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Status Replies posted by Dil

  1. Please help me rename my podcast, both a .com version and a 6 point task version. Will explain reasoning and award a winner in this week's podcast 

    1. Dil


      “20 Reasons why I love dil”, then you spend 20 minutes talking about why you love dil

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. @Dil If you're gonna stalk the forum you should recreate and click buttons

  3. Anyone else see the retired jerseys tab on Calgary's page? 👀



    1. Dil


      Bro I did this shit months ago how is it finally gone through

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hogan

    Hogan    Dil

    I just  realized you were gone today hallelujah !!!

  5. Learning a lot about people so far this season. Thanks to everyone working to make this an inclusive and fun environment for everyone, regardless of how much TPE they earn a week.

    1. Dil


      What’s my favourite Color

  6. When I joined the VHL I never imagined I'd be the person writing the weird stuff lol

  7. still waiting for @MexicanCow123farm tour from last years holiday drive


    1. Dil


      Sometime this week hopefully, I’m doing my diss track first 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  8. A sweep in the VHL Finals, and the VHLM ones only go to 5? Pschhh, apparently the E is the place where the REAL VHL still happens around here! 



    1. Dil


      which vhl finals did you see

  9. First reply gets a league donation from me on behalf of YOU--that's a full free week + 2 uncapped! Please only be that first reply if you haven't donated yet.

  10. There we go, Bo is now peak build at 1337 TPA, because that was the silliest number to cap at. Time to bank the next ~850 TPE to deal with depreciation.

  11. There we go, Bo is now peak build at 1337 TPA, because that was the silliest number to cap at. Time to bank the next ~850 TPE to deal with depreciation.

  12. Thank you update gods 🙏 

    1. Dil


      You’re welcome

  13. so... you're telling me... people are not interested in a handmade scarf for like $10??? https://vhlforum.com/topic/130916-crochet-scarves-by-youloser1337/

  14. so... you're telling me... people are not interested in a handmade scarf for like $10??? https://vhlforum.com/topic/130916-crochet-scarves-by-youloser1337/

  15. If you're in college and would like to do graphics...check to see if your school offers a free subscription to Photoshop! Mine does and I hope yours does too.

    1. Dil


      they do not, thanks for getting my hopes up too, scamtav

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. I love getting 1000 words into an article only for the forum to randomly delete my progress

    1. Dil


      same, as it happens so often to me, a profound VHL writer

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Look who's back in the real world and crying because it's the real world.

  18. if I was a VHL GM I would sign players to massive contracts like 5 seasons with a NTC while they are in their final season with me. Then I would trade them before the NTC takes effect to a team that is about to enter a 5 season rebuild. Ultimate troll.

  19. Is anyone interested in coming on a podcast and might help me learn about the the leagues and the teams.

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