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Inspired by @boubabi's random post highlighting that I'd had the most likes in a couple of days (weird) and his obsession with like-whoring, I've decided to look at some of the members who have the best (and worst) likes to posts ratio, something I'm using to arbitrarily determine if people make useful posts or not. Using the leaderboard I'm examining all of this data.




Boom was someone who I expected to have a lot of likes, and in fact, he has the most likes in the league with 3,994. Boom has a tendency to post some NSFW content that of course garners likes, which is one of the main reasons I expected him to be high. It has taken Boom 15, 381 posts to get to that amount of likes. This means that Boom receives a like once every 3.85 posts. Obviously posts receive multiple likes, but this ratio gives us something that we could compare. 3.85 is a pretty solid number and I bet it will hold up well as I go through the list.




3,811 likes in 18,081 posts. Victor receives a like every 4.74 posts, a full post lower than Boom, despite having nearly as many likes. Victor has a solid post lead on boom, but trails him in likes. Clearly this means he isn't as well liked. :o Boom still leads for now, but perhaps we can find a challenger.




3,115 likes in 9,778 posts. We have our challenger! Phil is pulling in a like for every 3.14 posts, which is almost 3/4 of a post lower than Boom, giving him very high ratio. Phil's number will be tough to beat, but this isn't very surprising. He's been very helpful and useful around the boards and has also ran several events and things that would boost his likes as well. Plus, Phil is pretty well liked so that helps as well. 




2,835 likes in 48,711 posts. Our first laughable entry. Kendrick receives a like every 17.18 posts, five times higher than all of our entries before. There are a number of reasons for this. I think Kendrick had his post number raised when we moved to IPB to include all of his posts from the old site, I'm not sure if the others did. Likes are a new addition to the league, posts are not. Kendrick has been around since the beginning, so he has a lot of posts. Also, Kendrick has been an updater since the beginning and therefore gets a ton of posts from that, which also typically wouldn't be liked posts. Kendrick's numbers are skewed (and we'll see some others like that), so he's impossible to get a good read on.




2,524 in 11,001 posts. Boubabi receives one like for every 4.36 posts, which is actually a higher number than I expected. He inspired this article to begin with, as I was figuring he'd be high given his tendency to run like-whoring schemes such as his VHL Christmas Pack, which he won't release without asking for likes (go like it) from the VHL Community. He also posts some of the best graphics in the league, which tend to be well-liked posts in my opinion. So I was surprising that he wasn't contending with the likes of Phil or Boom more, but still a pretty high number. 




2,485 likes in 10,803 posts. Draper gives Boubabi a run for his money and actually places just above him with one like for every 4.35 posts. Draper has a unique advantage that also might be a disadvantage. He is a commissioner, so he posts a lot usually. He posts announcements and giveaways, things that might garner a lot of likes. He also posts boring stuff like roster pages that wouldn't garner many likes. He's tough to gauge because of this, but I figure his numbers are fairly balanced and as such, isn't generating likes like Phil or Boom.




1,753 likes in 5,723 posts. STZ makes a run at Phil here, bypassing Boom in the process with one like for every 3.26 posts! STZ is a well-respected member, so that's not surprising. He's also the mag editor, and although no one ever actually reads the mag, they probably like the post when he posts it. He's the first in our discussion with under 6,000 posts, which is a group that doesn't post as much but their posts are well-liked.




1,692 likes in 5,303 posts. I actually wasn't going to include myself because that seems conceited, but I fare pretty well. I average one like for every 3.13 posts, which is actually the highest number thus far. I imagine its posts like this, where I tag a bunch of people and try to get them involved, or trying to run events like VWF. 3.13 is the current leader, sorry Phil :)




1,688 likes in 5,367 posts. Streetlight's numbers are very similar to mine, with a like every 3.18 posts, just slightly below Phil. Street is someone who I don't think had his posts carry over, which gives us a more accurate representation of his time since likes were added. He always has thoughtful posts and useful things (like TPE indexes, finances, etc.) which people tend to like.




1,638 likes in 33,501 posts. Lololol. We have another victim of circumstance here. Jardy gets a like once every 20.45 posts, which looks horrendous. However, he's the simmer so he is constantly posting games for the league, which don't receive many likes. I also believe he transferred his post count over from the old site too. When Jardy makes posts that aren't box scores, I bet his numbers are really great.




1,614 likes in 5,112 posts. Gorlab is in contention here with one like every 3.17 posts, a very solid number that just edges Streetlight. Granted, 80% of Gorlab's post are this emoticon: :cig:, but people like the shit out of it!




1,607 in 5,074 posts. Frank and Gorlab have very similar numbers and Frank comes in at one like per every 3.16 posts, which is ahead of Gorlab and just below Phil. Frank posts great graphics, which do well in likes and is often funny around the boards. 




1,260 likes in 2,557 posts. We've got a mark that has to be unstoppable! YEAH! receives one like for every 2.03 posts! He's well ahead of anyone that we've talked about thus far and not looking back. He doesn't post nearly as much as the others on the list, but when he does you can bet it'll be liked most of the time. He's had some of the VHL's most interesting players and ideas, so its no surprise that he is so high. 




1,208 likes in 3,558 posts. Munk is our second member below the mark of one like per three posts at 2.95. He doesn't post much anymore due to inactivity, but when he posts it is generally well received. He is one of our highest quality posters, so he should clearly come back around!




1,094 likes in 784 posts. What kind of sorcery is this!? Knight gets a like every 0.72 posts! He's getting more likes than posts, which is crazy. I think he's cheated the system somehow, or had his numbers reset. It's impossible! Knight doesn't post much at all anymore, but he's clearly a well-respected member and people like when he does post. Plus, he didn't have his posts transferred over which helps.




Those are the people above 1,000 likes that I thought would be fun to include. Who have I missed? What is your ratio? Who has the most interesting posts? 

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2 hours ago, Kendrick said:

Cool article, actually believe it or not the majority of my likes come from people who are updated. It's cool because it shows that they may have read the note I left them!


Yeah that's why updating is such a cushy job.

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  • Senior Admin

Interesting read! I don't get really get many likes on any commish stuff outside of a few from posting all the off-season stuff and the odd announcement. Unlike my less honorable predecessor, I've never given TPE out for likes OR birthday wishes ;) 

Edited by Draper
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