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    sterling reacted to scoop in Vasteras Player Poll   
    Honestly, I'm fine with Vasteras moving. I understand that there is a negative connotation around the team (undeserved, I should add), but I really don't think it's as bad as you believe. And that's what my issue with the things you and others are saying. You don't really take time to find the truth, but rather just make it up and say what's true.
  2. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Victor in Vasteras Player Poll   
    If it wasn't random then it would be pretty biased wouldn't it?

  3. Like
    sterling got a reaction from scoop in Vasteras Player Poll   
    If it wasn't random then it would be pretty biased wouldn't it?

  4. Like
    sterling got a reaction from JardyB10 in Stepping down as Västerås GM   
    Well that explains why they've lost so much.
  5. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Phil in TOR/RIG ; S39   
    I'll be pleased when Davos wins Europe... Again.
  6. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Advantage in Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?   
    There were some uncalled for personal shots in this thread which had nothing to do with the topic at hand. Just pointed out his opinion is valid and appreciated.
  7. Like
    sterling got a reaction from JardyB10 in TOR/RIG ; S39   
    I'll be pleased when Davos wins Europe... Again.
  8. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Molholt in TOR/RIG ; S39   
    I'll be pleased when Davos wins Europe... Again.
  9. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Da Trifecta in TOR/RIG ; S39   
    I'll be pleased when Davos wins Europe... Again.
  10. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Frank in Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?   
    You're one person.
    I'd personally go back there if given the opportunity. Has nothing to do with the name to me.
  11. Like
    sterling got a reaction from scoop in Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?   
    I may disagree with streets at times, but he's a valuable member with good contributions here
  12. Like
    sterling reacted to Mike in Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?   
    My problem with the BoG is I don't see them as admin or anything with the ability to completely direct and dictate policy of the league.  It is a group of random members with different backgrounds that provide a small sample size to represent the rest of the league on different matters.  At the end of the day though things changed league wide have to be decided by the blue team taking everything into consideration.  Whats good about the VHL is that generally happens so its not an issue and things are usually discussed all over before change is actually made.
    My problem with a situation like Vasteras is it is a running joke in the league sure but the group that are in the BoG trying to force a relocation is not the way to go.  Whether you like it or not IMO the GM runs the team.  If they want to change the team's logo, draft who they want, trade who they want, and do what they want that is on the GM.  Having a BoG group force a relocation on a team is not what should be done regardless of the circumstances.  We shouldn't let teams relocate all the time for the sake of doing it and a team like Vasteras is a good candidate to relocate but if the GM doesn't want it to be done to begin with it shouldn't be forced upon a team.  Once the decision to relocate is decided though the BoG also should not be in charge of picking the exact country, the exact city, and the exact logo/team name for that team.  There can be a system where they suggest a list of each then the GM can pick from or he creates a list and the BoG can select from that.
    You can't have a random group of members force policy onto a team though its just not right.
  13. Like
    sterling got a reaction from d3vilsfire in Stepping down as Västerås GM   
    Well that explains why they've lost so much.
  14. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Victor in Stepping down as Västerås GM   
    Well that explains why they've lost so much.
  15. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Doomsday in Stepping down as Västerås GM   
    Well that explains why they've lost so much.
  16. Like
    sterling reacted to scoop in Would a Continental Cup allow Vasteras to keep its team?   
    Nah, it's just that I saw some new posts in Corco's GM retirement thread about how Phil doesn't want Vasteras to move and Kyle (or someone) does, so I figured I'd write a Fan590 and let people know what's going on, since there are people who care about what happens.
    And if I wanted to be on the BoG, I'd just say "put me on the BoG" and I would be put on the BoG. That's how I got on the first time, and I'm sure my return would be very welcome (and I'd fit in with the rest of the opinionated assholes).
  17. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Kendrick in Do You Post on Other Forums?   
  18. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Jala in Mentorship Group   
    Crew: Boom, Phil, Frescoelmo,InstantRockstar, Ball, Boubabi
    Portfolio: Boom or I will post members who selected they wanted a mentor and you will all have a chance to claim them and work with them. 1 TPE per week for mentoring each member, provided you did work with them. We'll work off the honour system for that. Please claim each member in here and claim each week's work in here as well so we can keep track of how much you are being used.

    Mentor Claims to date
    *Bobby Ricky - MUFFINS
    * Antoine McColister - Hustles
    * Til Baumann - Frescoelmo
    * Carl Sledghammer - MUFFINS
    *Arthur Grosberg - Hustles
    *Ģirts Valdmanis - Boom
    *Raphael Pettyfer - Frescoelmo
    *Jakub Kubický - Boom
    *Blake Benson - Frescoelmo
    *Valts Pumpurs - Boom
    *Niklas Karlsson - Frescoelmo
    *Kristers Daugavins - Eaglesfan
    *Fedir Okranitz - Eaglesfan
    *Yannick Zug - Been a while, so I'll do it. Boom
    *Jakub Rhinehart - Boom
    *Matej Nemecek - Helped from DT apparently.
    *Dyemond Fondalear - Sent PM no reply
    *Kyle Kingma - Frescoelmo
    *Sam Teibert - Boom
    *Travis Willcox - Boom
    *Hashtag Jeffership - Boom
    *Alex Delarge - Phil
    *Merlin Malinowski - Boubabi
    *Benjamin Zeptenbergs - IR
    *Barney Tuzis -
    *Blake Campbell - Phil
    *Joe Moore - IR
    *Artemis Fowll - Phil
    *Jim Moriarty - Boom
    *Joakim Videl - Phil
    *Scott Kibbie - Phil
    * Thor Weinstein - Boubs
    *Francis York-Morgan - Phil
    *Jorma Ruutu - PHIL
    *Dennis Saad - BOOM
    *Marlon Duke -
    *Screw Mark - PHIL
    *Maxime Perron - PHIL
    *Simon Valmount -
    *Alexander Davidson - PHIL
    *R. Truth - PHIL
    *Seth(On fire) - PHIL
    *Ash Stevens - Guess who....PHIL!
    *Archie Wagner -
    *Wesley Babiy - PHIL
    *Lee-sang-hyeok -
    ****I have had to claim these guys as no one has been here to even check the OP or announce a claim
  19. Like
    sterling got a reaction from diamond_ace in Logan Laich Spotted at Gamescom   
    Oh good, for a second there I thought laich might have been spotted scoring points
  20. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Knight in VHL Mentors   
    I should have mentioned: No Phils allowed
  21. Like
    sterling reacted to Will in Burn BoG   
    You already have the answer:
  22. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Jala in Do You Post on Other Forums?   
    Approved and doubled
  23. Like
    sterling got a reaction from sherifflobo in The Vasteras Iron Eagles Situation   
    If that's the case we should mock Daniel Alfredsson
  24. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Victor in Claimed:Bentz HOF   
    Joined: July 27, 2008
    Member Number: 745
    Positions Held: General Manager, VHLM Commissioner, Head Grader, Grader
    Matt Bentz has long been chewed up and spit out in the grand scheme of the Victory Hockey League. Another one of the lost relics very few remember from the middling era of the VHL. In fact, when I mentioned Bentz as a candidate to be enshrined into the VHL Hall of Fame as a builder it came as a total ‘oh yeah’ moment for a lot of us. Some didn't know who he was and others immediately agreed with the induction. Matt Bentz is probably best known as the second (or third I suppose it should be in actuality) General Manager of the Calgary Wranglers. In his time, Bentz was also a writing grader and the VHLM Commish for a long period of time. During the second decade of the VHL, Bentz was one of the most important members. Few today remember who he is, but I’ll provide a little bit of insight into one of the names that is most synonymous with the Calgary Wranglers franchise.
    Bentz took over the Wranglers around the time that my original player departed the team. I want to say it was around Season 10 when he took over the reins from Scott Boulet. Boulet had been one of the better General Managers in the early era of the VHL (three Continental Cups in 8 seasons at the helm). Bentz was one of the hotshot young guys the Wranglers were able to get in the second round of the Season 8 Entry Draft. He spent the entire Season 8 in the VHLM. A season in which we won the Continental Cup. I remember Bentz as being a very likable and hardworking guy. He was what we’d call a real diamond in the rough. He was curious to know more and willing to get involved right away  It wasn't long before the kid was VHLM Commish. Little did we know at the time this kid Bentz we drafted as a flyer would lead the Wranglers to their second generation of glory 10 seasons later.
    In the excerpt from Bentz’s Hall of Fame article, the writer noted that “some players drafted before Bentz were flops, such as Calgary's 1st round selection David Knight or New York's Longfellow Deeds, others, such as 2nd overall Zacky Vengeance or the man drafted just before Bentz – Vladimir Kliment, became stars in the same time as Bentz himself. The Wranglers were in the midst of one of their greatest contending eras, having made savvy trades and signings leading up to S8 and becoming the league's top team. The price to pay was an overall lack of youth in the organization, something that Bentz could help.” Bentz helped the league more than he’d ever know.
    Truly, the second decade of the VHL was a tough time for the Calgary Wranglers and for the league as a whole. We pulled the sucker back in from the brink a few times and we haven't looked back since. Some of that can be attributed to Mr. Bentz and his hard work at the helm of the VHLM and the Wranglers.
    Although Bentz will likely be fondly remembered as the General Manager of the Calgary Wranglers, he had some terrible luck while in charge of the team. All in all, he was likely only an average General Manager at best as he struggled for the majority of his tenure to make competitive teams. As a General Manager, he captured the Season 18 and 19 Continental Cups before stepping down to let Jardy take over. Bentz found much more success through his two players, both of whom have been inducted into the VHL Hall of Fame. Matt Bentz and Mikka Virkunnen are both enshrined in the Hall, yo ushould read their articles to see how good they were.
    Bentz will be remembered as one of our best VHLM Commissioners, a role he held from Season 8 until Season 14 (also one of, if not the longest tenured in this title). He worked alongside Scotty very well and the VHLM grew leaps and bounds during his tenure. I personally think he was one of the most important VHLM Commishioners to come through the system. He was the Head Grader and a long-time writing Grader as well. After his second Hall of Fame player in Virkunnen he eventually faded into the present day obscurity that most of you know him under.
    Gone is that youthful exuberance that I got to see as a veteran member way back in Season 8. Bentz was an easily likable guy right from the start of his time here. I certainly wish he was still around in the league. He offered a lot more to the league than simply two great HOF forwards. Matt was a really loyal, dedicated and all-around cool guy to have on your team and in your community. Bentz may be long gone, but the legacy he built in the VHLM, in Calgary and in this community will live on for many more generations of the VHL. So here’s to you my old protégé, I hope life is still treating you well.
  25. Like
    sterling got a reaction from Phil in VHL Mentors   
    I should have mentioned: No Phils allowed
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