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firestorm tweet


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A single tweet has caused a serious twitter firestorm with 1 retweets and 2 likes, both from porn bots.




After a 5 season hiatus from representing any players in the VHL atmosphere, the Higgins player agency has tweeted as usual a semi cryptic message. It's no surprise that the Higgins agency has vouched for the return of the Boubabi player agency as the two have been connected for close to 20 seasons and have combined for dozens of VHL awards and 3 VHL championships in that time.


What happened? It was rumoured that these two joint-agencies had taken control of too much of the league and it wasn't a healthy relationship for the VHL as a whole. With back room control of the VHL there were no sanctions that could hold down the Higgins-Boubabi player agency combo. Especially during the era of Project Player Two, which was dominated by the 5 players collectively controlled by the two agencies


Franchise Cornerstone. Black Velvet. Ay Ay Ron. Jack Shephard. Jacob.


A powerhouse agency combo that could not be touched - walked to back-to-back championships and added another one for a total of 3 before it all came crashing down.


The VHL decided to take action against the growing threat that was in the shadows. Project Player Two promptly ended. Boubabi agency banned from all league events.


In protest the Higgins player agency ended all recruitment efforts for finding new VHL talent. It seems this protest may finally come to an end - 1 year later.


This tweet signaled 'Number 7 will declare for the VHL'.

We know the Higgins Player Agency has represented 6 players.

1. Mitch Higgins

2. Tuomas Tukio

3. James Faraday

4. Black Velvet

5. Jacob

6. Jack Shephard

7. ???


Not without a catch though - it appears only if the Boubabi Player Agency is granted amnesty and allowed to re-join the VHL circle. I wouldn't say it's impossible but it could be a long shot to ever see #7 from the Higgins player agency with this condition attached.


The last player declared for the VHL from the Higgins Player Agency was Jack Shephard on May 30, 2017 in Season 55. A drought of 26 months could be coming to an end.....

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On 7/24/2019 at 10:02 PM, Enorama said:

Free Boubabi has been a meme since before I even joined ? is there even a boubabi to be freed anymore?

He comes around once a month or so, probably just to see if he’s still banned. You’d think he would have given up by now.


3 hours ago, gorlab said:

@Beketov set it up


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8 minutes ago, Beketov said:



Do you ever just take a step back and think that an internet sim league really isn't that serious? That when numerous people within the community repeatedly ask for something, that maybe, there is a tiny chance, that you need to re-evaluate what's best for the whole, as opposed to your own self-interest? 


Is it because you've been "a member since season 1" that your decision should be final and whatever you decide goes? What makes you the one to decide what is good and what isn't good for this community? Plenty of people think you are an asshole. Maybe you should be banned too? The same can be said for me, and many other current VHLers, this is not a personal attack towards you. 


I really don't understand what it is with sim leagues in positions of "power" and this weird self-gratification that they prioritise at the detriment of the community they are supposed to serve. 

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Shit is wild to me that I could go commit an irl crime, actually hurting someone physically, and serve a far shorter punishment than sim league 'governors' hand out for typed out e-offenses against them. ???


Again, this is not a personal attack directed specifically at you, Bek, but more of my experience with sim leagues as a whole. 


Isn't it time we learn to forgive and heal??? 

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23 minutes ago, Green said:

A life for a life. Free Boubabi and Ban Gorlab so he can get his triple crown? ;)

(No worries Gorlab, I'll lead the free gorlab campaign afterwards)


Sounds fair.


Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

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1 hour ago, Green said:

A life for a life. Free Boubabi and Ban Gorlab so he can get his triple crown? ;)

(No worries Gorlab, I'll lead the free gorlab campaign afterwards)


Who ever gets banned becomes a martyr its the way of the VHL.

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3 hours ago, gorlab said:


Do you ever just take a step back and think that an internet sim league really isn't that serious? That when numerous people within the community repeatedly ask for something, that maybe, there is a tiny chance, that you need to re-evaluate what's best for the whole, as opposed to your own self-interest? 


Is it because you've been "a member since season 1" that your decision should be final and whatever you decide goes? What makes you the one to decide what is good and what isn't good for this community? Plenty of people think you are an asshole. Maybe you should be banned too? The same can be said for me, and many other current VHLers, this is not a personal attack towards you. 


I really don't understand what it is with sim leagues in positions of "power" and this weird self-gratification that they prioritise at the detriment of the community they are supposed to serve. 


2 hours ago, gorlab said:

Shit is wild to me that I could go commit an irl crime, actually hurting someone physically, and serve a far shorter punishment than sim league 'governors' hand out for typed out e-offenses against them. ???


Again, this is not a personal attack directed specifically at you, Bek, but more of my experience with sim leagues as a whole. 


Isn't it time we learn to forgive and heal??? 

I’d wager half the people pulling out the “FreeBoubabi” bullshit either weren’t here when he was or are simply doing it for shits and giggles. Outside of a few select cases I’d argue most do not want him back and honestly the league is better off without him. We were at our closest point ever to closing when he was at his height of being a prick. Members were leaving in droves because they were sick of dealing with him abusing anyone in his path on a daily basis. As admins we couldn’t get anything done because our entire job became putting out the fires he was constantly setting.


We also tried to forgive and heal, we tried it a lot. You weren’t here, you didn’t see it. Boubabi was given more chances than he realistically deserved and probably more chances than any other member was. We gave him plenty of short suspensions that did nothing, we allowed him to have his say and return after his first “permaban” and it did nothing. This isn’t a me vs. Boubabi deal, this has nothing to do with me. I’m not the be all end all of the decision to ban him and I did not make that decision lightly or alone.


We tried. We tried and we tried and we tried and all he did was prove that he cared more about stroking his own ego and being nasty to every member that walked through our doors. The league is at the healthiest point it has been in literal years. I am not risking that by injecting a proven cancer back into the system.

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You guys are changing the narriative though. 


The only person ive ever seen truly say 'I don't want boubabi back' is Beketov. Maybe I'm wrong, and there are actually numerous members out there who hate boubabi and never want him to return, but I sincerely doubt that. 


Sonnet were you even on the VHL when boubabi was here? You talk really vaguely about reading 'story after story' and talking to 'numerous members'.... What stories? What members? 


Feel free to alert these members and tell them to come to this thread and confirm they want boubabi hung and lynched irl because of stuff he typed out on the internet years ago. 



Only person I've ever seen refusing to entertain the idea of unbanning boubabi is Beketov. Full stop. This thread has numerous members who actually were here to interact with boubabi, and they all look to not give a shit about this virtue signalling lifetime ban he's on. 

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Also I've seen the term 'driven away numerous members' thrown around multiple times before regarding sim league bans. Another horribly vague argument that is always used. 


What members were honestly driven away by boubabi? Can anyone legitimately produce a username who was fully active and then never showed up to VHL again strictly due to boubabi?


Who are these members he apparently drove away? The majority of members who posted in this thread seem to support boubabi, and I'd argue the opposite of your guys' argument that the majority of members don't give a single fuck if he's banned or unbanned. 


Its the people in power who care and will change the narriative to propegate their dislike of a member. Yes I wasnt around for the time when boubabi got banned. I was around for ~15 seasons worth of time where he wasn't banned, and never saw anything besides a good contributing member who wasn't afraid to speak his mind, and who's contributions are still felt and used on VHL to this day. 

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4 minutes ago, gorlab said:

Only person I've ever seen refusing to entertain the idea of unbanning boubabi is Beketov. Full stop. This thread has numerous members who actually were here to interact with boubabi, and they all look to not give a shit about this virtue signalling lifetime ban he's on


Count me in the group that does not wish to entertain him coming back. He had good ideas, and would make some valid points, that's true. But he antagonized the entire league, and after several warnings, suspensions and talkings to, refused to see where any fault lay on him. I can't remember which thread it was, but right after a decently successful recruiting drive at the time, he put new members on blast for something insignificant (if there was any reason at all), and basically killed their interest in the league.


I've gone through the old BOG posts, he was a great contributor at one point. At the end though, he seemed to believe he was King around here, and made it his mission to hold the league hostage and push boundaries. Like you said, it's a sim league that shouldn't be taken so seriously. @Beketov and @Will were spending all their time chasing him and damn well begging him to cut his shit out, and he had no interest in that. At what point do you accept those in leadership do not wish to devote all their time to trying to rein in a single member?

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10 minutes ago, gorlab said:

Yes I wasnt around for the time when boubabi got banned. I was around for ~15 seasons worth of time where he wasn't banned, and never saw anything besides a good contributing member who wasn't afraid to speak his mind, and who's contributions are still felt and used on VHL to this day. 

And that right there is the problem. You were around for his good years and gone for his shitty years so yes, obviously you remember a very different Boubabi than the one who we banned. If I trusted the fact that THAT BOUBABI would come back I’d be fine with it. However that version of him died a hell of a long time ago. By the end he was telling us in no uncertain terms that he never intended to help the community every again, was not going to change the way he talked to people, was not going to take responsibility for his actions, and did not care.


You need to face the fact that the Boubabi you remember is not the Boubabi we banned. You’d fondly remember this Boubabi but we banned this one. If you don’t see a problem with what he was doing in there, specifically to brand new members especially, then there’s really not much of a discussion we can have about this.

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