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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Savard's working out well for you. Just sayin' I never understood why GM's could have a 2nd player but never the less here I am with two players updating like a normal person.
  2. Frank

    NYA/DAV; S56

    Why would I want what NY just got?
  3. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    Trade Deadline passed so he'll live in NY this season.
  4. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    Honestly I would have dumped him on Stockholm but I thought I could get a 2nd for him.
  5. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    I believe so. @Tagger
  6. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    Riga can't re-acquire Petenis as it hasn't been two seasons since he was traded from Riga to Quebec. 6.7 – Reacquiring a Player Previously TradedA player may not be re-acquired by the same team within the next 2 seasons (including the one the player was traded in) via trade.
  7. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    This should make Quebec cap compliant assuming he's picked up.
  8. Frank

    Guntis Petenis

    Has one season left. Nobody offered anything worthwhile. So adios, Riga scum. Good luck @hedgehog337 I tried trading you to a playoff team but had no takers.
  9. Frank

    Roy Retires

    3 straight cups in it's glory.
  10. I just assumed you'd wait a day to process since it was a late deal. My bad.
  11. @JardyB10 thought you would of waited to add Abbott since having Petenis on the roster puts me over the cap. I'll be compliant by tomorrow.
  12. Frank

    STO/QUE; S56

    Means he needs to retire and re-create. So Abbott is a rental.
  13. @Velevra For Gaudette
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