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Everything posted by Gooningitup

  1. Wait we are losing to Oslo? Last i checked we were up 2-1
  2. My 6th memory would likely be the first time i ever left Davos it was a very weird feeling for me personally as i had given so much to that franchise
  3. (my point task for the history of league bonus) The Komarov family may not be a family of superstars, with zero awards given to them in their history to date. However they are a household name when it comes to one things. That is bringing the pain, Vlad was one of the most feared players in his day. Finishing 27th all time in hits a rather impressive feat considering he never really reached his potential. He racked up the PIMs, aswell as the shots blocked. He leads Davos history books, in many of these categories. If not among the top 5, you played Davos you knew it was going to be a night of ice packs. He was never afraid to back down from a fight. He had his teammates back, it endured him to a fanbase forever that is still waiting for his name to be put in their HOF. He is unlikely to ever be in the real HOF, but he should atleast be in Davos. He returned the 2nd year after his retirement and lead Davos to a rather decent run including a finals apperance as GM. Something he hopes one day he might be able to return too, to finish what he started. The next generation was more skilled than his father, however he still had many of the qualities his father did. He never quite reached the hits or even the PIMs his father did, but he still was no slouch. Playing 6 seasons in Davos, he further solidified the Komarov name, in Davos playing a strong 2 way game. Again like his father he never quite reached his peek. Pavel could dazzle with his hands, but he like his father would drop the gloves, and crush you against the boards like no other. If you played Davos and till the end of the year Quebec. You knew it was going to be a long night and someway Pavel would be in your head. Had he not, had to change positions early in his career one wonders if he might have been better than his father. The newest model of Komarov is built like a truck, cousin to Pavel, Sergei is a 6 foot 8 beast on skates. He redefines the family name, to this point his growth as a player have many salivating at what he could do in the future. Already a physical wrecking ball in juniors, he looks to continue the legacy of the previous 2 generations as the new bringer of pain. He has a long career ahead of him with one goal in mind, winning championships, kicking ass, and attempting to make the HOF. Its very early in his career, but early indications suggest that he could very well be the best one of them all when its time to hang them up.
  4. Argueably my favourite memory atleast in terms of VHL success was when i took an underdog Davos team all the way to 7 games against the heavy favourite Toronto team, almost denying history. Then winning my first ever VHL award as GM of the year.
  5. Memory 4 was becoming GM, of Davos still sad to this day that i had to step down without a cup.
  6. My 3rd favourite(not actually just the 3rd thing to happen to me in my VHL time). Was the birth of my son, and the support of the league
  7. Id certianly argue Pavel would be more valueble to either Davos or Quebec
  8. My second favourite memory was finallt making the VHL. After 2seasons in junior i was expected to be an underdog. Carved out a great career from their on out
  9. He still has not grown fully, he has yet to stop shocking many scouts. Who all expected him, to have slowed down. Its unclear if he can maintain this pace, but for now he will keep working refining his game. Many wonder why as he has nor succeeded, in the VHLM. Why not simplify his game, why keep rounding it out even though he is expected to return to juniors another season?. Its quiet simple, he isnt worried about VHLM success hes focused on one main goal. VHL success, he expects he will need another season to grow before he gets the call and tries to win the first ever rookie of the year award and first VHL award for a Komarov. His aim will be the HOF, and cup success, he wants to remain loyal to 1 teams though its a rare thing now in the VHL. His cousin was disapointed when dealt to the meute. Despite enjoying great personal success.
  10. My first and best memory was being drafted high by Davos
  11. I joined 2 years ago now i was 33 married, no kids just working for ottawa electric. Now im 35 my wife passes away due to cancer, i have a son who is 1 and like a half at this point. I left ottawa electric worked for another company who did more inside work. Now i own my own company with 4 other workers. Doing all kinds of projects from electrical to dry wall.
  12. Advice to add just look at my player im rounding him out early, and hes been a disaster. Despite being one of the higher TPE players in the VHLM
  13. The only effort you put in around here is boobie and ass threads
  14. Wow fantastic, seriously. Lots of effort and time clearly put into planning this. Keep it up!!!
  15. Just like Davos stood no chance an almost beat Toronto in the finals
  16. If your looking to draft a defensemen. Then this is the draft for you, 6 out of the top 10 prospects are defense. All look to be solid options, the best of the lot Ay Ay Ron. He looks like he has the makings of a franchise defender. One that every team covets, which is exactly why he could be the second overall pick. Its rare to get one franchise Dman in a draft let alone too, Aackckqz Ky looks like he may very well be another which just makes him a valueble asset on his own. He will be fighting for 2nd overall. The first overall pick is a run away, a franchise winger, one of two in the top 10 and likely the only winger worth drafting high. He is the concensus first overall pick. This is where the draft starts to open up. The next best prospect has started to raise some questions about his commitment. However still remains a very solid choice, and likely a top 4 defender for many years to come. His name is Ho Lee Fook. He was once part of the elite group, however has slowed down as of late and could see his name fall abit as teams may look to pick up another more commited. The next guy another defender knowm as AJC, is the man who could usurp Ho Lee Fook, as they may feel he could grow faster and be the better defender in the long haul. Another solid defender who will be a solid top 4 option for many years. He has not exactly lit the league on fire, but remains a solid draft pick for the team he is drafted by. Another defender yep thats right, 1 outta 6 are something other than defensemen. Matthieu Bourdon has been a streaky player in his draft class, sometimes seen working like an elite prospect, others like a future bust. It likely will weight on the GMs minds however he has all the tools of a top 4 defender in the VHL. We finally have a center one of 2 in the top 10, much like Gabriel he is the only one likely in his position worth the draft pick. Sergei Komarov has been argueably the quickest gainer, and has certianly risen the most since being drafted. It still remains to be seem if he can translate to a number 1 center, or if he will plateau as a number 2 center. For a team that could very well use a center he could see his name called early due to lack of potential at this position. The last pick likely to make an impact coming in at number 8. A defender whose work ethic has been streaky much like Bourdon. Emil Martinov, is a player who just cant seem to pull away from the pack. In such a deep draft o Its hard to say where he will land. A team may covet a prospect who declared later. Due to positional needs, however if a team is just out for BPA, they could land a good top 4 defender. VHLM forever could have a solid future as a top 6 winger ahead of him, however he has already stated he wants to stay in juniors. A team will draft him, but it could be a waste of a pick if he can not be convinced to join the VHL. Spicey is going to fall the center just has not shown any work ethic, so many better players declaring late have put it more work. Likely be passed soon by Brienne O'Tarth and other on the depth chart.
  17. It seems a Komarov may return to Davos after all. Though its far from certian. However the rising star, who has shot up the draft boards seems to be falling right into the area Davos drafts. Rumors also state their is a mutal interest in bringing back Davos Royal Family the Komarovs. The thing that could prevent this comes in 2 forms. First off the top of the draftboard is defense heavy. 4-8 are all close in development,which could lead a team to selecting the hulking center if they are deep on defense. However if the VHLM draft shows any questions its that teams covet defensemen even if they cant seem to keep pace. The second is Davos could look to move this pick. In a trade that could improve their chances at a deep run next season. Well it may be unlikely as their future stars are just about ready, likely needing one more season before they are a true threat, it might be a move they consider.
  18. Sergei Komarov Center Faceoffs Shots Blocked Hits
  19. My only issue with this is hit an miss of prospects, because now how do you draft?. Prime example is me, i fell to 25 have had a track record in the league. Even though untill nowi was never a total tpe whore. Meanwhille teams as you saw in my article took newer members over me and got burned. Even some who stayed active havent kept pace. It makes the VHL draft unpredictable, and could allow some teams to domiate for longer times than they do now. Mainly because they get lucky draft the right guys, make smart trades. Its very hard for teams in the VHLM to draft. Now your playing for higher stakes. Yes i know some guys even after the VHLM get drafted into the VHL high still bust. But its not as common
  20. Omg hes ruining the VHLM bring him down!!!! Lol jk
  21. What? I took a team with a goalie in regression, argueably the most hated member in all the league as my only prospect. A semi active who died off after 2 seasons. To 7 games with the Legion almost denying history in just 2 seasons.. 5 outta 6 seasons made the playoffs, positive win lose ratio and a GM of the year award. All this with a shit hand, i drafted the goalie whose helped turn Davos around. Also by stepping down when i did instead of waiting till Pavel retired. Left the GM after me with a much better hand than i was dealt to start. Did i make some questionable moves? Sure i did, it was my first time. I also had internal pressure due to said member. But i regret nothing Davos had its most successful run, in years. And now Smarch has done a fantastic job building them into a legit threat
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