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Salutations VHL,


I will be doing a quick and dirty S69 draft review, giving my opinion on which draft picks were well played and which draft picks will backfire on the GM and bust up.


I mean no ill-offence or disrespect to anyone in the following commentary. I completely understand not everyone is awake @ degen hours, active on the discord, or a bastard like myself. I may have never even spoken to you before and am calling you a bust in this article. This is a pure opinion piece of an infamous sim league villain/scumbag, so do not take any offence if I think you're a bust. Use it as motivation and prove me wrong and link me this article in 8 months and call me an idiot.


I also pay 0 attention to the VHLM, so if you were very active there and tore shit up, I have literally no clue about it.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BUST OR LICK - S69 VHL ENTRY DRAFT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


1. :pra: Cinnamon Block - I'm thinking I've made a grave mistaken copying all of his pickems/predicts over the past 3 seasons, but with the 1st overall pick, Prague hit a LICK. Established/well known VHLer who has former MVP players built.


2. :dcd: Benny Graves - Anyone of his graphic ability cannot be considered anything besides a LICK. Plus he's staff and an OG/respected VHL member.


3. :rig:Guy Saskamoose - I've seen his username before and even remember enjoying some of his content on the forum/discord. However, due to players passed over, Saskamoose is our first BUST. hedgehog was into the mids in a big way here.


4. :nya: Soren Jensen - Legendary sim leaguer who wins wherever he goes and has a mastery of sim league mechanics, both 'in-sim' and politically. NYA imo hit the LICK of the draft with this pick. Should be 1st OA imho.


5. :cal: RJ Jubis - Seems to be making a name for himself, but the guy has a damn black and white Boston Bruins logo as his avatar. Most boomerish avatar on VHL. Hopefully it's Bushito's irl friend or multi, cuz otherwise I hate to do it to you RJ Jubis cuz your graphics can be lit, but this is a BUST for me.


6. :dcd: Guy Lesieur - Riga made this pick I think and then traded down for 7th oa and two 3rds? DCD must see something in him I don't, because the unimaginative username KC15 and boomer-era habs avatar/satirical name referencing boomer-era player are major warning signs of a BUST up imho. No disrespect, don't know the guy at all or follow VHLM. 


7. :rig:Benny Storm - Australians are coming up in a big way on the sim scene lately, idk why. Frankly though, I haven't been too impressed with any Australian I've met on SBA, so unfortunately my dawg hedge is still in the mid pack here with another BUST.


8.:hel: Erik Summers - Player name is the same as username. BUST.


9. :cal: Hiroshi Okada - Successful player builder on a hockey sim league which permabanned me. Can do nice graphics and player name contains niche subculture reference that I understand. All the components for a LICK this deep into the round.


10. :rig: Patrik Tallinder - Player name is the same as username. BUST.


11. :cal: Kris Rice - Player name almost is the same as username. BUST


12. :nya: David OQuinn - Way over-hyped and player name is almost the same as username but confusingly different. BUST


13. :mos:Will Clarke - Commish / VHL Portal creator / Probably most important VHL member in history... How the fuck does Will Clarke slip to 13th overall into the welcoming arms of sick degenerates like Victor and myself? Absolute LICK of the draft outside of round 1. I was only going to do round 1, but this was outrageous and I had to speak on it.




That's all for this week folks. Why don't Prague and DC Dragons have emojis though??? ? ? ?  @Beaviss

Edited by gorlab
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14 minutes ago, gorlab said:

Salutations VHL,


I will be doing a quick and dirty S69 draft review, giving my opinion on which draft picks were well played and which draft picks will backfire on the GM and bust up.


I mean no ill-offence or disrespect to anyone in the following commentary. I completely understand not everyone is awake @ degen hours, active on the discord, or a bastard like myself. I may have never even spoken to you before and am calling you a bust in this article. This is a pure opinion piece of an infamous sim league villain/scumbag, so do not take any offence if I think you're a bust. Use it as motivation and prove me wrong and link me this article in 8 months and call me an idiot.


I also pay 0 attention to the VHLM, so if you were very active there and tore shit up, I have literally no clue about it.


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BUST OR LICK - S69 VHL ENTRY DRAFT ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


1. :pra: Cinnamon Block - I'm thinking I've made a grave mistaken copying all of his pickems/predicts over the past 3 seasons, but with the 1st overall pick, Prague hit a LICK. Established/well known VHLer who has former MVP players built.


2. :dcd: Benny Graves - Anyone of his graphic ability cannot be considered anything besides a LICK. Plus he's staff and an OG/respected VHL member.


3. :rig:Guy Saskamoose - I've seen his username before and even remember enjoying some of his content on the forum/discord. However, due to players passed over, Saskamoose is our first BUST. hedgehog was into the mids in a big way here.


4. :nya: Soren Jensen - Legendary sim leaguer who wins wherever he goes and has a mastery of sim league mechanics, both 'in-sim' and politically. NYA imo hit the LICK of the draft with this pick. Should be 1st OA imho.


5. :cal: RJ Jubis - Seems to be making a name for himself, but the guy has a damn black and white Boston Bruins logo as his avatar. Most boomerish avatar on VHL. Hopefully it's Bushito's irl friend or multi, cuz otherwise I hate to do it to you RJ Jubis cuz your graphics can be lit, but this is a BUST for me.


6. :dcd: Guy Lesieur - Riga made this pick I think and then traded down for 7th oa and two 3rds? DCD must see something in him I don't, because the unimaginative username KC15 and boomer-era habs avatar/satirical name referencing boomer-era player are major warning signs of a BUST up imho. No disrespect, don't know the guy at all or follow VHLM. 


7. :rig:Benny Storm - Australians are coming up in a big way on the sim scene lately, idk why. Frankly though, I haven't been too impressed with any Australian I've met on SBA, so unfortunately my dawg hedge is still in the mid pack here with another BUST.


8.:hel: Erik Summers - Player name is the same as username. BUST.


9. :cal: Hiroshi Okada - Successful player builder on a hockey sim league which permabanned me. Can do nice graphics and player name contains niche subculture reference that I understand. All the components for a LICK this deep into the round.


10. :rig: Patrik Tallinder - Player name is the same as username. BUST.


11. :cal: Kris Rice - Player name almost is the same as username. BUST


12. :nya: David OQuinn - Way over-hyped and player name is almost the same as username but confusingly different. BUST


13. :mos:Will Clarke - Commish / VHL Portal creator / Probably most important VHL member in history... How the fuck does Will Clarke slip to 13th overall into the welcoming arms of sick degenerates like Victor and myself? Absolute LICK of the draft outside of round 1. I was only going to do round 1, but this was outrageous and I had to speak on it.




That's all for this week folks. Why don't Prague and DC Dragons have emojis though??? ? ? ?  @Beaviss


Make me them and I'll add them

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Come on @gorlab you literally showed zero love for 1st gen players. Most new players will use a name similar to their username for their first player. You licked established members and busted on all the new guys/girls. Oooh that sounds dirty 


Edited by Jubis
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4 hours ago, gorlab said:

6. :dcd: Guy Lesieur - Riga made this pick I think and then traded down for 7th oa and two 3rds? DCD must see something in him I don't, because the unimaginative username KC15 and boomer-era habs avatar/satirical name referencing boomer-era player are major warning signs of a BUST up imho. No disrespect, don't know the guy at all or follow VHLM. 

@KC15 ?


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Absolutely no offense taken.  And I'm too lazy and indifferent to save a link to this and tell you later you are an idiot @gorlab - nor do I think you are one.  (That graphics discussion recently on discord was fab!)  Just consider this my link and post that you'll be proven wrong.  I'm in PBE, SHL, VHL, GOMHL, EFL and NSFL and nearly max earn in all of them with jobs in most of them as updater, head updater, or GM, etc. So, I'll be (warning: boomer reference alert) Joe Namath and guarantee Guy Lesieur isn't now nor will become a bust.

But hating on the KC15 user name?  Kansas City Royals win the World Series in 2015.  Probably the last in my lifetime.  I'm riding it!  ?



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2 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


I used to be a new member like you; now I'm being licked and getting my pics stolen. Be careful what you wish for. ?

The tongue comes when you least expect it.

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Review:  Realized that to max earn this week, I may need to do reviewing since I don't remember trivia that will be awarded this week.  Thought it would be ironic to move toward proving the author wrong by reviewing his article.  lol  So....entertaining article.  Standard topic of reviewing the first round of the draft, but enough spin to keep it fresh.  Very easy to follow an article like this and use of bolding and graphics/emojis further help with this.  Enough (humorous) disclaimers that no one should really come away offended regardless of whether they agree or disagree.  On the negative side, whether your user name is the same as your player name or not is irrelevant to whether your player will do well in the league and if you are going to ignore what players/users have done over the past year or more in the VHLM, you might as well not do the article.  Best predictor of future behavior?  Past behavior.

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30 minutes ago, KC15 said:

Review:  Realized that to max earn this week, I may need to do reviewing since I don't remember trivia that will be awarded this week.  Thought it would be ironic to move toward proving the author wrong by reviewing his article.  lol  So....entertaining article.  Standard topic of reviewing the first round of the draft, but enough spin to keep it fresh.  Very easy to follow an article like this and use of bolding and graphics/emojis further help with this.  Enough (humorous) disclaimers that no one should really come away offended regardless of whether they agree or disagree.  On the negative side, whether your user name is the same as your player name or not is irrelevant to whether your player will do well in the league and if you are going to ignore what players/users have done over the past year or more in the VHLM, you might as well not do the article.  Best predictor of future behavior?  Past behavior.


Can't get reviewing points on VHL.coms :P  




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10 minutes ago, KC15 said:

Oh my.  Four reviews wasted.  Got to review the reviewing rubrics.  lol



I was hoping to get that comment in before you got too deep lol, good thing there's plenty of graphics to review ? 

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