn’t have been more happier, not only was I staying in North America I got to stay in Canada.
    When the Storm drafted me I was happy I would get to play for a organization with a history in the league. 
    You were drafted after the first round for both drafts was there any disappointments with that?
    No I was disappointed for a second, being drafted just meant I made it. It meant I finally made it to the big leagues. Unless your touted as the number 1 prospect I don’t think anyone really thinks about their position.
    That is all the time we have for today a big thanks to Dan for coming on and doing this with us! 
    Word count 660
    claimed for June 21
  6. Like
  7. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1.Losing. It humbles us. Makes us realize we can lose and we need to give it our all.
    2.We get complacent
    3. I mean im over a ppg so I’ll take it
    4. I expect to be consistent.
    5. .... I’ve been bored for so long I’d probably just be outside.
    7. Very boring
    8. I do gym. I hate all my other classes
  8. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    2. I’m betting on the standings staying the same when it comes to whos at the bottom
    3. I mean yeah yknow anybody in this league could do it I wouldn’t be surprised I’m not sure which ones though.
    4. I did apply for an AGM spot but I didn’t get it. I’m not sure if I’ll apply anytime soon 
    5. yeah I’ve never been in any other
    6. probably not I’m only interested in hockey.
    7. Brazil...? I don’t know 
  9. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to der meister in The Start of Something Good   
    With the Minnesota Storm surging to the top of the VHLM standings on the strength of 30 wins and just five losses, with an absurd +111 goal differential, it’s time to take a closer look at some of the Storm roster who is making this possible. It is worth noting that seven players on the Storm roster are at, or above, a point per game pace, with one player, The Terrible Trivium, just under.
    Leading the way in goals and points is Ike Bennett. The VHLM veteran is well on his way to surpassing every one of his career highs in offensive categories. At exactly the halfway point of the season, he is on track to pass his previous career high in goals by nine, assists by 36, and points by a staggering 48.
    Second and third on the Storm’s scoring leaders list are defensive partners Danny DeYeeto and and Liam Flaten. The duo have combined for 42 goals and 126 points halfway through the year, as the Storm clearly rely on a five-player attack game in and game out. The oldest player on the squad, DeYeeto has seen significant offensive success in the past, most notable a 145 point output four seasons ago. For Flaten, it’s already a career high for the sophomore VHLMer. As a rookie for the Philadelphia Reapers, he posted two goals and 31 points, which had grown into a 20 goal and 60 point performance for the Storm.

    Another Storm Game, Another Goal Celebration
    Fourth on the list is left winger Squirrelly Dan. Just two goals and one assist shy of matching career highs, this third-year player has also improved on his two-way game, having finished last season a +1 and already boasting a +34 this year. His 54 points must be making the Vancouver Wolves, who drafted him 22nd overall, very excited.
    Rounding out the top five is a two-way tie between right winger Mickey Dickson and left winger Joe Exotic. 
    A true defensive forward, Dickson is on his third VHLM team in as many seasons. While his goal scoring pace is below what he accomplished last season for the Yukon squad, he has already nearly passed his career high in assists, 36, with 33. He has greatly improved his physical play while reducing infractions, on pace to nearly double his career total in hits while cutting his penalty minutes in half.
    Exotic has been firing the puck with a lot more regularity and confidence in his second full VHLM season, notching three times as many shots as his career high and over five times as many goals. A second round draft choice of HC Davos Dynamo, Exotic has also put in some effort to practice his faceoff abilities, leading one to wonder if Davos has plans on moving the Tiger King to center in the future.
    The final point per game player on the Minnesota Storm is Moscow Menace draft choice Michael Hall. A true triggerman on the wing, he has one of the best shots on the Storm. He has also put in a lot of work on improving his positioning in his own zone, which is partly evidenced by a swing from -55 to +17 so far this season. 
    @Caboose30 @Cran @flatl99 @jacobaa19 @Brewins15 @Joe Exotic @Hops
  10. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1. 2 a day sounds better
    2. Well ya know with us being tied for first I’m very happy
    3. I’m honestly not sure we can beat any team but we take it one game at a time.
    4. Gonna be honest never noticed them
    6. Yes
    7. Well y’know.... yeah go kings
  11. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1.Geez I don’t remember how I heard of it.. maybe tactixHD
    2.im pretty sure it’s my 4th but 2nd player I’ve actually tried
    3. I’m happy to walk out with a hatty 
    4.i don’t see us dropping out of the top 3 espeacially with the way were playing
    5. I mean I’d like to say me but i know it won’t be
    6. country, DaBaby, Chris Cornell different stuff
    7. I’ll fly first class 
  12. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to McWolf in S71 Off-Season/S72 Season Schedule   
    We're already past finance cutoff? VHFL results coming out later today!
    Also I love that the TPE cutoff is now BEFORE the VHLM draft. Makes way more sense.
  13. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to bigAL in Groovy Dood's Draft Day Adventure   
    Groovy Dood’s Wild Draft Night

    Groovy Dood was beaming as he pulled his brand new Minnesota Storm jersey over top of his Miami Marauders hoodie. Dood knew how big of a deal it was to be drafted to the State of Hockey, but he was having a hard time enjoying it.

    Groovy Dood was a lifelong Miami Marauders fan. As long as he knew about the VHL, Dood was fascinated with the Miami Marauders. The first VHL logo he saw was the majestic skeleton captain, decked out its menacing black and red pirate hat. “It’s just so damn cool,” he was quoted as saying at the time. “The captain is a skeleton, but ALSO a pirate! How cool is that??” Groovy Dood didn’t know anything about the VHL; he didn’t know there was a VHL and VHLM, he didn’t know about conferences or expansion, and he couldn’t separate the good teams from the bad. He had just clicked on a reddit recruitment page, poked around the forums, saw the expansion hype, and he was in. Groovy Dood was finally graduating from the Northern Ontario Bushwhackin Hockey League to the VHLM, and he was going to be a Miami Marauders fan.  

    The next two weeks were a whirlwind for Groovy Dood. He and his bag full of equipment got dropped off at VHL headquarters by an Uber one day, and he was back on a plane flying to Halifax later that afternoon. Dood skated in six games for the 21st in S71: two regular season matches and an unmemorable sweep at the hands of the eventual champions, the Ottawa Lynx. Groovy was held to one assist and four hits, and was thoroughly underwhelming to the S72 scouts watching the playoffs. He explained that those six games were a training camp for him, and that he would come back bigger and stronger for next year. The fans back home had to wait until May 18th to find out how the VHLM GMs valued his abilities.

    The offseason went by like a Rocky montage. Groovy Dood did all the right things: punching meat, drinking raw eggs, steroids. Pick things up, put things down. Run here, then run there. Triumphant finale atop the stairs at the River Valley in Edmonton. Epic.

    Throughout his training season, Groovy Dood kept an eye and an ear on the affairs of the VHL. He learned that Miami was the newest VHLM franchise, so there was a chance of playing there next season. He also learned it was an expansion team, and that no one had ever put on those beautiful uniforms he fell in love with all those days ago. The last piece of juicy intel Dood was able to sniff out was that Miami’s GM, Krice, was in the market for a new best friend. Groovy sent in his application, was obviously selected, and went to sleep the night before the draft confident that he was going to wear the brand-new black and red Marauders uniform the next day.

    However, in the middle of the night, a bad thing happened. Groovy Dood got up to go pee, and he ended up at the ice machine somehow. After finishing his business, Groovy eyed a blue duotang poking out from underneath the vending machine. He picked it up and looked at the front – CONFIDENTIAL – before gasping, recoiling, and throwing the book back on the ground. Someone very important must have dropped this top-secret book by accident. He didn’t want to get caught breaking any laws the night before his big VHLM draft. Groovy peeked through his fingers to look at the papers again, and made out a signature in the corner of the cover: Rayzor.

    Groovy Dood started to put the pieces together. He didn’t know many people around the VHL, but he knew Rayzor was the hotshot GM of the Minnesota Storm, and that he was the celebrity host of the draft that night. The notes had to be something draft related, some pretty valuable intellectual property, and something that a lot of powerful people in the league might want to get their hands on. Groovy Dood normally wouldn’t have swiped that intel, but he really looked good in red and black, and really loved the scar across the badass pirate skeleton’s eye. This duotang was his key to getting drafted to the Marauders.

    As soon as it was socially acceptable, Groovy texted his new BFF MIA GM Krice. “Check your mailbox. See u in Miami - :v:” He turned his phone on quiet and began to prepare for the draft. Groovy spent hours swapping between a black dress shirt with a red tie, or a red dress shirt with a black tie. He put pirate hat after pirate hat onto his thick head, searching for the one that would frame his jawline the best. Groovy looked at his “Edwing” parrot, considered putting it on his shoulder, but thought that might be a bit much.

    Soon enough, it was time. Groovy Dood ordered an UberX to roll up to the draft in style. He posed on the red carpet with his black and red suit and his pirate hats, but refused to comment about his expectations for the evening. Groovy knew that only first round picks physically go to the draft, and that Miami didn’t pick until the late second round, but he still went to the event anyways. Groovy Dood was so damn excited to become a Miami Marauder.

    His plan was perfect. Since he had a rough start to his career last season, he had little chance of being taken in the first 30 picks. Around pick 30, once all the known-commodities are picked, BFF MIA GM KR would get up to the mic, hold up his end of the quid pro quo, and announce the newest Miami Marauder: “Grooooooovy Dooooooooooood!”

    The plan was perfect. Except… Groovy hadn’t heard from his best friend all day. He chalked it up to draft day business and didn’t bother Ricer much. It wasn’t reassuring that Krice hadn’t texted him back after getting the package. The GM would have been pumped to acquire the draft guru’s top secret duotang, and he would be so grateful that he’ll draft Groovy ahead of his projected spot, but as time dragged on, Groovy got more nervous.

    Still, the plan was perfect. Except… Groovy was starting to fear that he might actually get taken earlier than 30. There had been one other GM calling and asking for an interview. Groovy wanted to keep up the façade, and he liked being wined and dined, so he took the meeting with Minnesota GM Rayzor. “I wonder what that lil duotang of his said about me, anyways,” he thought aloud with a chuckle. All he could do at this point was cross his fingers and hope for the best.

    The first round went as per the script. The best players were picked first, a few were taken too early, a few were taken too late. Dreams were made and dreams were shattered. It was just the usual draft day roller coaster.

    By the second round, Groovy was getting tense. He started to see comparable players begin to go off the board. He was seated in the back section with the other draftees who didn’t know anyone else there. Groovy made friends with a guy named Wolf Stansson, and they had a lot in common. Both were brand new, around the similar skill level, and were projected to be drafted near each other. They hung out and made small talk, but the conversation kept circling back to the Miami Marauders and Groovy Dood gushing over their “sweet-ass” jerseys. Wolf thought they were fine kits, but nothing special. Groovy Dood played nice, but fumed on the inside.

    What Groovy Dood wasn’t hearing was the broadcast audio. Rayzor was hosting the draft show again, but, for the first time ever, doing so without his drafting playbook. He didn’t tell anyone about the missing duotang, but he was keeping a sharp eye out for the other managers. Miami drew special attention to his analytic eye. Krice didn’t have a pick until 23, and so the scouting community expected Miami to pick T.T. Trivium, the lanky defenseman. Instead, the new franchise reached for Andre LeBastard, who had 40 TPE less than the picks made immediately before and after him. Rayzor had marked LeBastard as a mid-round priority target, but here Krice was picking him with his first choice.

    The suspicious picks continued. Miami selected Kosmo Kramerev with the 26th selection – ahead of R.K. Gee, who had 50 more TPE than Kramerev. Of course, Kramerev was on Rayzor’s radar as the guy who makes the great Seinfeld works, but the expectation was that he’d be available in the third round. Miami drafting him a round early was plausible, but suspicious nonetheless.   

    Meanwhile, the draft number clicked higher and hire. 24. 25. Wolf started to sweat; he wanted to be drafted in the 20s. 26. 27. Groovy’s legs start shaking, thinking and hoping that MIA’s 29th pick could be his magic number.

    “With the 28th pick in the VHLM draft, the Minnesota Storm pick Groovy Dood!” The crowd erupted, but Groovy was speechless. He was in a daze as he made his way to the podium to get his new jersey. He smiled for the camera, but the colours of his sweater made him sad inside. He gave the right soundbites – “it’s an honour to play in the State of Hockey”, “can’t wait to do a Storm Surge after a big Cup win”, “yeah I definitely love cold, dark, and snowy winters” – but his heart wasn’t in it.

    As he slunk off the stage, Groovy Dood shot one last look back at Rayzor. The Minnesota GM gave a knowing wink, and Groovy’s stomach sunk. Krice slammed his draft table, ripped up some paper, and walked up to the podium. With the 29th pick, a nervous and trembling Krice announces the newest Miami Marauder: Wolf Stansson. Groovy Dood took off his pirate hat and begrudgingly handed it to Wolf as the two passed in the aisle. Wolf smugly snatched the hat out of Groovy’s hand, and gave it a twirl as he skipped to the stage.

    By the end of the draft, Groovy Dood has a new VHLM team to play for, and it isn’t his favourite jersey. He has a new GM, and it’s not his best friend. He has a guilty conscious, and a fear that the missing draft duotang might lead to some more trouble. And, most terrifying, Groovy Dood had a league rival: Wolf Stansson.

    After the draft, Groovy Dood disappeared and his agent fielded questions from the media:

    “Groovy Dood loves to play hockey, and has been able to compartmentalize his off-ice drama in a way that prevent on-ice issues. Groovy remains committed to giving 110% for the Minnesota Storm, he’ll get pucks in deep, and make sure to roll four lines. He’ll keep racking up the TPE on a track to the VHL. The Minnesota Storm got a good one – give him some time to grieve the loss of Miami and he’ll come around to living in Minnesota. We both know how passionate the fans are in the State of Hockey and how important hockey is to all citizens of the great state of Minnesota. I’ve watched Groovy fall on the floor laughing at the word “Minnetonka”. He’s almost perfected his Minnesotan accent too. He’s going to love it here, and you’re going to love him once he’s comfortable enough to show his personality. ”

    But the question marks remained. Will Groovy escape the repercussions of his failed draft-day debacle? And how will he handle the crushing disappointment of having his life long dream team be so so close, but fall just out of his grasp? Will he report to Minnesota, or Lindros away his rookie season?

    We’ll find out in Season 72 of the VHLM… or will we?

    word count: 2000 on the nose
  14. Ugh
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Jubis in S72 VHFL Group 1 - Complete   
    F - Scott Greene
    F - 
    F - 
    D - 
    D - 
  15. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1. I usually just catchup after the fact.
    2. I want to win. I haven’t been successful in the playoffs yet this is probably my last chance to win with this club
    3. I haven’t changed from the regular season I’m on the ice almost everyday 
    4. I’d rather sit home alone and just relax
    5. I’d rather never talk.
    6. Oh yeah since I was a young lad I’ve played hockey
    7. probably go into policing
  16. Fire
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Oatex in Miami Marauders AGM Hiring Thread - HIRED   
    Oo id like to apply
  17. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Ricer13 in Miami Marauders AGM Hiring Thread - HIRED   
    Oo id like to apply
  18. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1.The season I joined I played for Oslo and we went on a run and won 
    2.oh we are all synergyzed now we can’t be beat. I honestly don’t see how we don’t win the chip
    3. I say either game 5 or 6 We win
    4. nah we don’t need home ice advantage 
    5. I honestly don’t see it happening but that’s why they’re called upsets.
    6. Without them I don’t see us being as good as we are
    7. Winning.
    8. It ending.
  19. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1.The season I joined I played for Oslo and we went on a run and won 
    2.oh we are all synergyzed now we can’t be beat. I honestly don’t see how we don’t win the chip
    3. I say either game 5 or 6 We win
    4. nah we don’t need home ice advantage 
    5. I honestly don’t see it happening but that’s why they’re called upsets.
    6. Without them I don’t see us being as good as we are
    7. Winning.
    8. It ending.
  20. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1. I think we’ll stick right here we aren’t movin unless it’s up
    2. None. I’ve done what I wanted to do this year it’s time to focus on playoffs
    3. I don’t see us losing 
    4. Ottawa.
    5. Well the teams at the bottom but obviously they aren’t in
    6. I see him finishing at the top 
    7. Carole baskin killed her husband
  21. Like
    jacobaa19 got a reaction from Mr_Hatter in Minnesota Storm Press Conference Questions   
    1. Didn’t even know about it 
    2. I tried it once I enjoyed it... wasn’t very good at it my Agm pretty much did everything
    3. I mean I hope to make a team I’ve been playin better recently.
    4. Running the site.
    6. Well we have been winning so I’d say we’re doing pretty good
    7. don’t be stupid.... strawberry
  22. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to Kendrick in Update on SBA Partnership   
    That double standard when you know full well SBA members have shit on the VHL (including their Admins over here!). Have fun trying to work with Emidas and his "holier than thou" attitude though.
  23. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to Devise in Update on SBA Partnership   
  24. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to oilmandan in Update on SBA Partnership   
    For a league that apparently has no time or care for the VHL, their BOD sure spend a lot of time over here. That's all I'm gonna say
  25. Like
    jacobaa19 reacted to Josh in Founder's Cup Finals GM 6: Houston Bulls vs. Yukon Rush   
    Ever consider not reading into literally everything to see if it offends you? Gay has about 20 different connotations. Maybe don't always assume the worst.
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