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HC Davos Dynamo GM Change


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This was inevitably going to happen at some point, though I didn't expect it so soon, but as I will be on extended summer leave which includes the off-season, there is no need to postpone the process especially when there is a capable replacement.

This is the end of my reign as Davos GM and the replacement is Molholt. I am confident he will lead us to a successful end of this competitive cycle and continue Davos' tradition of well-timed and efficient rebuilds afterwards.

All in all, an enjoyable run. A great locker room and lots of new teammates, with 3 playoffs appearances in 4 seasons, including 2 finals, and 1 Continental Cup, with all those potentially incrementing in S38. I'm sure I'll be back in the business sooner rather than later but until then it is time to enjoy a draft again, being a normal player and witnessing a new GM on the VHL landscape.


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Good (shorter) run as GM. Won a cup early on, which must have been nice and taken most of the GMing stress off :P


Definitely leaving the team in a good position going forward. Good luck Molholt, the newest VHL GM.

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So, this has been the "probably" plan for a long time. Victor knew he was going to have to leave for an extended period of time, and has asked me about this long ago. To be quite honest, back then I was asking about all the other options, what about them, or what about him, etc. However, that mindset obviously changed.


I've never been a bigger member in this community. I've always kind of been on the outskirts, primarily because I pop in for a season and leave (which I did twice). When I came back this time, I was set to follow the same path. I was going to get Olsen to 400 TPE and retire him, so that I could at least get an extra welfare point out of his career. I would then create a new player, play in the VHLM for a season or two, and then probably become disinterested and leave again. For better or worse, you have Davos and Victor to thank for why I am still here. I've loved my time here, I've developed Jarkko into a player that I can at least talk about, write about, and be proud of. Yeah, he's not the greatest, he isn't a top player of all time or even for a season, he's not even one of the top four players on his team, but he is a salvaged product. He was on his last legs, ready to hang them up, and he's experiencing a resurged career. He's interesting, at least to me.


Victor was supportive of Olsen staying with the team the whole time. I proposed to him my retirement plan, assuming the team would be better off without Olsen's salary, and he asked me to stay. Then he asked me to stay another year. I became a part of the Davos locker room, and I became interested in our team and its success. While I have had another player (who I don't think made the VHL) and Olsen spent a season with Riga, I AM a member of the Dynamo family exclusively. This is my team, my home in this league. It has given me life in the league and increased my enjoyment ten fold. I owe it to Davos to try to give something back. I can't replace Victor. No one can replace any other person. I can only step into this role and bust my ass for the team, and pray something works out. I'm proud to be taking over such a storied team in the VHL, proud to call it my home, and proud of the players we have here. 


I think we have to win the cup now though, as this puts us in prime position for one of those good old fashioned "win one for X" campaigns. X is definitely Victor, you deserve another one. This ones on us. 



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Good work Victor! A very solid GM'ing tenure and it was a pleasure going against you for so many years! Your replacement has bigger shoes to fill because he sucks. But I'll wish him luck too haha

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