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  1. Haha
    Beaviss got a reaction from Dom in For points, for practice Ep.6   
    im used to it by now
  2. Woah
    Beaviss got a reaction from jRuutu in For points, for practice Ep.6   
    Im going to have to listen now aint I
  3. Like
    Beaviss reacted to dasboot in For points, for practice Ep.5   
    It is on Spotify
  4. Woah
    Beaviss got a reaction from jRuutu in For points, for practice Ep.5   
    I liked the podcast but I really wish it was on Spotify! I would listen more often if it showed up and I could put it on the playlist at the top of the browser! All in All it was a decent podcast and you weren't even driving for it! 8/10 would listen again. Only criticism is maybe some more structure to the podcast.
  5. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from dasboot in Beers with Boot - Episode 2   
    Review: really really good podcast and I agree with alot of your opinions. The structure of your podcast is smooth and precise. It could use more beer included and sometimes it sounds like you are talking to someone and they are about to answer but no one to answer you. Other than that 9/10 just needs more beer
  6. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from diacope in What do you wish you knew before you joined?   
    how much it would take over my life 
  7. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from Ledge in What do you wish you knew before you joined?   
    how much it would take over my life 
  8. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from WildfireMicro in What do you wish you knew before you joined?   
    Yes unfortunately it slowly becomes that eh 
  9. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from JardyB10 in What do you wish you knew before you joined?   
    how much it would take over my life 
  10. Like
    Beaviss reacted to Banackock in Quitting smoking?   
    Hello, it’s been awhile since I open this. I didn’t read the OP again but as I’m sure I had to of mentioned, I had quit one time prior with a prescription called CHAMPEX. I made it 3 months. When I quit this time cold turkey (no vapes, smokes, gum, nicotine, patches or anything) I honestly probably didn’t think I’d make it because I couldn’t make it with the help of a prescription that allegedly is somewhat successful in assisting with quitting. 
    I’ve had a stressful last while I guess. Girlfriend had the pains, the tumour, the cancer diagnosis. Covid and lock downs, restrictions and societal divide. Work has been extremely stressful - I work with right wingers, racist albertans who are obviously anti-mask, covid, movements etc that love to spread their extremely far fetched conspiracies that they find in the dark corners of Facebook. Work too has been extremely busy and hectic working my normal 10 day shifts, on call 24 hours a day.. example - 3 shifts ago on the final day I worked  A 20 hour day with a call out… the shift after my final day was 16.5 hours… so 36.5 hours in 2 damn days… today is fortunately my last day of this stretch… We got a new puppy - which he’s adorable but man, he makes me so happy and appreciate of our 3 year old Doberman.. 
    but, there’s good in it all. My girlfriend did her last round of chemotherapy on last Halloween (not this most recent) and in December she received the good news with check ups every few months since… her hairs even comeback very quickly!! Covid is still apart of our days but seems slightly better with hope now! Work is still shit!! Lmao.. and my puppy is our puppy.. but not even 48 hours into bringing him home, I taught him to sit.. flash forward a month later and he has sit, lay and very minor leash training.. and is working some more on lay and now slowly being taught spin.. 
    AND FINALLY.. didn’t think I’d make it and I am about 9 hours early from my last cigarette I ever smoked a year ago.. but today is the day. ONE YEAR! My girlfriend’s mom just messaged me and wished me “Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary of being a non smoker ****..so proud of you and I believe I'm ready!!!   You can be my sponsor  😉 ” as I told her a couple days ago when visiting..  makes me happy and proud and it’s crazy I made it.. $3,700 bucks saved blah blah.. woo hoo!! Still can’t believe I did it!! Fuck yeah!! 

  11. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from Abaddon in MORPHEUS DEVOURS   
  12. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from MubbleFubbles in (S82) C - The Board Game Clue On Skates, TPE: 48   
    Welcome to the league!

    Let me know if you need any help getting started or if you have any questions! Make sure to check out the discord as thats where you can get real time help quickly!
  13. Cheers
    Beaviss reacted to Moon in Moon's Thank you post.   
    Well I have only been here for around 3 months now and it has been one of the best decisions i have made, I have met so many amazing people who have been super helpful not just in the VHL side of things but helping with my Mental Health. I know there is always someone I can ramble/rant to and just chat to get my mind off of things. I am going to go and thank the main people I talk to on a regular basis in this post so if you aren't mentioned that's why and this is not in any particular order.

    @Alex_J32: When I first started talking to Alex I instantly felt like He was someone I could talk to. Alex has really honestly taught me things without even knowing such as Stepping up to the plate to help people out and just being patient with people. I really appreciate Alex listening to me ramble and complain about stupid stuff. Thank you Alex!

    @Brewins15: Sam and I first started talking when I sent her a chicken nugget GIF, ever since then we have talked about random stuff and helped each other out when needed. Sam has seen many different sides of me and im surprised She still wants to chat. Sam has been there whenever I needed someone to chat to and basically got me talking to Alex. Once again I appreciate Sam being a listener when ever I needed a listener. Thank you Sam!

    @youloser1337: Lose was the 1st person I ever talked to in the VHL. Lose has been a super big help since day 1 and I don't think ill ever be able to repay him for that. Lose has also taught me to give people chances as He gave me a chance for being an AGM in the junior showcase after i was only in the league for I think maybe a month or just over a month, He taught me what to do and how to talk to the players, Lose then offered me a AGM job for Mexico City in the VHLM, never would I have thought He would sign a complete noob. Lose also is a person who I can randomly go and rant to or nerd out about bowling. Lose is a very good listener even when He's at work 🤣. Thank you Lose!

    @rory : The first time I think I ever messaged Rory was cause of their profile picture on Discord, from then I have always went to Rory for help and they would always give the answers for some of the stupid questions I had. Rory has listened to lots of my crap and let me ramble on and on. Rory always brings good energy into VC's on discord as they are always in a good mood it seems, Rory has made me laugh when needed. I really appreciate you being there for me Rory. Thank you Rory! One last thing is it 1:43 yet?

    @Beaviss: Oh jeez where to start with this old fart.... I honestly don't remember how I started talking to Beaviss but all I know is I don't regret it as he is always sitting in VC and giving me someone to talk to when im bored and we always end up doing or talking about something stupid, which is really needed once in awhile. Beaviss is always willing to play games and or talk to people no matter who they are which is a very good thing. Thanks for letting me be stupid around you Dingus!

    @Laine: When I first joined the league Lose signed me to the Minnesota Storm which is the team Laine Gm's for. I honestly didn't talk to Laine much till I was in the Junior showcase I believe. Laine and I have talked a lot about IRL honestly which I have really enjoyed. We always end up on the topic of football which is awesome as I'm into football and Laine is as well. Laine was right there when talking and ill quote one thing He told me "I'm not just a GM im also a person" Which felt super good to hear so I always know ill have someone to fall back too. Thanks Laine! 

    @a_Ferk: b_Ferk where do I start. I started talking to Ferk in the Junior showcase as Lose and I got him on our team and Ferk was one of the more active players so we just would message like everyday mostly, now I would like to say Ferk is one of my best friends here. Ferk has always listened to my non sense and I really don't know why He would be each to their own i guess. Ferk and I are now forced to talk to each other as He is now my AGM which is absolutely amazing! Ferk and I will sit around and just chat or do VHLM work which is always nice to have someone to chat to while doing that. Ferk has been a amazing person to talk to and complain about things which is much appreciated! Thanks Ferk! now lets go get #1 Victory Royale.

    Those are the main people I talk to but i have to give one honorable mention cause every night I talk to this person I end up killing myself laughing, that person being @JeffD. Jeff is always doing something to make me die laughing if it isnt making a white claw spray everywhere its him attempting to draw things on Skribbl and if it isnt either of those its his attempt at karaoke. Thanks for the laughs Jeff!

    Alright Thanks to everyone else that I didn't mention!

    If anyone read this id be surprised. I am very sorry for my horrible grammar and puncuation 🤣 I am not claiming this as a Media spot i just didn't know where to put it. This was also making me cringe writing.

  14. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from Horcrux in S80 WJC Team Europe Roster   
  15. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from Baozi in V6: Who is what Beer... Liquor!? (final edition v2?)   
    Incase you missed my first try at this article you can find it Here or even Here or if your lucky you can find it HERE if you are cool you can also find it here sigh... I cant keep adding onto this. Yeah I can last weeks you can find here. Again this is not an in-depth or insulting article this is just the first beer that comes to mind when I think of said person. 
    White Claw

    @JeffD (honorable mention @rory )
    The secret GOAT of all liquor beverages. It gets you banged up and you feel like you just had some nice sparkling water. Its not everyone's thing since some people can taste the ethanol more than others but all in all its a fantastic beverage to play video games or go play 18 and drink 12 of them. Happy Birthday Rory!


    This local delicacy in Victoria is a strange but unique drink. Its a very sophisticated drink but all the degenerates drink them at 2am just before the bars close. It gives you enough gas to get you home but often causes people to puke because its stronger than you think kind of like fong. 
    Ingredients: shaken with ice.
    1 oz vanilla vodka or standard vodka
    1 oz kahlua
    1 oz irish cream Bailey's or Carolyn's
    cold espresso or strong cold coffee Starbucks espresso cans are great

    I'm running out of liquor ideas please comment and leave me drink or beer ideas for next week because TPE.
  16. Fire
    Beaviss got a reaction from FrostBeard in V6: Who is what Beer... Liquor!? (final edition v2?)   
    Incase you missed my first try at this article you can find it Here or even Here or if your lucky you can find it HERE if you are cool you can also find it here sigh... I cant keep adding onto this. Yeah I can last weeks you can find here. Again this is not an in-depth or insulting article this is just the first beer that comes to mind when I think of said person. 
    White Claw

    @JeffD (honorable mention @rory )
    The secret GOAT of all liquor beverages. It gets you banged up and you feel like you just had some nice sparkling water. Its not everyone's thing since some people can taste the ethanol more than others but all in all its a fantastic beverage to play video games or go play 18 and drink 12 of them. Happy Birthday Rory!


    This local delicacy in Victoria is a strange but unique drink. Its a very sophisticated drink but all the degenerates drink them at 2am just before the bars close. It gives you enough gas to get you home but often causes people to puke because its stronger than you think kind of like fong. 
    Ingredients: shaken with ice.
    1 oz vanilla vodka or standard vodka
    1 oz kahlua
    1 oz irish cream Bailey's or Carolyn's
    cold espresso or strong cold coffee Starbucks espresso cans are great

    I'm running out of liquor ideas please comment and leave me drink or beer ideas for next week because TPE.
  17. Angry
    Beaviss got a reaction from JardyB10 in Jardy's Chodesode #27: Banning Tate, Playoffs, Dairy Queen   
    someone give me a timestamp when im mentioned. 
  18. Cheers
  19. Thanks
    Beaviss got a reaction from Frank in Are You Not Entertained?   
  20. Fire
    Beaviss reacted to Frank in Are You Not Entertained?   
  21. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from Gaikoku-hito in Yukon Rush Press Conference!   
    1. First Round of the Playoffs are behind us; Where you surprised by the four game sweep of the Miami? (Why or Why not?) 
    We were easily the more dominant team during the regular season its not that surprising we beat them as easily as we did. Hopefully we can do the same this round. 
    2. Again a Playoff question; Where you surprised by any of the results in the first round? (Why or Why not?)
    Halifax winning was a little surprising but not completely out of left field. They had a decent team all year and this may them just hitting the next gear when it actually counts. 
    3. Ottawa just scored fourteen goals in two games against Minnesota; Are you surprised? (Why or Why not?)
    Surprised? no. nervous? yes. If we meet in the final Ottawa is the only team I truly fear can beat us in a straight up series. If we do go head to head in the finals it will be a real battle. 
    4. If a groundhog see his shadow means we have six more weeks of winter; So what happens when a hockey player see his shadow?
    You are probably out of the playoffs and golfing in the sun somewhere nice. 
    5. It not groundhog day you idiot but depending on what country you do have an important holiday coming so what one is better? American Thanksgiving or Black Friday? And do you celebrate either of them?
    Neither are good. They are both based off greed and that's not really my thing. As a Canadian me and my friends have our own party that day. 
    6. Riddle: What does the Turkey eat on Thanksgiving?
    Stuffing and onions?
  22. Like
    Beaviss got a reaction from Horcrux in [S80] Red Lite has retired!   
  23. Cheers
    Beaviss got a reaction from DMaximus in 15th Annual Unofficial VHL Regular Season Awards – S80   
    Review: Love these articles and it really highlights some of the "unknown" heros of the league. I used to love reading to see if anyone has beaten my records and I hope you stick around and keep doing these forever. 
    10/10 - perfect article. The first 10/10 ive given so enjoy  
  24. Like
    Beaviss reacted to Matt thunder in A little update on me   
    Hey guys, It is me, matt, it has been a long time sicne I wrote a media spot, school really kept me busy and other problems for sure didn't help me, but hey, I am still here, I am still standing.
    Today I wanted to talk a little bit about myself, a lot of things happened in the vhl and I didn't tell you guys anything, where should I start? Oh yeah, I got an AGM job, I am the AGM of Ottawa.
    I know what you are thinking, "FINALLY" or "who was so dumb to give him a job?" or just "Finally he will stop applying to anything that exists", but I really do not care much about it, I accomplished my dream, I am finally an AGM after such a long time and I couldn't be more happy.
    So, how is everything going there in Ottawa?
    Everything is going great, I love the team, I love the players, The GM there is one of the best users that I have met in the vhl, we have a bright future and for sure everything there is getting me a lot of experience that will for sure be important in my future as I aim to become a GM. ( I do not care about the league, I just want to become a gm and bring the club that I menage  to  glory, like how my GM is doing right now with Ottawa).
    Still talking about the team and mostly about the players that are in there, I couldn't be more proud to be their AGM, these guys have a lot of potential, love to play hockey and socialise with other players in the lockeroom,  and let me tell you something, they will destroy the VHL once they get there, you will hear about how they will win every single price or trophy and beat every record possible or even create some new records.
    If you haven't noticed I am a lot happy to be there, but now let's talk about the "hot topic". (you guys were waiting for this I think)
    Will Ottawa win the VHLM?
    As I am writing this, Ottawa is currently winning the semi finals against Minnesota 2-0 a good start, let's not lie, but Minnesota can still come back into the series and send us home.
    Meanwhile Yukon is also in our same situation winning the semi finals round 2-0 against Halifax.
    So, who will pass and who will win?
    I will not lie here, as I am the AGM of Ottawa, I will say that Ottawa will pass, and same thing will happen with Yukon, as they are both off to a good start.
    who will win? Nice question, they are both good teams and they both play a good hockey, and during the regualr season they both had similars results nad when they were playing against each other no other team was coming in top of the other, winng most of the time with a close result, maybe a 1-2 goal difference, so, only time will tell us who will win.
    One thing is sure, we will see some really good hockey and only god knows how much we, hockey fans, love to see that.
    547 words I am not wrong.
  25. Like
    Beaviss reacted to Underclass_Hero in Introducing -- Maxwell Mathias   
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