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S68 WJC Commissioner x2


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S68 WJC Commissioner Hiring x2



It's the most... wonderful... time.. of.. the.. year... Well, almost. Christmas music starts playing in like... just over a month? For now, the S68 World Junior Championships are quickly approaching. After brief discussions with @DilIsPickle, he's decided now to step away and give the role to 2 other members. He was fun to work with and impressed me most days, hehe. Please, when applying understand that the job is a job and stuff needs to be done. Don't expect this as an easy source of money with limited efforts.


World Junior Commissioners Duties:

  • Update the Eligibility List and make sure everyone is listed in the good team, as the portal tends to make everyone Canadian.
  • Help in the hiring process of the 5 World Junior Championship General Managers.
  • Promote the World Junior Championship around the board, on the Discord or wherever you may want.
  • Decide the recipients of the tournament awards.
  • Update various All-Time Lists with this season's statistics, histories etc.


The job pays 3 capped TPE per week for the duration of the tournament and will give you a light, fun, short-term management experience. The newly hired WJC Commissioner won't be able to apply for a WJC GM job. Don't apply here if you plan on being a GM, as we'll start the hiring process after the Commish is named.


If this is something that could interest you, apply by posting in this thread.

Lets Go Yes GIF by Bubble Punk

Edited by Banackock
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Not applying, but the Hounds have been notified of the opening and YOU BETTER HIRE ONE OF THEM.


Just kidding, good luck to all (especially my guys though).

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After a small talk with Dil, he's changed his mind as S68 he was thinking to be his last. Turns out, last seasons was and we'll be hiring two Commissioners this season.


APPLY. ASAP. Closes tonight and I'll be posting a decision sometime after. :) 

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  • Commissioner

Depending on when you start I can probably get the eligibility list into the portal. I'm moving this weekend but next week I'll have a night or two to shift it over.

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