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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Banackock


  2. The team entered the league at a chaotic point. We had members joining left and right - bless it, and a team was needed. HALIFAX! With specific circumstances making the trial and error situation with outsourcing our graphic desire a little difficult, we know the wait has been long, it's been difficult and surely a little trying on some peoples patience. With that being said, the Green team ( @.sniffuM and myself), the Blue team ( @Will & @Beketov) and recruitment leads part of the process ( @Spade18, @Tagger and @Beaviss) extended our gratitude and appreciation for your outstanding patience with this. LADIES (do we got some here?)... GENTLEMAN (most of you!).... THE MOMENT WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!!! | | V Happy to see a quality logo out for the team! May it serve you well, @ShawnGlade
  3. Done deal.
  4. Done deal.
  5. No need for this. Yukon cut players, therefor: YUKON Property.
  6. Close
  7. BEARS
  8. Jesus Christ you’re awesome. @Will
  10. DAMN
  11. Saskatoon property....
  12. Welcome!
  13. Congrats. YUKON Property ( @BarzalGoat MEMBER HOG!)
  14. What a guy. Welcome to the league!
  15. Welcome to the league! ENJOY
  16. Yukon Props.
  17. No. Yukon Property.
  18. Welcome
  19. Can't ... resist... bad.. jokes.. about career length...
  20. I need someone who is VERY good at graphics. IF SO, please message me. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShawnGlade


      I can give it a go depending on what it is

    3. BOOM


      Ask Quik or bash maybe. Or Boubabi if you can work out what username he's using now. 

    4. Enorama


      Make it a contest ?

  21. RIGGED
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