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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. No. That’s @TheLastOlympian07
  2. Seattle is in the finals for the 2nd straight season. Robbie is not.
  3. Kovalchuk scored? He barely plays haha
  4. Didn’t you jokingly do that earlier? maybe should have been serious. I do not mind going back to finals tho Anyway, appreciate the chirping all season, Vancouver. I thought it was lopsided in the regular season but Hogan and I did the math and we’re basically even teams. Good series. Good teams. Always have fun between SEA + VAN. Love the friendly rivalry we have.
  5. POLL: Who makes the first move? Devise or Iran? 

  6. Hi big @Joe
  7. THE RETURN OF THE TITAN! @Tape-to-Tape
  8. @enigmatic u always good at this stuff
  9. @Jbeezy76 Always like stats. This is cool.
  10. Review: What we expect from the French in Canada
  11. @Spyro i expect to see more dragon + bad ass shit from you
  12. I agree with what Ir said. I liked when I seen this and wanted to see more. Make one for me please. @Dil
  13. Thank you for agreeing.
  14. I REALLY dig the second one. 2nd > 1st for me, papa.
  15. @Jubis I like it.
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