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:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #1:sea:


Press Conference Rules

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This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. What were your thoughts on Davos making it to the finals?

2. What were your thoughts on Calgary winning the Continental Cup?

3. Who was Seattle's MVP in the playoffs?

4. What are your thoughts on Seattle signing and extending Vasile Lamb for S88?

5. Seattle traded Ryuji Sakamoto in a 3-way deal for Mikhail Kovalchuk. What are your thoughts on that?

6. Your player has been enjoying their off-season and time for themselves. What have they been up to?

7. You've been a bit naughty on your training diet.. it is the off-season after all.. what snacks and food have you been eating?

8. Were you happy with your performance last season?

9. Current roster, how do the Bears look for next season?

10. What moves so far this off-season surprised you?

11. You just bought a new vehicle. What did you get with that new contract money??



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17 hours ago, Banackock said:


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #1:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. What were your thoughts on Davos making it to the finals?

2. What were your thoughts on Calgary winning the Continental Cup?

3. Who was Seattle's MVP in the playoffs?

4. What are your thoughts on Seattle signing and extending Vasile Lamb for S88?

5. Seattle traded Ryuji Sakamoto in a 3-way deal for Mikhail Kovalchuk. What are your thoughts on that?

6. Your player has been enjoying their off-season and time for themselves. What have they been up to?

7. You've been a bit naughty on your training diet.. it is the off-season after all.. what snacks and food have you been eating?

8. Were you happy with your performance last season?

9. Current roster, how do the Bears look for next season?

10. What moves so far this off-season surprised you?

11. You just bought a new vehicle. What did you get with that new contract money??



2. Praying on their downfalls right now.

3. Sakamoto played the best hockey of being a Seattle Bear, I'd give it to him.

4. Lamb was a big addition and should be big for the next season (or two).

5. Kovalchuk is obviously good and it's the GM's player, just sucks to see Sakamoto go.

9. Good, I should be slightly better and now we got Lamb and Degroot. The young core is obviously better now too. 

11. Brand new FORD F150 TO HAUL HOT BABES


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On 3/22/2023 at 2:12 AM, Banackock said:


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #1:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. What were your thoughts on Davos making it to the finals?

2. What were your thoughts on Calgary winning the Continental Cup?

3. Who was Seattle's MVP in the playoffs?

4. What are your thoughts on Seattle signing and extending Vasile Lamb for S88?

5. Seattle traded Ryuji Sakamoto in a 3-way deal for Mikhail Kovalchuk. What are your thoughts on that?

6. Your player has been enjoying their off-season and time for themselves. What have they been up to?

7. You've been a bit naughty on your training diet.. it is the off-season after all.. what snacks and food have you been eating?

8. Were you happy with your performance last season?

9. Current roster, how do the Bears look for next season?

10. What moves so far this off-season surprised you?

11. You just bought a new vehicle. What did you get with that new contract money??


1. I was rooting for Davos to win it all. They deserve it.

2. No thoughts beyond absolute hated and revilement. 

3. Dusty carried for a little bit. A shame we couldn't get it done.

4. Vasile Lamb is an amazing player and I hope he plays well for us!

5. Kovi is a beast and I think it helps out in the long run.

6. Gaming and homework. And working on music.


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*Stumbles into room* Oh, I'm supposed to answer questions here now? Well OK then.


1. What were your thoughts on Davos making it to the finals?

Well, let's just say that I was rather excited about Davos making it to the finals, seeing as how I was on the team and all. It was my first finals, happy to be there.


2. What were your thoughts on Calgary winning the Continental Cup?

Following up the last answer, let's just say rather poorly. I thought we might have had this one, and it was painful that each game was close.


4. What are your thoughts on Seattle signing and extending Vasile Lamb for S88?

This seems like the year that we're really going for it all, and having Lamb on board is an important part of that. With 21 points in 20 games since coming over, you see what he can do.


6. Your player has been enjoying their off-season and time for themselves. What have they been up to?

I'm an old man at this point, I needed some time away to just go chill. Particularly with all of the trade rumors swirling around, it's easy to get caught up in that.


8. Were you happy with your performance last season?

Not really, honestly. I feel like I should absolutely be the top goalie in the VHL, and while I didn't perform badly, my personal expectation is winning awards every season.


10. What moves so far this off-season surprised you?

Is this where I say that the fact I'm even in this press conference room surprised me? I'll have more to say on that, but yeah, I think it was a shock all around.

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On 3/22/2023 at 3:12 AM, Banackock said:


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #1:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


1. What were your thoughts on Davos making it to the finals?

They played very hard all post season, and Xavier Booberry proved he is still a very capable Elite netminder.

2. What were your thoughts on Calgary winning the Continental Cup?

It definitely takes the sting out of losing to them, but at the same time I feel like if we did beat them, we would have had a good shot at the Cup too.

3. Who was Seattle's MVP in the playoffs?

Ryuji Sakamoto was above and beyond our best player, but I would like to give a nod to every single member of our roster for playing intense hockey all playoffs!

4. What are your thoughts on Seattle signing and extending Vasile Lamb for S88?

5. Seattle traded Ryuji Sakamoto in a 3-way deal for Mikhail Kovalchuk. What are your thoughts on that?

6. Your player has been enjoying their off-season and time for themselves. What have they been up to?

7. You've been a bit naughty on your training diet.. it is the off-season after all.. what snacks and food have you been eating?

8. Were you happy with your performance last season?

9. Current roster, how do the Bears look for next season?

I am feeling very confident about the team this season! I will certainly do my best when called upon to give them a fighting chance every night I start.

10. What moves so far this off-season surprised you?

Losing Dusty Wilson was a huge shock, especially when I was resigned for so cheap these next few seasons. However, gaining Xavier Booberry as a mentor seems incredibly valuable as well, and I welcome the chance to play behind yet another all-star goaltender.

11. You just bought a new vehicle. What did you get with that new contract money??

Nothing fancy, just another vehicle to get to the rink, and drive my kids to school. I don’t really flash my money around with extravagant cars.




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On 3/22/2023 at 11:12 AM, Banackock said:


2. I mean, at least we lost to the eventual winners. They were a good team though

6. Training, training, training. I need to be better next season, that's for sure.

7. I love nuts. Any form of nuts. They're my go-to snack.

8. Not at all. I played good in the series against Vancouver though. I'm hoping to take that momentum going forward.

9. We look really good going into the season. It was great to get Lamb and Degroot back.

11. A Renault Duster.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #2:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

13. what were your overall thoughts on the off-season?

14. What is a hobby your player likes doing?

15. it is Easter weekend. Does your player have any plans?

16.  The Seattle Bears are having an Easter dinner potluck. Each player is supposed to bring something. What do you bring?

17. Which teams have improved the most during the off-season?

18. your player is trying new equipment. what are they trying? Will they use it this season?

19. your player was recently seen in the news for doing something on vacation. What were they doing?

20. Beketov Was reading bedtime stories after the dentist. Growing up, what was one of your favourite tales or stories?



Edited by Banackock
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12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I really want to do a Mediterranean trip, Italy and Greece in particular. I'd come back 50 pounds heavier and it'd be glorious.


13. what were your overall thoughts on the off-season?

Seemed really long, honestly. It's my final season and I really just want to get it going.


15. it is Easter weekend. Does your player have any plans?

Wife has to work in the evening, but we're doing brunch with her family. Simple but nice to get people together.


16.  The Seattle Bears are having an Easter dinner potluck. Each player is supposed to bring something. What do you bring?

Probably some Minnesotan fish that everybody tries a little bit of then goes for better food. Walleye for everybody.


19. your player was recently seen in the news for doing something on vacation. What were they doing?

What, you didn't enter a hot dog eating challenge during your time off? 34 hot dogs in 12 minutes ain't too bad if I say so myself.


20. Beketov Was reading bedtime stories after the dentist. Growing up, what was one of your favourite tales or stories?

I had a lot of Berenstein Bear books growing up - and I couldn't tell you a single thing about them now. But just remember having a stuffed bear I really enjoyed, funny that I'm on the Bears now.

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:12 AM, Banackock said:

:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #2:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:



*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

13. what were your overall thoughts on the off-season?

14. What is a hobby your player likes doing?

15. it is Easter weekend. Does your player have any plans?

16.  The Seattle Bears are having an Easter dinner potluck. Each player is supposed to bring something. What do you bring?

17. Which teams have improved the most during the off-season?

18. your player is trying new equipment. what are they trying? Will they use it this season?

19. your player was recently seen in the news for doing something on vacation. What were they doing?

20. Beketov Was reading bedtime stories after the dentist. Growing up, what was one of your favourite tales or stories?



12. Either Czech Republic or Fiji. Both seem really nice.

13. The team's getting better with the young guys and the old guys aren't too bad either.

16. Eggs, not chocolate ones but the ones from chickens.

18. Trying out different stick materials. Maybe some stainless steel.

19. Hogan 2 has been travelling to other teams cities to check out the arenas before games.

17. The Bears sadly lost some pieces but are definitely still a strong team, I'd guess we finish better than last season.

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12. At the moment, I wanna go to the Balkans

13. We did great in the offseason, and the new guys are doing great

14. Sauna +spa

15. No plans for easter really

19. Relaxing and nothing special

20. I liked some stories to do with Masha and Medved 

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:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #3:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:




*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 

21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate?

22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now?

23. how happy are you with your players performance so far?

24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand.  What is the name and what is the scent?

25. Outside of Seattle, what team has been the biggest surprise so far this season?

26. A fan made a sign for your player in the stands at a home game. what did the sign say? What did it look like?

27. Who is one of your biggest rivals on the ice in the VHL?


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10 hours ago, Banackock said:


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #3:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:




*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate?

22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now?

23. how happy are you with your players performance so far?

24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand.  What is the name and what is the scent?

25. Outside of Seattle, what team has been the biggest surprise so far this season?

26. A fan made a sign for your player in the stands at a home game. what did the sign say? What did it look like?

27. Who is one of your biggest rivals on the ice in the VHL?


21. First of all, that's ridiculous. Second, a shit ton of shots

22. Not surprising at all. We've been hot for like 20 seasons now. I think we just have a great GM!

23. I like how Chip has started! It's made me want to contribute more!

24. Fur Coat by Bear Skin Cologne

26. Too early to tell in my opinion. 

27. "Stone me, Chip daddy".

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21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate?

Being away from North America for so long and knowing what Seattle's good for, a fresh fish dinner was exactly what he wanted. One of those "pick your own" fish sorts of places.


22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now?

I expected us to do well, but I didn't think we'd be doing quite this well. 20 points in 12 games is a great omen for the rest of the year.


23. how happy are you with your players performance so far?

Solid, but I actually think I could be doing better. I love getting the wins, but I'd like to be dominant with some shutouts as well.


24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand.  What is the name and what is the scent?

B.E.A.R. by Bana. Weirdly smells like salmon, but I guess some people are into that? (Really like this question btw)


25. Outside of Seattle, what team has been the biggest surprise so far this season?

I have to say, I didn't see Helsinki's start coming. It's been some rough years for those fans, so it'd be nice to see them at least make playoffs.


27. Who is one of your biggest rivals on the ice in the VHL?

Maybe rivals isn't the right word, but it's always nice to beat my old teams in Helsinki and Davos. And if we somehow ended up facing them in the finals, it'd get wild.


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On 4/11/2023 at 2:57 AM, Banackock said:


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #3:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:




*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate?

22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now?

23. how happy are you with your players performance so far?

24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand.  What is the name and what is the scent?

25. Outside of Seattle, what team has been the biggest surprise so far this season?

26. A fan made a sign for your player in the stands at a home game. what did the sign say? What did it look like?

27. Who is one of your biggest rivals on the ice in the VHL?


21. The entire party celebrated Eno losing the record.

22. Seattle is just good. Everyone is playing really good and it makes sense the team is this hot.

23. Hogan is on pace for his best season, he was also on pace for his best season last year before dropping off, so we will see.

24. Bears. It smells like hockey bag sweat, ice, dirt and anything else you would find the Bears arena.

26. One of those trade for a puck signs. Hogan 2 did not trade a puck to the kid.

27. Daniel janser we need janser to fail. everyone needs to start targetting him to injure him.

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12. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Italy and Greece.  Love Italy and have been a few times but love it there.  Have only been to Athens so would love to see more.  2 great places for food.


21. @CowboyinAmerica recently broke the record for all time TPE earned in a career. How did the Bears help him celebrate?

A baseball style playoff birth clinching style celebration with tons on beer and champagne sprayed everywhere.


22. Seattle is off to a hot start. is this surprising for you? Why do you feel they’re as hot as they are right now

We are playing great as a team and boobery has been amazing back there.



23. how happy are you with your players performance so far?

Extremely happy as he's off to one of the best starts of his career if not best ever.


24. Seattle is coming out with a new cologne brand. What is the name and what is the scent?

Polar bear with the scent of coffee.



26. A fan made a sign for your player in the stands at a home game. what did the sign say? What did it look like?

An Italian flag in a heart saying ti amo nano 


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21.  They're a machine. So we bought him a car.

22. Not surprising. We knew we'd be good, just got to keep it going.

23. Super good. Got to maintain it though

24. Something super musky. Oaky

25. I expected more from Riga, not going to lie.

27. Spartan. Spartan and Moscow. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #4:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:





*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


Remember, I post a lot of questions at one time so that if I miss a week or a certain span, you can always go back and answer the ones from previous weeks! 

28. How was your player done so far this season?

29. What are your thoughts on Seattle so far this season?

30. Seattle is renaming their mascot. What are some of the most popular names for the fans to choose from??

31. It’s theme week. If you were in charge of choosing a theme week, which theme week, would you like to leave to do?

32. Trade deadline can be a nervous time for some players. What does your player do on that day?

33. Seattle is having a fan appreciation night. What are they giving away to the fans?

34. A local company has come out with a new beer. They branded it after the Seattle Bears what did they name it? What does the can look like?

35. It’s been a few seasons now. What are your thoughts on the new hybrid TPE updating scale?



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28. How was your player done so far this season?


He's been OK, with some ups and downs along the way. It's only taken 1400+ TPE to have a decent season(Fuck you @SimonT)



30. Seattle is renaming their mascot. What are some of the most popular names for the fans to choose from??


Fozzy, Grumpy, Itsa(bear), Cocaine or Izthatafuching(bear) are my choices.


31. It’s theme week. If you were in charge of choosing a theme week, which theme week, would you like to leave to do?


My theme would be "The Greatest VHL player that you hate".


32. Trade deadline can be a nervous time for some players. What does your player do on that day?


It doesn't bother me really. I'm rarely traded and prefer to walk away via Free Agency!


33. Seattle is having a fan appreciation night. What are they giving away to the fans?


I'm not sure about the Seattle fans, but in Moscow we would probably give away the most potent Bear Spray commercially available.


34. A local company has come out with a new beer. They branded it after the Seattle Bears what did they name it? What does the can look like?







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28. How was your player done so far this season?

Decent. Like that Seattle's winning a lot, but haven't had the individual save percentage that I would have wanted.


29. What are your thoughts on Seattle so far this season?

Right in the thick of things, that's all I could have asked for. Really hoping that we can overtake Chicago down the stretch, first would be fun.


31. It’s theme week. If you were in charge of choosing a theme week, which theme week, would you like to leave to do?

In the spirit of the last question, I know they don't like to talk about expansion here, but it'd be a fun topic. Propose a team, do an expansion draft, something along those lines.


32. Trade deadline can be a nervous time for some players. What does your player do on that day?

Booberry's an old man at this point, he's seen trade deadlines come and go. Whatever will be will be honestly.


33. Seattle is having a fan appreciation night. What are they giving away to the fans?

It has to be teddy bears. You've got to go with the theme at least a little, and we can make them cute.


35. It’s been a few seasons now. What are your thoughts on the new hybrid TPE updating scale?

Haven't messed with it as a goalie, will be curious what it might look like with a new non-goalie player. Seems to have balanced things out though.

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28. Compared to my first two seasons - great. But I think I've slowed down since the start of the season

29. It's great to be at the top of the table, but all that matters are the playoffs. 

30. Something for Hogan to do once he retires 

32. Russian bathhouse

33. DeGroot's jock strap. 

35. Not great, and I'm not looking forward to all my depreciation.


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:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #5:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

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S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:






*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


Remember, I post a lot of questions at one time so that if I miss a week or a certain span, you can always go back and answer the ones from previous weeks! 

36. trade deadline has ended. What did you think of Seattle trading for Karppinen? @ShawnGlade

37. It’s seems as though @DarkSpyro is on vacation. Where did he go? What are they doing? 
38. Your player has to partake on dancing with the stars as per your new agency contract. Who do you choose as a partner and why?

39. Nano @leafsman has announced their retirement from the VHL. What was the gift that the VHL gave to all their retirees this go around? 
40. being just passed the trade deadline, how do you think the team has done so far this season?

41. at the last home game, Seattle had released a brand, new, unique giveaway to the fans during the game. They dropped about 100 of them from the rafters with parachutes to help them down. What did they giveaway? 
42. If the VHL became a monarchy, and we had to elect the first ever, king or queen, who would you choose as your new ruler? How would they rule?

43. The VHL was taken over by a dictator

ship in a hostile takeover of the league. Who is the new ruthless ruler? What made them take over the VHL? Did they have help?

44. if you had the chance to rename, the VHL, victory, hockey league, to anything else what would it be?



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36. trade deadline has ended. What did you think of Seattle trading for Karppinen? @ShawnGlade

37. It’s seems as though @DarkSpyro is on vacation. Where did he go? What are they doing? 
38. Your player has to partake on dancing with the stars as per your new agency contract. Who do you choose as a partner and why?

39. Nano @leafsman has announced their retirement from the VHL. What was the gift that the VHL gave to all their retirees this go around? 
40. being just passed the trade deadline, how do you think the team has done so far this season?

41. at the last home game, Seattle had released a brand, new, unique giveaway to the fans during the game. They dropped about 100 of them from the rafters with parachutes to help them down. What did they giveaway? 
42. If the VHL became a monarchy, and we had to elect the first ever, king or queen, who would you choose as your new ruler? How would they rule?

43. The VHL was taken over by a dictator

ship in a hostile takeover of the league. Who is the new ruthless ruler? What made them take over the VHL? Did they have help?

44. if you had the chance to rename, the VHL, victory, hockey league, to anything else what would it be?


36. Looks to be a strong depth piece, will be good for the playoffs

39. Great career, and he's been playing great hockey this season.

41. Raffle to take Hogan's place as team's mascot


43. Spartan is already mounting his hostile takeover


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37. It’s seems as though @DarkSpyro is on vacation. Where did he go? What are they doing?

Well Spyro is out there doing whatever dragons do of course - there's a whole Dragon world to save. Or maybe since they're Dark Spyro, they're destroying it?

38. Your player has to partake on dancing with the stars as per your new agency contract. Who do you choose as a partner and why?

Rough. Without knowing any of the dancers, I'm picking the absolute smallest one to pair with Booberry. It's easier lifts, and the size difference will pop on TV.


39. Nano @leafsman has announced their retirement from the VHL. What was the gift that the VHL gave to all their retirees this go around?

Given the nine season careers mean a lot more hits, I'm guessing an NDA that doesn't let them discuss concussion protocol.

40. being just passed the trade deadline, how do you think the team has done so far this season?

Ended up finishing first in the conference, which ain't half bad. That's not the goal though - that's still ahead for a title.


41. at the last home game, Seattle had released a brand, new, unique giveaway to the fans during the game. They dropped about 100 of them from the rafters with parachutes to help them down. What did they giveaway?

Live bears actually. It was weird, PETA got involved, and now we don't really talk about it much.

42. If the VHL became a monarchy, and we had to elect the first ever, king or queen, who would you choose as your new ruler? How would they rule?

I mean, I'm choosing myself. That's not against the rules apparently, so bow down to your benevolent leader everybody.

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On 5/3/2023 at 5:31 AM, Banackock said:




:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #5:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:






*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


Remember, I post a lot of questions at one time so that if I miss a week or a certain span, you can always go back and answer the ones from previous weeks! 

36. trade deadline has ended. What did you think of Seattle trading for Karppinen? @ShawnGlade

37. It’s seems as though @DarkSpyro is on vacation. Where did he go? What are they doing? 
38. Your player has to partake on dancing with the stars as per your new agency contract. Who do you choose as a partner and why?

39. Nano @leafsman has announced their retirement from the VHL. What was the gift that the VHL gave to all their retirees this go around? 
40. being just passed the trade deadline, how do you think the team has done so far this season?

41. at the last home game, Seattle had released a brand, new, unique giveaway to the fans during the game. They dropped about 100 of them from the rafters with parachutes to help them down. What did they giveaway? 
42. If the VHL became a monarchy, and we had to elect the first ever, king or queen, who would you choose as your new ruler? How would they rule?

43. The VHL was taken over by a dictator

ship in a hostile takeover of the league. Who is the new ruthless ruler? What made them take over the VHL? Did they have help?

44. if you had the chance to rename, the VHL, victory, hockey league, to anything else what would it be?



36. Solid deadline pick up and he was able to turn it up during the last stretch of the season.

42. Original Hulk Hogan. He rules by doing nothing and just letting the league stay how it is.

43. Its dom. He changes the whole league to french and ruthlessly fires everyone without telling them!

44. It stays the VHL forever brother. The Victory Hogan League.

40. Im late on this question but Seattle is doing great. We had our best season of Hulk Hogan 2's career and we're playing game 3 and 4 of the playoffs tonight.

39. A couple of golden skates specifically for Nano. He's been a great defensemen on Seattle for the past 3 seasons and id say the most underrated on the team.

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On 5/3/2023 at 4:31 AM, Banackock said:




:sea: Bana's S88 Quick Q's - #5:sea:


Press Conference Rules

Seattle Bears Team Page

S87 VHL Draft

S87 VHL Index

S87 VHLE Index

S87 VHLM Index


This season's PC's:






*Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! :) 


Remember, I post a lot of questions at one time so that if I miss a week or a certain span, you can always go back and answer the ones from previous weeks! 

36. trade deadline has ended. What did you think of Seattle trading for Karppinen? @ShawnGlade

37. It’s seems as though @DarkSpyro is on vacation. Where did he go? What are they doing? 
38. Your player has to partake on dancing with the stars as per your new agency contract. Who do you choose as a partner and why?

39. Nano @leafsman has announced their retirement from the VHL. What was the gift that the VHL gave to all their retirees this go around? 
40. being just passed the trade deadline, how do you think the team has done so far this season?

41. at the last home game, Seattle had released a brand, new, unique giveaway to the fans during the game. They dropped about 100 of them from the rafters with parachutes to help them down. What did they giveaway? 
42. If the VHL became a monarchy, and we had to elect the first ever, king or queen, who would you choose as your new ruler? How would they rule?

43. The VHL was taken over by a dictator

ship in a hostile takeover of the league. Who is the new ruthless ruler? What made them take over the VHL? Did they have help?

44. if you had the chance to rename, the VHL, victory, hockey league, to anything else what would it be?



36. More VHLM GM players is gooder, gotta get Yasilievich now @badcolethetitan lol

37. He got bored of not playing lol, dude is AWOL

38. I choose Derek... Pretty sure he always wins so.

39. The nephew of the Commish left a flaming bag of shit on all their doorsteps, if you consider that a gift.

40. Obviously great ... Top seed in the conference.

41. Teddy Bears with the logo.... 


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