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  1. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Will in S47 VHL Awards   
    His hit total is nice..but his 42 PIM in 15 GP isn't.  Why is that relevant? NY had 9 PP goals on 22 attempts in the finals.  As a total, Stockholm allowed 13 PP goals on 71 attempts.  In fact, Karnage had more PIM than NY had total as a team.
    Finally, Karnage took five minor penalties against New York during their series.  New York scored on four of them.  Add that it was a five game series and not a closely contested seven game series, and I really don't see how it can go to someone on Stockholm.
  2. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Will in Recruitment Team   
    @Phil Any recent PM's sent out to new members?
    @flyersfan1493 I think we should do a survey here soon to see what we can improve.  Kind of like the SBA does the year end survey.
    BTW, apologies for my inactivity in this forum.  Had a death in the family and midterms recently..so I haven't been around as much.  Have been working on some mods at HF to see if I can promote more but it appears we will have to settle for what the SHL does there (just use the fantasy section).
  3. Like
    Advantage reacted to sterling in So I bought a new vape   
    Y'all got cancer now
  4. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from CoachReilly in S47 Discussion Thread   
    First time since the Helsinki days of old where im playing with Coach (back when you had Fowler).
  5. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Kendrick in Davos GM   
    If we give it to Goon, 7th overall should just be used in compensation.
    That is clearly what makes sense in this situation.
    Then let Goon draft who he wants at 3. (goalie)
  6. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from FacePuncher in 2016 WHC Discussion   
    Well unless you are really cherry picking that stat.
    Strictly just looking at Canadians...in the last 3 seasons...Crosby (248 points), Seguin (229 points), Benn (237 points) all have more points than Giroux (213 points, 0.959 ppg) and both Tavares (202 points, 1.01 ppg) and Getzlaf (208 points, .985 ppg) have been better point producers on average.
    If I look at other countries, Kane (218 points), Ovechkin (219 points), Backstrom (215 points) are also ahead (as just the first three names that came to mind).
    With all that being said, Giroux should and will be on the team.
  7. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Victor in Davos GM   
    I have nothing against Victor taking that franchise over...but not sure if we should have him included in the "be trusted to stick around" part
    I'm kidding Vic <3
  8. Like
    Advantage reacted to STZ in Magazine Update and Check-In [IMPORTANT]   
    Hi everyone,
    So I'm back to putting this thing together, and I just wanted to kind of touch base so we all know what is going on. I'll go through a few things on how we will do the schedule, due dates, payments, how special editions work, all that shit. I know most of you guys are familiar as it hasn't been very long since I was in this role, but a refresher doesn't hurt.
    Role Call
    Everyone who wants to keep their job is to post in this thread. Just let me know what article you are writing... I will make a list in the OP as to who has responded. It's a pretty fair expectation that you just reply to this thread to keep your job.
    So for those who know how we did the Magazine before the Deadline was always Sunday MIDNIGHT EST. I would post the Magazine Monday night, so technically you had until the time I posted, but if it's after Sunday at midnight and I post without your article, tough shit. To clarify you will be paid on Monday for the previous week. There is no claiming Magazine Pay without a link to the Pay Stub.
    Payment for everyone is 7 TPE per week. I will post a link in Pay Stubs to all those who are eligible to claim (articles used in Magazine), on the Monday right after the Magazine is posted. So for example if I posted today Monday Feb 29th, you will be getting paid for work completed for the claim week of Feb 22-28.
    Missing Weeks
    As before you are expected to make at least 3/4 submissions per month, or you will be replaced (unless you have a special schedule pre-negotiated). The reason for this is to ensure the team is active, and there are no wasted spots on the team. You get paid 7TPE/Week for this consistency.
    Special Editions
    For those who haven't participated in or read a Special Edition, we did these a lot more frequently before Edition 200. Basically I will give you all a few weeks notice, and we will form a team of writers to leave their designated article, to for a team to collaborate a larger feature article for the special edition. Previous Editions have included; Draft Day Edition, Super Cup Edition, 200th Mag Edition, Full Franchise Analysis Edition.. This seems to peak readership, as well is nice for the writers to get a break from their regular duties, and kind of freshens things up.
    Edition 276
    So, let's consider this a fresh start. I will be posting Edition 276 on Monday March 7th, so your articles for this week are due on March 6th at MIDNIGHT EST. You will get paid for this week on Monday when I post the Magazine and then post the Pay Stubs.. Pretty straight forward, if you need clarification, just ask.
    Last Week Pay
    I believe Molholt had given his notice fairly early in the week, and had advised you guys to post in the PT section for your articles. If there's anyone concerned about how last week went down, let me know, I'm not sure things are confusing because of this switch-up. Maybe we can convince @Draper just to allow everyone on the Magazine to claim a Free 7 TPE for the week for our troubles? <3.. If not, let me know your situation via this thread or PM, and we'll make things right.
    STZ - Editor
    Draper - Headlines
    Looking forward to getting back into this
  9. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from eaglesfan036 in Recruitment Discussion   
    Ill message you about it later tonight Austin.
  10. Like
    Advantage reacted to FBR in WWE/General ProWres Thread   
    Holy shit ass PPV.
    Main-Event match was great. Finish was the weakest it could've been. Reigns is put in a Kimura Lock and gets like 5 chair shots, but magically gets up and spears Ambrose for the win.
    That segment with New Day, E&C and LoN. WHAT THE FUCK WA THE POINT OF THAT!? I love New Day, I loved E&C, I love half of LoN (Rusev and Barrett), but that was dogshit. Have Enzo and Cass debut for god sakes.
    Filler match with Social Outcasts and Truth was dumb. It again proved that Outcasts need to get pushed to the moon and didn't do shit with Golden Truth.
    Divas title match was horrible.
    The only god thing about the Tag Team Divas match was Sasha Banks who was looking mighty fine.
    ADR vs Kalisto and Ziggler vs Owens is just tiring to watch after 100 times.
    Styles vs Jericho was great.
    And that useless ass 6-man tag match where you have the stable that needs the momentum get fucked by a randomly put together tag team.
    Way to build-up for Mania.
  11. Like
    Advantage reacted to Victor in Thread   
    I think I was debating a bit in my head between Sullivan and Low but I definitely think Sullivan > Braxton.
  12. Like
    Advantage reacted to Devise in Fuck this shit   
    Took the words out of my mouth. ADV and I have talked about doing this for ourselves a few times but have yet too. 
    While I feel bad for Riga not winning a game, it isn't like Stockholm winning is a crazy upset. They were doing beating top teams in regulation late. I mean Davos won a Cup in S31 on the backs of basically an all star first line and that's it. High TPE top end forwards consistently make a huge difference. As Jardy said, given the offensive difference in the clubs Riga had to know it was going to take a super human effort from Wingate to stay in the series. Even in game 4 that had such an effort it still went to 4 OT and Riga still bit the bullet.
  13. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from JardyB10 in S47 Discussion: Quest for the Repeat   
    Back-to-back top goalies for AVB it seems.
    Hopefully back-to-back playoff MVP's and cups too
  14. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Knight in S47 Discussion: Quest for the Repeat   
    Back-to-back top goalies for AVB it seems.
    Hopefully back-to-back playoff MVP's and cups too
  15. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Knight in The Young Stars Game   

  16. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Will in VHL By The Numbers   
    Not all can be positive, and that is the direction I am going with in this edition's article.  I focus often on the good but for this one I will look at three disappointments that have taken place so far through the Season 47 campaign.
    52 - It was not a positive start to the off-season when Mason Richardson and Bismarck Koenig announced that they will be going to new teams.  It also wasn't positive when their GM upped and left, leaving the team with no one really in control and very little on the team, except Valmount and the not so active Freedom McJustice.  Their 52 points this season put them outside of a playoff spot in the European Conference, and now that the deadline is approaching, they are clearly looking like they will be trading off assets given their recent move with McJustice.  They are currently twelve points out of a playoff spot and really have no hope in catching Riga for the third and final regular season spot.
    51 - Mason Richardson is not having a bad year by any means, but  don't really think he is having the kind of year you would expect from someone who won the Sterling Labatte Trophy just last season.  With just 51 points in 56 games, Richardson has struggled to provide offense on a team that has struggled as a whole to produce points.  He finds himself fourth for defensemen in points (behind Jeff Hamilton, Phil Hamilton and Biggu Kyanon) while actually being pretty solid defensively.  I think part of the reason I put Richardson here is not that he is actually one of the worst players or anything, but he is one of the big guys on Riga that has struggled to produce points (which is a vital reason why Riga hasn't really been able to make ground in the European Conference).  In fact, Riga finds themselves eighth in the league in goals and just one up on the ninth place Davos Dynamo.
    .913 - You knew he would have to be on this list.  Hans Wingate has not been anywhere near the goalie we have come to expect over the past few years.  His .913 save percentage puts him sixth in the league (and the second worst among created players) and his wins total of 23 is the worst among created goalies.  Before the season, many would have ranked Wingate above the likes of Blake Campbell, Ariel Weinstein and Sandro Clegane.  Now, we have to wonder if Wingate has hit his peak and is perhaps on his way down.  While I don't expect this to be the case, and expect the talented netminder to have a terrific playoff run, this may very well be cause for concern for the Riga Reign, as Wingate is very much their leader now and in the future.
  17. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Da Trifecta in Retired   
    Its amazing that people didnt realize this is why NY traded him.  Hes been thinking about it for quite some time.
  18. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    I always feel ridiculous after arm day. Like my arms are jello so while im driving..turning the wheel can be a little hazardous lol.
  19. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    Sounds good.  100% Mr. Excuses.
    DudePerfect is great.
  20. Like
    Advantage reacted to Will in VHL Award Committee   
    Such as that dummy that voted Chris Miller for Top GM in S45 
  21. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from Phil in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    Is what it is...which is that it is done.
    Yeah some days I have a lot of class (like Tuesdays for example) and the idea of spending a couple hours at the gym after 10+ hours at the school just isn't always interesting to me.  So being able to come home and get something in makes me feel a lot better.  Weekends too.
    We'll have to get a beer together the next time I'm in Toronto.
  22. Like
    Advantage reacted to Phil in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    Oh shit man, that's rough. Sorry to hear that... although hopefully it's for the best. 
    What I found is that the gym is actually a terrific distraction AND motivation right after. Plus, now I can feel good about posting all my gifs and videos  for gym motivation. But seriously, hit me up if you wanna chat. You have support here, my friend. 
    mini gym idea is amaze-balls. On those crappy days where you don't feel like leaving the house, you can still get a workout in (or get swole before you head out for the night) .... although I tend to still get to the gym on those days just because I think of the hot hinee that will be there... that and BEACH SEASON. 
    At some point. I'm still planning on making youtube VHL fitness videos... hopefully for all of your benefit.....I had to do a skill analysis of a volleyball serve for a kin course at UofT last semester... and being me... I waited until the morning of to start and finish it. Here's how it turned out... (got 95% on it btw haha)
  23. Like
    Advantage reacted to BOOM in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    After getting exclusive footage from your Gym Chris, can I suggest you obtain some advice from actual professionals.....



  24. Like
    Advantage reacted to Will in Recruitment Discussion   
    @Advantage sent mass e-mail
  25. Like
    Advantage got a reaction from JardyB10 in Health and Fitness - Motivational Thread   
    Finished my fourth gym session of the week.  Now taking the weekend off before going back to it Monday.
    I feel good.  Not in pain really and happy with my first week back.
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