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Everything posted by InstantRockstar

  1. review: this is a good start but feels unfinished. I can see your attempt with blending, but this is very minimal with work, a render, font and background. Had this had more done to it, I think it'd be better, but for now it's just kinda 50/50
  2. review: as mentioned, you're getting better, I like the coloring, the background is sick, font work is a little iffy, just feel like you're partial to only one type but otherwise it is good.
  3. review: your sigs are huge haha, not a big deal just a lot of scrolling. I do recommend making them like 400x200 or like 400x180, etc just to be a bit better for size and it does help with quality. I feel like more could've been done to this, it's a render, background, text, no lighting, no stock work, nothing more thn the bare minimum. It looks good, but again, always room for improvement.
  4. review: I'd say a valiant attempt, to me just feels slightly incomplete and a little small. The background, render and such are nice, but there is no stock work, blending, etc, I'd just like to see more done is all.
  5. review: honestly as much as you second guessed yourself, I'm more a fan of the 1st than the 2nd, but both are fire. You know your shit, both of these have nothing wrong with them, they are masterpieces.
  6. review: agree with Bana, the background is neat, funky and the color on the lettering and overall sig is good. I feel like more blending/stocks could be used to tie it all together but thats personal preference.
  7. review: you're getting better, this is nice. coloring is good, font choice is neat and works, blending is good, overall a nice sig.
  8. review: this is pretty good, I like the background, kind of a fan of the text, I just feel like more could be done, it's a background, render, text, there isn't much blending or effects to it. otherwise, I'm good with it.
  9. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/43988-t-r-a-n-sformer/ +6
  10. After having interviewed everyone for a bit and getting the time to know them a bit more, this process has been very hard and not one I enjoyed tbh. So many deserving people applied and I think regardless of this outcome you all deserve and will do great in roles you’ll be given. That being said @Alex Bridge has been working with me already as a scout and has put in work to showcase to me that he is ready to learn, eager to learn and excited for the opportunity. I am pleased to announce he will be the 2nd ever AGM of the San Diego Marlins. Again, to everyone else that applied please do not feel discouraged, your interviews have not gone unnoticed and we are very happy that we got so many amazing candidates applying.
  11. Congrats boi
  12. Hello everyone, It's been a little while since I've had to do this, however @MexicanCow123 has been officially relieved of his duties. After teaching him everything I know, setting him up for massive success and having him be an absolute legend, it's time for a new prodigy to be born. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a great GM some day with all of the stuff he has learned over our time together and I really truly believe he's even helped me become a better GM. With that being said, I'm a very fun GM, I'm an active GM but if you're going to be my AGM, I want someone who: > Is Active > Willing to learn > Is committed to the team regardless of results > Willing to go above and beyond for the sake of players fun If that is you, this is what the job entails: > Setting lines/tactics when I am unavailable to do so > Recommending line/tactics whenever you god dang please > Recruitment (this is a biggie) > Draft Scouting > Discord & Forum Engagement I'll field some applications for a bit, see how peoples activity levels have been, and then make a decision immediately when I feel I have found the right candidate. I know the tasks seems like a lot but you're taking over from one hell of an AGM who has done a lot for this team, and I don't really care for slackers.
  13. what an honor haha.
  14. you'll need to learn to take constructive criticism if you're ever going to improve. If you seen some of my graphics from when I first began to what they are now, it looks like a completely different person is making them. You take it with a grain of salt and you get better. Don't discourage yourself because people think some things are wrong with it. If I told you this looked money and it doesn't, how would you improve? If you don't want to get the criticism in the future of your postings, post that in your thread that you don't want it reviewed and I'll skip it out of respect But I'd think people would wanna get better?
  15. review: while this is large, this is sweet, could be a nice phone background. coloring is nice, JC color change is nice, logo looks like it's meant to be there, it just is fresh, super basic but honestly I love the colors.
  16. review: color stands out to me right away, very bold and vibrant, nice flow, font choice was nice, it blends well. Lighting is good, blending is good, I really have 0 complaints about this piece.
  17. review: you big canvas bois, showing up as a squad or smth? lol. ill be honest not much done to this, slapped some text on it and a border, the only thing that saves it for me is the jersey change on the back.
  18. review: I hate boosting your ego but this is straight sex as always. colors are nice and festive, it's for a good cause, you're a saint, the only thing I'd like is some more drop shadow on "annual" to make it show up just a bit more, on a white background it is harder to see.
  19. review: I just gave someone grief for huge graphics, #3 here we come hahaha. In all serious though, you at least used the large canvas size to good use, does feel a little empty around the edges but your eye is drawn to the middle anyways and it all blends well, good job.
  20. review: people love HUGE graphics, I'll be honest I'm not a fan. It leaves a lot of empty space on the middle and right side, due to all the font being on the left and not spread throughout the whole graphic. Otherwise the coloring, blending is nice, I feel like if this was "normal" size it'd likely mesh well.
  21. review: it has nice colors, the graphic is a little darker than I'd like but it's not overwhelming dark. font choice isn't bad but the coloring on it is a little hard to see, some background on that or even drop shadow would've made it pop a bit more. overall good.
  22. review: color scheme fits the team, his face being blue is a little meh but honestly not a bad graphic, the name in the left is good and the font to the right isn't bad, a little empty on the bottom but again not a huge deal.
  23. http://efl.network/topic/13201-reppin-the-gang-gang-shit/?do=findComment&comment=203464 +6
  24. Hi ho it’s off to get TPE I go.
  25. yusssssss
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