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diacope 2

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  1. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Gaikoku-hito in Halloween Hospital fun   
    As is the case with most teams around the holiday season, the Vancouver Wolves decided to give back to the community by sending a few of the players to the local Children Hospital. The team had selected the three rookies on the team would be the honored member to represent the team at the Hospital this Halloween.
    All seemed normal as the three rookies went room to room dress in their costumes until the lights in the hallway on the third floor started to flicker and then they went dark. Leaving the three rookies in a room with only the lights of machines to light their way. Then came a whisper,” Don`t let them die!! Don`t let them die!!” All three players looked around concerned rushing over their faces but not willing to admit they were all on edge now.
    Then seeming out of now where across the door darted a figure, it seemed like a mouse? Quickly followed by another; was that a cat? Then a quick flash of light and a hooded figure with hand out reached, wearing a robe covering his face and scythe was standing in the doorway with a thin hint of fog or smoke rolling around his feet. With his out reached hand he pointed to the three rookies and whispered,” Don`t let them die!! Don`t let them die!!”. Another flash of light and the hooded figure was gone.
    Again, the mouse like figure darted across the door but paused for a quick moment in the door way and whispered, “Don`t let me die!! Don`t let me die!!” Quickly chased out of the door way by what the three assumed was the cat figure again. Then a huge Flash, the flash of light almost blinding the three rookies but they could make two figures shadow figures of what seemed to be the cat & the mouse. The cat jumped on the mouse and pulled head off the mouse with a quick biting motion caused a red liquid to spray into the room from the door followed quickly by darkness once again.
    Once again, a quick flash of light and the hooded figure in the robe and scythe was standing in the door again. He turned and looked at the mess of the red splatter shook his head and once again pointed at the three rookies whispering,” Don`t let them die!! Don`t let them die!!” Again, another flash of light and the hooded figure was gone.
    The light started to flicker once again and off in the distance a tall six-foot four figure stood in the hallway wearing a dark dirt covered jacket with his back turned to the room. Then seeming out of nowhere the figure turned around and had with the flickering light moved closer to the door becoming more visible to all in the room. He was wearing a goalie mask and over his shoulder he was caring a machete. As he moved closer to the door with every flash of light concealing his movements, he raised his machete ready for an attack when flash; a bright gold light seemed to come out of nowhere. Here was a spear stuck in the door frame of the hospital room door, which made everyone inside jump back in start at the unexpected object.
    In the background behind the masked figure stood like a Greek god of a man wearing a gold helm with red cape, red skirt welding a golden sword and a golden shield. He raised his sword and started pounding the shield. Every time the sword struck the shield it caused the lights to flicker and with a yell,” No Retreat!! No Surrender!! That is Spartan law!!” He charged head long into the masked figure and more red liquid squirted into the room as the two figures clashed in the hallway. Then without warning the lights went out again and when they returned the hooded figure was back in the door way. Everyone expecting him to repeat his phrase of don`t let them die!! But he just shook his head and lowered his eye to the floor. Then he could be heard whispering, “I told you don`t let them die!!” then a pause. Again, he whispered," I guess it your turn now!” No sooner did he finish the statement did the light go out again and then a large bang came from the room and from the bed where once the kid had laid jumped a large figure of a werewolf. Causing everyone in the room to scream and fall to the floor.
    Then light started to flicker again in the hallway, but somehow differently this time and you could clearly hear,” Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thunder!!” of the song Thunderstruck. Then two figures appeared in the door way and continued to lyrics to Thunderstruck with a huge finishing of “You`ve been Thunderstruck!!” and the light came back on. With all the character in the room the werewolf and our singers starting to laugh. It was @JB123 Nathan Powers dressed up as Brain Johnson of AC/DC alongside him was @Tape-to-Tape Wattson Power as Angus Young.
    Then another figure entered the room this of @kelvi Anze Miklavz dress as Will Ferrell as the expert animal handler holding three new costumes for the three rookies. Laughing all the way and stated,”That was fun!! Now put these costumes on as we have more children to visit as team.” He handed the Thunderstruck rookies each a costume that seemed to be of the See no evil, hear no evil Monkeys and stating, “I am your handler for the rest of the day. Hopefully none of you had any accidents as these costumes are rented and need to be returned. Plus, we don`t need you to smell like the monkeys!! LOL!!”
    Then one by one all the figures returned to the room; the mouse & cat were Tom & Jerry. In those costumes stood @Gaikoku-hito Pierre Emile Bouchard as Tom and @a_Ferk Biggie Cheese as Jerry. The grim reaper was next and as he pulled his hood back you can see a huge grin from the face of @Lemorse7 Alexandre Leduc. Then Jason the figure wearing the goalie mask with the god like man as masked figure pulled back the mask it was clearly going to be @Tate Brandt Fuhr and the god like Spartan was clearly @Spartan Nico Pearce.
    Then to everyone surprise one of the rookies stated,” Well we are all here then so who is that in the werewolf costume?” With a big chuckle and smile that could be seen across the Pacific Ocean, the werewolf unmasked himself reviling his identity as none other than the team’s General Manager @Frank as he stated “Happy Halloween Wolves!!”
    The team all together now and with the rookies all dress as monkeys with @kelvi Anze controlling the crazy antics went room to room visiting the remaining children handling out candy, autographs, jerseys and even game tickets. “What where is Riddles?” asked one of the members of the team. Then all of sudden the team could hear crazy laughing coming from down the hallway. They all turned looked at each other and started laughing themselves. My guess is this won`t be a Halloween forgotten by the three rookies any time soon. 

    Happy Halloween from the Vancouver Wolves!!
    1123 words Claiming Nov 6th & 13th
  2. Thanks
    diacope 2 reacted to Gaikoku-hito in [S86] Signing: Biggie Cheese (VAN)   
    D In Vancouver starting to look solid for the next few years. Nice to have you resigned @a_Ferk. Now lets see what we can do next season.
  3. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Bojovnik in Las Vegas and Ottawa GM Openings   
  4. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in [S86] Signing: Biggie Cheese (VAN)   
    It's cheesin time
  5. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Las Vegas and Ottawa GM Openings   
  6. Very Nice
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in [S86] Signing: Biggie Cheese (VAN)   
    It's cheesin time
  7. Very Nice
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in Las Vegas and Ottawa GM Openings   
  8. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from AJW in Las Vegas and Ottawa GM Openings   
  9. Like
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Something has to change   
    I pitched to everyone I could (lost a good few because they created while I was at work). I do think an empty team isn't that appealing to new people.
  10. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to UnknownMinion in Rush media #1 captains have been named!!!   
    Welcome to the rush media and series I will post randomly going over news around the rush we got some great news for today trades, captains and a gm update
    Let's start with a gm update, Nathaniel Minion has came forward about truly wanting a cup we planned to interview em but he announced today that he tested positive for Covid so no interview this week moving on to trades 
    Trade #1
    Istanbul receives:
    Jason Coiner
    Nagy AL
    S83 GEN 1st
    Geneva receives:
    Perry Laperriere
    Trade #2
    Vasteras receives:
    Christopher Young
    Geneva receives:
    Craig Martin
    S83 BRA 4th
    Trade #3
    Vasteras receives:
    Daniel Clarke
    Geneva receives:
    Jordan Heavens
    It is clear the are building for a cup with this roster everymove makes em better, the team is fifth right now and just getting better, the gm have hinted to one more trade happening before trade deadline then no more till, lots of questions what that trade will be all we can do now is guess. Now moving onto captains 

    Image made by @Agito
    We did get words for the gm on this as well
    “We let the players vote they picked, tho even tho only three can wear the C and As to us anybody on the team could have but it on and did a great job, we are not saying the the captains get more of a say, everyone gets a say and every does the best they can and that is who we do things here.”
    And that's it for todays rush media see you sometime in the future!
  11. Woah
    diacope 2 reacted to fromtheinside in Repeat Offender - October edition   
    scissor me daddy hogan
  12. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to Garsh in Repeat Offender - October edition   
    Bek told a user to "fuck off", even if he is friends with dil he shouldn't be bringing down the hammer like that
  13. Haha
    diacope 2 reacted to jRuutu in Repeat Offender - October edition   
    Repeat Offender - October edition - link to a flipbook

  14. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Triller in Leonard Triller 3D Turntable   
    A 3D turntable of Leonard Triller getting off a quick snap shot!  Let me know what you think!  Only thing that gets me is that I can't make the BG fog loop so the gif has that pop.


  15. Fire
    diacope 2 reacted to Hogan in "Different Locker Room Characters" An Analysis on the Work Done by JardyB10 Analyzing the Work Done By Jruutu Analyzing the Work Done by Bedirhan   
    In light of the recent controversial posts "Different Locker Room Characters" and the bans to members Jruutu and Bedirhan, user JardyB10 has analyzed the work of Jruutu analyzing the work done by Bedirhan. In JardyB10s analyzation, he seemed to reach the conclusion that members Jruutu and Bedirhan were related, although he never explicitly said it. This can be seen in the following.
    JardyB10 quotes Jruutu, who is quoting Bedirhan.
    Jardy then continues to show the following posts made by sam.
    Jardy then concludes his VHL.com article with a barrage of questioning face emojis and this gif: 
    With these few comments made by Jardy, we can conclude that he is speculating on the relation between members Jruutu and Bedirhan. The possibility of them being related, perhaps even a big bro little bro situation is likely. Jruutu and Bedirhan both talked about the little bro behind banned leading to the ban of the big bro. In the real situation of Bedirhan and Jruutu, Bedirhan was banned which was immediately followed by a ban to memeber Jruutu. It seems as if Jardy has fair ground to stand on here pointing out the potential for these members to be brothers. I am here to examine this claim.
    Bedirhan joined the VHL on July 26th. He claims to be from Turkey and has also mentioned that he will soon be turning 17 on October 19th (Bedirhan, 2022). Being from Turkey, it is assumed that english is not his first language, we can also assume this due to how incoherent everything he says is. Bedirhan is known to be a bit of a pot stirrer, constantly picking fights with members such as myself. All of this: FACT
    Since Bedirhans arrival in the VHL he has made multiple claims that nobody has been able to prove nor debunk. A few of these claims in rapid form. Bedirhan is a franchise changer. He can bench 400 lbs with all of his energy. He can do university level physic questions in seconds. He is the best rapper. There are two billion Bedirhans in Turkey. There are 5000 Bedirhans in Turkey. He has a six pack and oiles it up using special expensive oil because he is a model who works full time. He is going to go to North Korea and make them free. He has no idea when his birthday is. He drinks capacino with 5 sugar. He skateboards, muscle trains, plays American football, eats a lot of meat and is a freak of nature. He doesn't want to join a sport because they're weak. He will beat me in an arm wrestle :(. His father was a dishwasher (worse than me). He's like really big fatty. His girlfriend is amazing. Bedirhan has made a lot of other claims although I believe this is enough to help you understand him. Although the most important rumour has not come from him, but from JardyB10, and this rumour is that he is the brother of VHL member Jruutu.
    Jruutu is old as hell and joined the VHL on February 9th, 2015. His age is unknown according to my sources all though he is estimated to be at least 25 with a mental age of 14. I personally look up to Jruutu in certain ways like his creativity. Although, I look down on him sometimes such as when he posted a f****light to the forums. We know that Jruutu is older than Bedirhan, leaving the possibility of him being the older bro wide open. Jruutu is from Finland, which is north of Turkey, but not too far away. All of this: FACT
    The main rumour surrounding Jruutu here is if he is related to Bedirhan, which resulted in him getting a ban from the VHL.
    Following my investigation between Jruutu and Bedirhan. I have come to the conclusion that not enough evidence is present between the two men. JardyB10 made an assumption based on a few coincidences and until proven otherwise, his assumptions stand. Until further comments can be made from both Jruutu and Bedirhan. THIS CASE IS CLOSED.
  16. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Frank in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. At this point of the season, what has been the highlight for the Vancouver Wolves to date?
    Acquiring Biggie Cheese, their best player. Cheese is much better than Nico Pearce @Spartan
    2. Three games remaining as I write this press conference so what expectation or any goals do you have remaining for these three games? (Team or player)
    I set a career high in goals so that was cool.
    3. Do you think we can still catch Calgary Wranglers for first in the conference with the three games remaining? Does it matter if we finish first?
    I'm from the future, we did not catch them. I don't think it matters, we would most likely have to play either Seattle or D.C. anyways and they're both good.
    4. Looking ahead to the first round of the play-offs, who would you like to meet in the first round of the play-offs? Why?
    D.C. I guess. Some weird shit would've had to happen for us not to.
    5. Let’s assume we get through the conference of death and make it to the Continental Cup Finals, who would you like to meet in the finals? Why?
    London because they are pretty bid, they just got carried hard by Jerome.
    6. Fill in the blank:
    Vancouver Wolves will be Continental Champions if they win 3 seven game playoff series in a row.
  17. Angry
    diacope 2 got a reaction from Spartan in Vancouver Wolves Press Conference   
    1. At this point of the season, what has been the highlight for the Vancouver Wolves to date?
    Acquiring Biggie Cheese, their best player. Cheese is much better than Nico Pearce @Spartan
    2. Three games remaining as I write this press conference so what expectation or any goals do you have remaining for these three games? (Team or player)
    I set a career high in goals so that was cool.
    3. Do you think we can still catch Calgary Wranglers for first in the conference with the three games remaining? Does it matter if we finish first?
    I'm from the future, we did not catch them. I don't think it matters, we would most likely have to play either Seattle or D.C. anyways and they're both good.
    4. Looking ahead to the first round of the play-offs, who would you like to meet in the first round of the play-offs? Why?
    D.C. I guess. Some weird shit would've had to happen for us not to.
    5. Let’s assume we get through the conference of death and make it to the Continental Cup Finals, who would you like to meet in the finals? Why?
    London because they are pretty bid, they just got carried hard by Jerome.
    6. Fill in the blank:
    Vancouver Wolves will be Continental Champions if they win 3 seven game playoff series in a row.
  18. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Esso2264 in Moderator Complaint   
    bruh at least credit me
  19. Like
    diacope 2 reacted to Josh in Moderator Complaint   
    I think it's so he can use every type of font decoration in one post.
  20. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from twists in (S87) C - Mac Atlas, TPE: 80   
    @v.2 Join Mississauga, we have perfect record
  21. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from samx in (S87) C - Jimi Jaks, TPE: 80   
    pls join Mississauga 
  22. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in (S87) C - Jimi Jaks, TPE: 80   
    pls join Mississauga 
  23. Haha
    diacope 2 got a reaction from John Cimarno in (S87) C - Mac Atlas, TPE: 80   
    @v.2 Join Mississauga, we have perfect record
  24. Fire
    diacope 2 got a reaction from N0HBDY in (S87) C - Mac Atlas, TPE: 80   
    @v.2 Join Mississauga, we have perfect record
  25. Hmmm
    diacope 2 got a reaction from JardyB10 in Was or is mentioned to identify someone or something's time for the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to just stop.   
    The individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to can't even construct an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a proper sentence, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're typing is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're straight out relating to a part that which is more whole between grade seven. The individual of which you are listening to really wish the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to would stop attempting to impress people as to what time being honest as well as truthful gets the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to much further in life has or is in a combined association  adults than anything else (unless the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to want to be in politics, the individual of which you are listening to guess). Everyone here that of which is present in this time calling the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to out, not because a certain and definite article of which is a claims aren't possible, but because in that section or location of which I am referring to are a large supply of different versions relating to a part that which is more whole between a certain and definite article of which is a claims the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to are making. Referring to the specific and current subject matter of  that of which is present in this time a certain and definite article of which is a top sign someone that of which is present in this time fabricating an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a story, a certain and definite article of which is a fine details are forbid someone or something, possibly themselves to a certain and definite article of which is a same more than an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a handful relating to a part that which is more whole between time. Also, just remember, ohl players are student-athletes as well as are actually expected to be above grade averages... last time the individual of which you are listening to checked anyway.
    as to what time the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to claim things is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to've taken mcdavid one in an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a one on one, or 'deked out' nurse, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to have to understand referring to the specific and current subject matter of  anyone has or is in a combined association  an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a head on to a certain group of individuals that I, another individual, am not a part of has shoulders that of which is present in this time currently replacing the current location to a different location  to question the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to about was or is mentioned to identify someone or something simply because relating to a part that which is more whole between one thing: if was or is mentioned to identify someone or something's too good to be true, then was or is mentioned to identify someone or something probably that of which is present in this time. If was or is mentioned to identify someone or something quacks is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck, uses the pertained viewpoints pertained in the skull to see or notice is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck, was or is mentioned to identify someone or something's an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck. The individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to keep creating additional stories referring to the specific and current subject matter of  only dig the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to further into a certain and definite article of which is a ground as well as now the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to've made yourself an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a target instead relating to a part that which is more whole between simply stopping as well as saying to yourself: 'huh, okay, was or is mentioned to identify someone or something seems is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the population of individuals that I, another individual, am not a part of're not impressed.'
    the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're not impressing anyone, as well as to the individual of which I, another individual, am referring to has trash talk that of which is present in this time about as weak as an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a fortnite players.
    for yourself, as well as to the individual of which I, another individual, am referring to has reputation, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to need to stop.
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