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Status Updates posted by KaleebtheMighty

  1. It's March Madness time!!

  2. Dalkr Vidarsson sneaks into the S90 VHLM draft, who's gonna scout him? 👀

  3. Best salty snack is Dot's homestyle pretzels original flavor. If you haven't had them yet, you haven't lived.

    1. N0HBDY


      Midwest special, soooooo good

    2. rory


      american pretzels 🤢

    3. McWolf


      Thanks for reminding me I've been dead for all this time

  4. Greenland's next franchise goalie is waiting for his next opportunity to jump up to the VHLM, keep your eyes peeled for S92 prospect Dálkr Vidarsson! 👀

  5. Hello,


    I will be out of the office and will be at the beach 🏖️ for the next week. If this is an emergency, call (248) 434-5508. I will get back to you as soon as I can.


    Thank you!

    1. nurx


      Words can't describe how much I am considering calling that number to see if it is actually your phone number...

    2. KaleebtheMighty
  6. The draft class is scouted, interviews have been sent, and our draft board is covered in notes. Malmo is prepared to build for the future 🔥

  7. March Madness is upon us, I'll be on my couch watching basketball for the majority of the next 4 days 🏀

    1. badcolethetitan
    2. Gaikoku-hito


      Who are you picking to make the final 4? I have no clue about NA Basketball since moving to Japan otherwise I would be joining you the couch. But I think we have Spring Break Baseball Tournament here instead.

    3. KaleebtheMighty


      I have Alabama, Houston, Marquette, and Gonzaga in my final four. We will see if that holds up lol

  8. Happy Turkey Coma Day, I’ll see you all after I’ve recovered 🦃

  9. It’s been a wild weekend of both kids sick and throwing up. Happy birthday to Dad 😂

    1. N0HBDY


      Well if they were sick and in bed all day I guess your gift was quiet time?

    2. KaleebtheMighty


      If they were older, but when they are 2 1/2 and 10 months, it's all hands on deck lol

  10. To all draftees in the S85 VHLE Draft tomorrow night: Istanbul does not have a 1st or 2nd round pick, so just letting you know that if you did not receive an interview for the draft, it's because Istanbul doesn't have a whole lot of picks. Thanks!

  11. That McTavish save is one of the greatest saves in IIHF history.

    1. Alex


      It was a close one, the next world juniors should be interesting with most of the same rosters coming back.

    2. KaleebtheMighty


      Super close! Yeah I’m interested to see how next season turns out, but that sequence was nuts tonight!

  12. We would like to thank the city of Bratislava for donating 21 kilos of ice, 62 bandages, and 14 bottles of extra strength Tylenol and Aleve to the Istanbul locker room after the brawl in Game 3 to help us recover for Game 4.

    I’ll talk to my players about keeping the fisticuffs to a minimum for the rest of the series 👍🏻

    1. FrostBeard


      Just talked to the mayor - that was a good will gift for Red Wolves, Bratislava boys didn't need any of that, heck we even celebrated the fight with some delicious Viking brandy - also, a quick message from our sponsor Viking brandy! If you want to relax, forget about your everyday chores and have a chance to be yourself - just get some delicious Viking brandy and all your problems will seem like a small dot in the nights sky! Only 48.89 Euros for a 0.7L bottle in all shops near you!  

    2. KaleebtheMighty


      Hell we would love to join you after the next game to celebrate our series, no matter the outcome! 🍻

  13. Nothing hits right like drunk 1am Mexican food. It is, unequivocally, the epitome of culinary satisfaction. 

    1. jacobcarson877


      The only thing that comes remotely close is 1am drunk shawarma

    2. JardyB10


      Try mixing Kraft Dinner and Mr. Noodles whilst drunk. It's objectively not that good, but it hits different when you're intoxicated.

    3. a_Ferk


      Food in general hits different when you're intoxicated

  14. I can confirm after my vacation that Italy is an actual place

    1. Dil


      Thank you for your confirmation

    2. jacobcarson877


      I'm gonna need some proof before I believe something so blasphemous

    3. Matt thunder

      Matt thunder

      Good I live somewhere that is an actual place, I was scared to live in a simulation.

  15. S83 super coach is listed over there

  16. Me and my two kids all have Covid now, except for my wife. Lots of sleeping and lots of tissues 😷

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Garsh


      hope you have a speedy recovery!

    3. Brandon


      Sorry to hear, hope you feel better soon!

    4. Moon


      Hope you feel better soon!!!!

  17. White Castle or Taco Bell for late night/drunk food?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Acydburn


      You think White Castle is bad for your toilet? You're eating the wrong stuff at Taco Bell

    3. fonziGG


      Taco Bell atleast tastes better. It’s all about the ratios.

    4. KaleebtheMighty


      I think it’s a gambling game with the toilet regardless of which decision you make here 🤣

  18. Completely unrelated but won my fantasy football championship tonight 🏆

  19. Tornados = very scary 🌪️

    1. UnknownMinion


      what happen are you okay 😮

    2. KaleebtheMighty


      Look up Quad state tornado and Bowling Green, KY tornado. Lots of tornados across the US yesterday evening.

    3. nurx


      agree staying up in case of tornadoes no fun. Do hope anyone involved in the tornadoes is doing as well as they can do following that experience..

  20. After a long week of trips back and forth to labor and delivery due to some little red flags, happy to say that my baby girl was finally born this morning! 👨‍🍼

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