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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Gustav

  1. I will always wonder about this one because not a season goes by without some weird shit going on with some team or another in the VHLM...and a lot of it seems to go unpunished. In this case it would have to have been established that the weird shit coming from Halifax/Dil was weirder and/or shittier than any weird shit coming from anywhere else. Obviously it was, and obviously I don't know the details--and I'm not asking for them either because it was requested that the specific reasons be kept private, and that's something I can respect and outright support. That's going to lead to a whole lot less drama, and it also comes with the benefit of avoiding a label being slapped on somebody for something specific. If and when something similar happens in the future, I'd like to see that continue to be the case unless the reason for being fired is especially flagrant or already out in public. With that being said, I don't think that leaving the details out of the discussion makes this something that can't or shouldn't be discussed. It's a current event in the league and a significant one. I saw a LOT of said weird shit coming from multiple teams in my time as VHLM GM...the specific details of which I'm not going to get into either, but which made me disappointed that the supposed prime directive of "retention over winning" and whatnot was absolutely not a priority for many who claimed it was (there were also many who did a great job with this; don't think I'm trashing all GMs or even anyone in particular). I'm aware of a few sketchy things happening in Halifax, but I'm also aware of many, many other sketchy things happening elsewhere...some of which have been met with punishment, and some of which haven't. The sketchy things that I know of were probably on the level where punishment was warranted, but didn't greatly exceed other sketchy things and certainly weren't worthy of a firing. Sure, there could have been and probably were other sketchy things at that point (and it's not my place to inquire about that), but I've both experienced and heard some absolute horror stories from the VHLM that make me less than excited about more teams than just Halifax. With that being said, I think things are generally headed in the right direction (even if people are being forced to go in said direction). Rory seems like a good pick for replacement, and I'm hoping Dil sticks around is able to redeem himself someday.
  2. I actually really like this as someone who never played/got to play hockey growing up. A lot of good insight in here that I've never been aware of.
  3. F - Benny Graves D - Cinnamon Block @Jtv123
  4. It occurred to me while I was doing my usual updating duties that Tsujimoto just hit 500 TPE, and I need 2 more capped (outside of my 6-pointer, coming eventually) so I figured I'd talk about that and make it as worth reading as possible. -Taro is #1 in the S75 draft class in TPE, something I've never cared about too deeply (see: Ryan Kastelic) but which I suppose is nice to be able to say. Had I created a day earlier by mistake and been pushed into the S74 draft class, I'd be 17th without taking catch-up TPE into account...which, if I'd received it, would put me around 10th or so. Had I been a first-gen who created right before the deadline, I'd be back around 17th even after earning everything I possibly could. This is why I'm very outspoken against those stupid recruitment drives that happen right before the deadline to prove some sort of point to stuff the numbers for expansion or some other change--it's taking advantage of people not knowing a whole lot and signing up at a time when they otherwise wouldn't, putting some behind forever even if they earn with the best. -The GM player rule getting wiped out after the S75 draft was a good move, as evidenced by Taro going 9th, Klamasteris going 14th, and Rasputin going 16th, but I wonder how much the draft really would have been screwed up for me had it not been in place. Sure, Taro would probably have gone to LA at 1 and I wouldn't have ended up with him...but if I wanted a forward I could always have gone for McJake or Stamen at 3, and with four max-earning goalers in the draft (one of which didn't go off the board until the third round because nobody needed one), I could easily have picked up one at 9 where I eventually ended up with Taro. Granted, I swapped 1sts with DC to get my second 1st last season to take Taro, so had I not done that I would have been on the board at #6 in this draft, where there were plenty of great players as well. -I don't expect to be great this season, but next season I've got a chance at it. According to the numbers I ran while tracking Garcia's depreciation, I'll likely start next season around 650 TPE and end it near 800, which should make Taro a serviceable weapon for the playoffs if we don't get slapped in the face again. By S78 he'll enter his prime, and at that point the rest of you should start looking out for him with your fantasy picks. I guess I've hit the word count, so Gustav out.
  5. For the week ending 1/24: 1. The season just started! What do you think our chances at success are? 2. Predict your statline for this season! 3. We had a lot of high-scoring games today, in both the VHL and VHLM. Do you think something has changed with either the sim engine or the league, or should we expect things to level off to normal? 4. Where do you see yourself in the VHL in three seasons? 5. How has your NHL team done to start the season? What's been good and what needs work? 6. What's your favorite snack food? @Jer_Lefebvre @Sonnet @Velevra @McWolf @Big Dee @Lefty_S @Ahma @Advantage @Grape @PadStack @Berocka @Kendrick
  6. Just when you think you've got experience this guy rolls up with player #15 or some shit
  7. If you hate attention to detail and consistent scheduling, you'll LOVE Town of Salem! 


    1. JigglyGumballs


      Town of Salem has scheduling??

  8. List of players signed up: BarzalGoat Berocka Blazzer Caboose Devise Doomsday JigglyGumballs JorgTheGoat03 Ledge_and_Dairy Lefty_S MMFLEX Mr_Hatter omgitshim osens Ptyrell Ricer13 Spartan WentzKneeFan036
  9. more Gustav noises I can fit in another game before school starts again, so why not do that? Let's have fun with this one. Only one special announcement: for reasons that should be obvious to just about everyone except @osens, I am nuking Town Traitor again. I am leaving the door open to bringing it back in the future with some rules and roles modified, but I hated the last game enough that I refuse to do another under that specific format. Copy-paste time again! If you're not using dark mode, too bad! As always, I am too lazy to re-format this if I paste it as plain text. Highlight it if it's unreadable. Rules are here The wiki is here Gustav shoves another song down your throat CLICK THIS LINK IF YOU'RE NOT IN THE DISCORD SERVER JOINING THE SERVER IS REQUIRED FOR ALL PLAYERS! Non-players are welcome as well. Remember that ALL game-related notifications will be given on Discord! Make sure you join the server, and check it BEFORE speaking in the game thread each day. Also, do your best to be there at the start of each night phase! If you're new to the game, read up on some roles on the wiki and go through some old game threads in this subforum. TRIVIA TIME: HERE IS THE LINK TO TRIVIA! -If you won the last game, you have an automatic 30% chance to receive a role of your choosing, if you'd like to request one. The winners of last game are listed below: @Berocka @bigAL @Caboose30 @JorgTheGoat03 @Lefty_S @Mike @MMFLEX @Mr_Hatter @omgitshim @osens @solas @WentzKneeFan036 -If you didn't win the last game, you can still request a role! Play trivia, and for each correct answer, you'll earn a cumulative 5% chance toward a role of your choosing, for a maximum chance of 20%. -If you won the last game, you can still play! This possible 20% chance will be added to your 30% chance for a maximum of 50%. -No, you do not need to do this if you don't want to. -If you'd like to play without requesting a role, simply write "Random" in the role request box. Vote for your preferred format up top and sign up down below, as always. Target start date: late Monday night. I think I'm still getting a few be-here-until-11 shifts next week, but the people who I've been covering for are back at work for the most part...so I don't actually know. Very likely Monday night in any case.
  10. F - Ola Vikingstad F - SS Hornet @Jtv123
  11. For easy tracking/editing: 1. Team Hex F - Chad Magnum F - Thomas Landry II F - Ray Sheilds D - Ziarie Anigbogu D - Alex Letang G - Stone Wolski 2. Team RED F - Mikko Lahtinen F - Uhtred F - Timothy Brown D - Erik Killinger D - RJ Jubis G - Zamboni Driver 3. Team Hylands F - Chris Hylands F - Jim Bob F - Andrew Su D - Latrell Mitchell D - Randy Marsh G - Jacob Tonn 4. Team Crstats F - Groovy Dood F - Patrik Tallinder F - Rhynex Entertainment D - Erik Summers D - Matty Socks G - Ajay Krishna 5. Team Jtv F - Edwin THE Encarnacion F - Luke Thornton F - Onde Sandstrom D - Roque Davis D - General Zod G - Jimmy Spyro 6. Team Gustav F - SS Hornet F - Ola Vikingstad F - Benny Graves D - Cinnamon Block D - Jiggly Gumballs G - Jean Pierre Camus
  12. I was told to mention a thing in this thread so here I am mentioning that thing
  13. Shameless plug for the curious:
  14. Gustav


    Interesting. I did know of a couple weird things going on in HFX but didn't see this coming. As requested I won't inquire further because I do recognize that it isn't my place to poke around matters I have nothing to do with. I do think @Dil is actually a good guy who cares a lot, and I'd love to see him get back into management at some point because I know he's very capable of doing good. That being said, congrats to @rory! You've certainly been active enough to deserve this, and the team is in good hands.
  15. What's your craziest VHL conspiracy theory?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. diamond_ace


      Sixers is a long lost third Gow.

    3. diamond_ace


      (I actually do have another slightly more serious one but not posting it here)

    4. a_Ferk


      The legend Elijah is still among us as a multi.

  16. Last season, I introduced a new system for Davos captain voting, this time with a three-season term limit. Seeing as no terms have expired this season, I'm proud to announce that our captains remain the same: C - Fernando Jokinen @Ahma A - SS Hornet @McWolf A - Tyler Walker @Advantage Congratulations once again to our captains, and let's have a great S76!
  17. For the week ending 1/17: 1. Your friendly neighborhood GM has claimed to be "busy" and "at work" for much of the past week or so. What's your craziest theory about what I've actually been doing? 2. This week has seen at least one move for Davos, with Kendrick's Lewis Dawson coming in as a boost to our forward squad. Do you see anything else in our future this offseason, or are we set to compete? 3. If we are to break out of the bad luck we've been handed for a long time, what's going to be the main contributing factor? 4. The NHL has started their season! What's an NHL player who you believe doesn't get enough credit? 5. You can instantly learn any language you don't already know. Which is it and why? 6. You win the lottery. What's the first thing you buy? @Jer_Lefebvre @studentized @Sonnet @Velevra @McWolf @Big Dee @Lefty_S @Ahma @Advantage @Grape @PadStack @Berocka @Kendrick
  18. Honestly I was sitting there like "why is it not a good idea to let the NK run off and kill people if we know who they and the Mafioso are?" I guess it's not very obvious that it could help, but it's a free shot on someone at random every night that might end up taking out the traitor, and as long as there's enough town to vote people out it can be held in check.
  19. Spreadsheet HERE as usual.
  20. For the final time this game, GUSTAV NOISES @Ptyrell is getting lynched. The game is over, that's it, thank you all so much for playing (and, for the past few days, tolerating it). Thanks once again to @Blazzer for some phase changes and action recording (I hope you learned a lot!) and thanks especially to those who were alive in the late game and kept up with doing what they could to pull off a win, even when it got boring. Keep an eye out for the next game, sometime in the somewhat near future, as I'd like to get another in before school kicks back off for me. Until next time... Gustav out! @BarzalGoat - JESTER @Berocka - TRANSPORTER @bigAL - ESCORT @Caboose30 - CRUSADER @Devise - JESTER @Doomsday - GODFATHER @JeffD - AMNESIAC @jhatty8 - DISGUISER @JigglyGumballs - MAFIOSO @JorgTheGoat03 - JAILOR @Lefty_S - TRAPPER @Mike - MEDIUM @MMFLEX - SHERIFF @Mr_Hatter - VIGILANTE @omgitshim - BODYGUARD @osens - LOOKOUT @Ptyrell - LOOKOUT @Ricer13 - FRAMER @solas - TRACKER @Spartan - JUGGERNAUT @WentzKneeFan036 - PSYCHIC
  21. DEBATE: what's the dumbest thing I will do this season?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Banackock


      Not not make the playoffs. 

    3. McWolf


      missing the playoffs again

    4. bigAL


      Extend Berocka's contract

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