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KaleebtheMighty last won the day on December 1 2024

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About KaleebtheMighty

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    Dalkr Vidarsson
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    Bowling Green, KY
  • Interests
    Hockey, Medical Science

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  1. That's awesome, I really hope you enjoy it!!
  2. Dalkr Vidarsson - RB
  3. You all deserve a tag, you've been tremendous to chat with and be around. That's my way of saying you've made my VHL time special and fun.
  4. Today, I come to the podium with a heavy heart but a clear vision. It has been a long number of seasons standing at the helm of the Malmo Nighthawks. Over the past year, I’ve worked hard in multiple aspects of my life; I’ve published my own book and have thrown myself into a writing career that is slowly taking off, I’ve gotten a promotion at work, and I’m working on being a better parent for my growing children. With all of that in mind, however, my schedule has become very crowded. After many days spent reflecting once our playoff run ended this past season, I have decided that the time has come for me to step aside and allow the team to move forward under new leadership. When I first began as a GM for Malmo, there were a lot of unknowns. The team needed a new direction. The first seasons were a bit chaotic (with one surprising run to the conference finals) but after a short rebuild we powered our way forward to a multiple Victory Cup winning team across many seasons. While we did not win any championships, I could not have asked for a better team or players to GM. You all made the job that much more enjoyable. To others around the league and other GMs, thank you for your support and for the trade talks/deals. This league would not have been nearly as fun for my GM tenure had it not been for the crazy pitches from @Banackock and @Alex along with the many productive chats from so many other GMs. There are so many names to mention that I cannot possibly list out thanks for each person individually. Know that I do remember each interaction and appreciate every single person on the team and who I've worked with in this league. Even though I’m stepping down, I believe in Malmo. I do not do this out of spite or knowing that our team lost, but purely out of a limit of time I can muster to keep the team going at the level it deserves. There were many franchise defining players that I got to GM, and I hold my head high knowing so many of my players set franchise records or will have their numbers retired one day. This is not a complete goodbye. I will still be around with my players and to chat with people in the league. Maybe one day I will return to the realm of GMing. For now, however, the Nighthawks deserve a change in leadership that can bring a new spark into the locker room. I will always cheer for the Malmo Nighthawks. As I have stated in the past…we never forget a member of the flock. I will never forget my tenure with Malmo. I know my time will be remembered, and hopefully for all my players and those I GMed it was a good time. Fly hard and fly fast Nighthawks. It is now my time to root for you from the sidelines. Thank you all.
  5. Yep, that's my book!
  6. Thanks for the talks @McLovin! Welcome to Malmo @sportexperts show!! We're happy to bring you into the Nighthawks and look forward to what you'll be able to do here!
  7. CONDITION: If Isaac Mcflopper signs with Malmo, the S97 MAL 4th becomes the S98 MAL 2nd
  8. PRESS CONFERENCE Week of: September 29th, 2024 Answer 6 of these questions for 2 TPE 1. With the off-season upon us, how do you think Malmo will do next season? 2. Who was our MVP this past season? 3. Were the results of the VHL playoffs this season a surprise to you? 4. What is one hobby you want to get into in the future? 5. Who do you think our biggest rival has been over the course of your player being in Malmo? 6. Our current playoff streak is 5 seasons. How long do you think Malmo will continue with this streak of making the playoffs each season? 7. If for some reason we had to relocate to the NA Conference, which north american city should we reside in? 8. HYPOTHETICAL: Taco bell being our food of choice was great, but we don't have any championships to our names yet. In order to get Malmo a championship, what is our team dinner spot we should switch to?
  9. That’s ok, the other GMs here for the Reapers absolutely deserve to be mentioned over me! They were great!
  10. And the book has now been released, thank you to those who pre-ordered it! Already got some reviews on Instagram with some migrating over to Goodreads. I hope those of you who read this enjoy it!!
  11. *scrambles to rewrite the entire book*
  12. So it took awhile to even mention anything, but here I am shamelessly self promoting myself. And hey, now many of you will know my actual name and my actual face instead of just @thadthrasher For those of you that know what I was doing, I've been working on a writing-hobby for the better half of this year. Which turned into a whole trilogy idea and opened my eyes to the fact that yes, I can write a book. Is it good? I mean, I think so, I love my idea. But what writer wouldn't love his own book. I've been hard at work (and a little bit more quiet than usual) trying to pursue my goal and dream of being a published writer. Which, I will state, was a LOT more work than I thought. And a lot of rejections to boot. I can share the frustration of getting rejection after rejection from literary agents with @der meister's own experiences (which if you need a beta reader, I'm more than happy to offer myself!) Out of the total 74 queries I have sent beginning in March of this year...71 of them have been rejections. Ouch. Granted, what I wrote isn't "popular" right now. I've begun writing a science fiction trilogy. You'd think with the popularity of Dune that it could have legs, but being a debut author with no writing background in terms of a literary degree of some sorts, I can see why I'd be rejected. So I ventured into the realm of self-publishing. And I've slowly built up a market for my book on Instagram with some success! Now the point of the whole post. I'm not asking for an outcry of support, but hey, if you're interested in reading a science fiction story with thrilling action, grand conspiracy, and a Star Wars/Matrix type vibe...I think I have a book for you. The first book in The Karajan Saga titled Fates of Rebels and Men is being released on Amazon on August 29th, 2024 as an ebook and a paperback! I'll post the Amazon link and the Goodreads link for anyone interested. Amazon: https://a.co/d/8piio55 Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/217101281-fates-of-rebels-and-men Thanks for checking it out!
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