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Status Replies posted by twists

  1. recreates if you see this please join ottawa- help me and @kirbithan

  2. Welcome to VHL new souls! If you need any assistance, Frosty is at your service :)


  3. There are some Christmas movies that are absolute classics, and then there are some that are fucking awful to a degree I didn't know was possible.

    1. twists


      Bro Christmas Shoes has to be the worst movie I was ever forced to watch as a kid

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Rooting for every series to go the distance! Need some extra time to catch Spartan on the TPE leaderboard!

    1. twists


      That Spartan guy STINKS!

  5. If someone designs like a poster or something I'll use the rest of my print funds and put it up all around my campus

  6. Part of me wishes we could have multis just because I have so many player names I want to use and I don't want to wait years to use them.

    1. twists


      just use a vpn and literally no one would ever know :P

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Btw if anyone wants a co-agm job The Mississauga Hounds could need one both me and enraged are occupied lately and getting a 3rd voice in the office never hurts. Only responsability would be doing PC ( which you can claim for your weekly tpe too )

    1. twists


      I already have one second AGM job, so why not

  8. Survey Results - Our league is younger than you probably expected!

    1. twists


      I assume everyone on the internet is 12 years old unless proven otherwise. It's why I have zero confidence in anyone's opinion online

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. I will no longer be active in this league. I do not like the Beketov system or the harse mod abuse from fresco. 

    1. twists


      I just made a copypasta out of the other guy's lol

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. I wanna see a 90+ skating player named Ricky Bobby. If anyone needs an idea, there you go :D

  11. Hey can you make another graphic with some nice titties in it?

  12. 16 years... its over... you blew it. its the end of the road

  13. Happy Summer GIF by Target

    1. twists


      Also she's clothed what's so bad, plus it's a target ad lmao

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  14. He told a user to fuck off because they asked him about a SIM. Even if Beketov is friends with Dill, no commissioner should be telling a user to fuck off in public, especially when they ask about something like the SIM. It's not a good look (unprofessional), and if you didn't know Beketov, you might not want to message him about something in the future. Before you go and tell me it's not a big deal, Commissioners should be held to a higher standard, as they represent this league.

    1. twists


      He told a user to fuck off because they asked him about a SIM. Even if Josh is friends with Twists, no commissioner should be telling a user to fuck off in public, especially when they ask about something like the SIM. It's not a good look (unprofessional), and if you didn't know Josh, you might not want to message him about something in the future. Before you go and tell me it's not a big deal, Commissioners should be held to a higher standard, as they represent this league.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Look: I love Persona 5 and Persona 5 Royal. Just look at my player's name, for christ's sake. But the "true" ending of P5R is just so damn flat. Today marks the 2nd time I beat it, and I'm just as annoyed by how half-assed the ending is as I was last time. I'm exaggerating slightly, but it reminds me of the final episode of Evangelion with the level of disappointment. 

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