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S44 Victory Hockey Fantasy League


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Gonna make this quick (or not apparently) because I want to get this post up as soon as possible, and I'll try to elaborate with an announcement later.
Things are mostly the same as last season. Scoring has changed for a couple stats, a necessary shift due to the big change that is happening.
Important Change: Adjustable Rosters
You will be able to change your roster each week. The VHFL weeks run on the same schedule as the VHL week for the sake of continuity. So the weeks will run from Monday's scheduled sim to Sunday's scheduled sim. If Sunday's scheduled sim is late and it happens on the following day, I may include it in the new week depending on a couple things: if the Sunday and Monday sims are done as a double-sim on Monday, Sunday will be a part of the next week; if they are split, Sunday will be a part of the next week IF I am unable to capture the stats before Monday's scheduled sim takes place.
Your roster changes must be submitted before Monday @ 5 am CENTRAL TIME for them to be included for the week. There will be no exceptions, for the sake of fairness. If you miss the deadline but still send in the change, it WILL take place the following week unless you send in another new roster. This does not apply to week one, which I will get to later.
So that's the big change. I will be taking care of the weekly stat updating.
As I said, it's mostly the same. Hits and save percentage have been adjusted to fit the weekly format.


Goal = 2 Points

Assist = 1 Point

Shot Blocked = 0.5 Points

Penalty Minute = -0.5 Points

Hit = 0.3 Points



Win = 1 Point

Shutout = 2 Points

Save Percentage = Set amount of points for weekly Save Percentage (seen below)

0.900 = 4

0.910 = 8

0.915 = 12

0.920 = 16

0.925 = 20

0.930 = 25

0.935 = 30


Here is a rundown of what YOU need to do to compete in the Victory Hockey Fantasy League:


1. Read the VHFL Rules & FAQ and ask any questions you have in this thread. Note: where contradictions occur between this thread and the Rules & FAQ thread occur, my thread is correct.


2. Select a full line up consisting of 3 Forwards, 2 Defensemen and 1 Goaltender in the S44 Regular Season. This full line up must not exceed a hard salary cap of $20,000,000 (20 million).


3. Use this spreadsheet, S44 VHFL Player List, to help you strategically choose your lineup.


4. When you have chosen your 3 Forwards, 2 Defensemen and 1 Goaltender, fill out the official template (found below). Make sure to include an answer to the tie-breaker question.


5. Private message your completed official template to VHLFantasy.


6. That's all, now get ready to do some statistic watching!


7. But wait, there's more! When you want to make a roster change, you must re-submit your roster using the template the same as you first send it in. The only difference will be that you only include your tiebreaker in your first roster submission.


8. This doesn't really fit in this list, but I'll just put it here anyway: the first tiebreaker will be fantasy points/week, so if someone doesn't submit a roster until week two should tie with someone who was in since week one, they will win the tiebreaker. Then after that we go to the tiebreaker question if necessary.


9. For week one, please have your roster submitted before Wednesday, July 1st's sim. The VHL season is scheduled to begin Tuesday, but I will give you an extra day if it actually starts on time. If the season should end up beginning on Wednesday or later, then the deadline for week one will be whenever the first sim is.




Username: Your Username
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Forward: Player Name (Salary)
Defensemen: Player Name (Salary)
Defensemen: Player Name (Salary)
Goaltender: Player Name (Salary)

Total Salary: Must be no more than 20 million
Tie Breaker: How many points will the Victory Cup winning team finish with in the S44 Regular Season?

Edited by Streetlight
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Some other thing to consider: it is possible that salaries are off. That depends on how updated the spreadsheet is with necessary changes. I think it's all good, but I don't know for sure. What I have listed will be official for week one, and if I find that adjustments need to be made, an announcement will be made showing whose salaries have changed and I will also personally notify anyone whose team would need changes.



As of now, I can't promise TPE rewards. I would assume it would be the same as last season. A commissioner will have to confirm that, however.

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