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Should there be AGMs in the VHLM?


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      There has always been an internal debate amongst GMs about whether or not Assistant GMs are a necessary part of a team. Some think the work load is enough for the GM to handle on his own but others would be lost without there AGM’s.


     I am a little biased because I am an AGM but I feel we are an absolute need for any VHLM team. The VHL is another story as the workload tends to be a little different. I will focus on the VHLMs need for AGMs in this article.


      There are a number of tasks required to run a VHLM team such as recruitment, drafting, trading, etc. A lot of these things a GM can do on their own but it’s the extra little things than an AGM does that make the experience better for everyone. Particularly recruitment and being a locker room presence. Recruitment and retention is the name of the game in the VHLM and being able to build relationships and keep players engaged is something any GM can use help in doing. Having that extra person around to help new players and keep a locker room active is invaluable to any GM. 

    I would like to dive into this in more detail in a future media spot but for now I just wanted to share my opinion on the subject. What are your thoughts about having AGMs in the league? I am not only interested in the GMs opinion, I would love to hear what players think about having AGMs in the league. 

word count: 260

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I'll give my perspective, I guess...


-VHLM AGMs are a good thing if they're used the right way by the GM. An AGM is not someone that should be brought in to make the GM's job easier--covering for GM duties should be done only when life takes over for the GM, and even then it shouldn't happen too often. AGMs (as you probably know) can be super useful in terms of helping people out and keeping up Discord activity, and it's for that reason that I'm very much in favor of their existence in the minors. Somewhere along the way, the AGM should learn what a GM does, and learn how to do all of it, too (though, again, they shouldn't be the one doing all of it regularly), so they'll be able to make a smooth transition into a GM job if they end up going that way.


-VHL AGMs are fairly pointless. In most cases, you'll need GM experience in the minors in the first place. If you're a VHL GM, you know how to run a team and you'll have your own strategy and all that good stuff, and bringing in someone completely new to running a team won't really accomplish anything as the team will end up just about the same regardless of whether or not the new guy tries to give their input. The only options that don't involve bringing in someone new and teaching them a few things (even though experience in the VHLM is much better for new guys) are a) bringing in someone moderately experienced, perhaps with time spent in the minors, and letting them get a look at your team to see how things work in both leagues, or b) bringing in anyone, regardless of experience, and having them run the team for you. Option A is probably the best way to go for a VHL team--going with someone completely new will probably end up wasting their time as VHL and VHLM are fairly different, and Option B is unacceptable. Either way, it doesn't really accomplish a whole lot--locker room activity for retention matters a lot more in the minors (I will contend that it matters a lot more than most people think in the VHL, too, but still not as much as the M), and there are a lot fewer questions to be answered.

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39 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

The only options that don't involve bringing in someone new and teaching them a few things (even though experience in the VHLM is much better for new guys) are a) bringing in someone moderately experienced, perhaps with time spent in the minors, and letting them get a look at your team to see how things work in both leagues, or b) bringing in anyone, regardless of experience, and having them run the team for you.

You missed option C, bringing in a former VHL GM who is also a free agent and it might help convince them to sign, but also maybe one day you'll let them take over and also you met up once irl.



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55 minutes ago, GustavMattias said:

VHLM AGMs are a good thing if they're used the right way by the GM. An AGM is not someone that should be brought in to make the GM's job easier--covering for GM duties should be done only when life takes over for the GM, and even then it shouldn't happen too often. AGMs (as you probably know) can be super useful in terms of helping people out and keeping up Discord activity, and it's for that reason that I'm very much in favor of their existence in the minors. Somewhere along the way, the AGM should learn what a GM does, and learn how to do all of it, too (though, again, they shouldn't be the one doing all of it regularly), so they'll be able to make a smooth transition into a GM job if they end up going that way.

I 100% agree with this. 

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As a former GM in the VHLM and VHL, i never used an AGM because there's simply no need. Everything within reason can be done by yourself. It's not even like GMing is a super time-consuming job in the first place. In my opinion, scouting is the hardest and longest process, but even that you can do over the course of a season and save yourself the stress and trouble. An AGM isn't supposed to take on GM duties to make life easier for a GM, rather an ideal AGM doesn't handle anything with the management parts at all, rather it's more beneficial to have an AGM run the infrastructure of the team and work on retention or keeping an active locker room, and promoting the brand of the team. Maybe they could give trade inputs or help with scouting, but in reality the workload isn't too much for a GM to handle, so I'd see the perfect AGM as more of a face off the team rather than the brains 

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6 hours ago, ShawnGlade said:

As a former GM in the VHLM and VHL, i never used an AGM because there's simply no need. Everything within reason can be done by yourself. It's not even like GMing is a super time-consuming job in the first place. In my opinion, scouting is the hardest and longest process, but even that you can do over the course of a season and save yourself the stress and trouble. An AGM isn't supposed to take on GM duties to make life easier for a GM, rather an ideal AGM doesn't handle anything with the management parts at all, rather it's more beneficial to have an AGM run the infrastructure of the team and work on retention or keeping an active locker room, and promoting the brand of the team. Maybe they could give trade inputs or help with scouting, but in reality the workload isn't too much for a GM to handle, so I'd see the perfect AGM as more of a face off the team rather than the brains 


You might still have your job if you had hired an AGM.

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13 minutes ago, Doomsday said:


You might still have your job if you had hired an AGM.

haha i get it, because i didnt send in a list. thats the joke right? love that joke

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8 hours ago, ShawnGlade said:

haha i get it, because i didnt send in a list. thats the joke right? love that joke


Or, maybe because if you had an AGM, they would have been able to attend the draft in your place. With proper communication and planning, they would know who you really wanted and would have been able to draft those people, instead of just no-showing and having the highest TPE available relegated to your team. It led to a very poor reputation and culture with your team that resulted in players not wanting to be there. That could have been avoided with an AGM. It just humors me that you harp them as unnecessary when you could have greatly benefited from having one. 

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1 hour ago, Doomsday said:


Or, maybe because if you had an AGM, they would have been able to attend the draft in your place. With proper communication and planning, they would know who you really wanted and would have been able to draft those people, instead of just no-showing and having the highest TPE available relegated to your team. It led to a very poor reputation and culture with your team that resulted in players not wanting to be there. That could have been avoided with an AGM. It just humors me that you harp them as unnecessary when you could have greatly benefited from having one. 

To be fair we would be fine with literally anyone drafting for a team so long as they have the blessing of the GM. Doesn’t have to be an official AGM in any way.

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My main argument for AGMs, especially in the VHLM, is to help with locker room duties. Some of our members are having a hard time figuring things out, and I can't be in the LR 24/7 to help them. Having an official AGM they can tag to help them figure out stuff helps me a lot. They are not necessary, of course, but I salute GMs that do it alone, because recruiting players as soon as they create, building draft lists, and helping all these new players on a daily basis takes a lot of time overall. I did it alone for a season, and I'm glad I got Doom to help me with this stuff now.


I've been an AGM in the VHL too and, apart from the one draft in which I took the wheel because Eno was partying in Spain (I think?), I'll admit my role was fairly limited. Eno himself referred to me as his idea bouncer. Once again, far from necessary, but if it helps the GM from time to time, why not?

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Everyone has made really good points. I think I will always be on the side of having an AGM but mainly for the sake of locker room help. Most other things can be handled by a GM on their own but it’s nice to have that guy in the LR helping new members out. 

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3 hours ago, Doomsday said:


Or, maybe because if you had an AGM, they would have been able to attend the draft in your place. With proper communication and planning, they would know who you really wanted and would have been able to draft those people, instead of just no-showing and having the highest TPE available relegated to your team. It led to a very poor reputation and culture with your team that resulted in players not wanting to be there. That could have been avoided with an AGM. It just humors me that you harp them as unnecessary when you could have greatly benefited from having one. 

oh wow this is great insight i have not heard yet doomsday


do you have any more tips for me since youre such a decorated and well-known GM yourself? just an honor that i am even talking to you right now

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Also, I know a lot of people are saying AGMs are useless at the VHL level. Food for thought though, if its providing people more league interaction and giving them jobs/a sense of purpose, isn't that reason enough? 

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5 minutes ago, ShawnGlade said:

oh wow this is great insight i have not heard yet doomsday


do you have any more tips for me since youre such a decorated and well-known GM yourself? just an honor that i am even talking to you right now


Not only is that not making yourself look any better, it's only reaffirming the BoG's decision to remove you. Failure to account for backup plans ended your tenure, and you have clearly not learned from it. 

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Just now, Doomsday said:


Not only is that not making yourself look any better, it's only reaffirming the BoG's decision to remove you. Failure to account for backup plans ended your tenure, and you have clearly not learned from it. 

oh my doomsday!


please dont take this as being passive aggressive! i have learned from it doomsday! but please if you have anymore GM tips for me id appreciate them ❤️ uWu

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2 hours ago, McWolf said:

apart from the one draft in which I took the wheel because Eno was partying in Spain (I think?)


Germany, I slept in my own bed that night :P (morning?) I came on to the stream for the latter rounds towards 4AM actually

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21 hours ago, GustavMattias said:

VHL AGMs are fairly pointless. In most cases, you'll need GM experience in the minors in the first place. If you're a VHL GM, you know how to run a team and you'll have your own strategy and all that good stuff, and bringing in someone completely new to running a team won't really accomplish anything as the team will end up just about the same regardless of whether or not the new guy tries to give their input


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27 minutes ago, ShawnGlade said:

oh my doomsday!


please dont take this as being passive aggressive! i have learned from it doomsday! but please if you have anymore GM tips for me id appreciate them ❤️ uWu


finding nemo disney GIF

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