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  1. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Tape-to-Tape in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  2. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Renomitsu in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  3. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from fonziGG in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  4. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from bigAL in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  5. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Smarch in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  6. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Spartan in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  7. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Laine in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  8. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Crstats23 in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  9. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Baozi in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  10. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from KnightRiley in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  11. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from wcats in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  12. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Jubo in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  13. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Spence King in Nick's Picks #12 Power Ranking Early Season   
    So we approach a point in the season where we can start predicting which teams will make the playoffs or not. I'll be doing a top 5 power ranking of teams in each conference that I believe to be on top of the hockey world right now. Things on this power ranking are subject to change the next time I make a list like this, so fasten those helmet straps because it's time for a lesson. 
    North America
    1. Las Angeles Stars 30 points
    What else is there to say? A team that seems to have it all. 
    With star players in the likes of, John Merrick, Jeffery Pines, and Jiggly Gumballs, this team is STACKED.
    LA is looking to make a deep run in the playoffs with their solid defensive core, and their hot shot net minder.
    Did I mention how hard it is to score on Doug Dimmadome? Even when he was in the minors he was hot. 
    So be on the lookout for a potential cup run from the Stars.
    @Steve @rory @JigglyGumballs @Esso2264 @Josh
    2. Toronto Legion 27 points
    Toronto is putting up a hell of a fight this season with their veteran goal tender retiring once they're finished.
    With the slogan #WinForRookie trending all over Toronto media, is it any surprise theses guys got their asses in gear?
    With a stud filled roster we have names like, Lester Green, Oh Sens, Scotty Kaberle, Jaxx Hextall, and many more.
    This team is absolutely stacked in terms of offensive talent AND defensive talent. 
    The blue line has only allowed 64 goals so far this season, and likely to barely rise by the time the season concludes.
    I see this team winning big this season, and I see them winning it all.
    So look out for this solid team.
    @Smarch @osens @fromtheinside @ROOKIE745 @Peace
    3. Chicago Phoenix 30 points
    Tied for first place but third on this list is the Phoenix. 
    A team with some incredible talent, but also facing cap problems. 
    I feel like if Chicago wasn't in the cap situation they're in I'd have them at number two. 
    Chicago has some excellent talent such as; Christian Mingle, Robin Winter, Spencer Elsby, and Matty Socks.
    This team has a goals for of 84, which is the most in the conference. 
    I see Chicago potentially winning it all this season, but this season could be their last chance before they have to resign a ton of talent.
    @JeffD @Quik @Sonnet @Spence King @fishy
    4. Seattle Bears 21 points
    A team not far from the spoils of playoff success but dropping lower and lower as time progresses.
    The only reason I have the Bears in the number four spot is only because I hate the city of Vancouver.
    Seattle has usually been on top of the hockey world from what I gather from my limited knowledge of past seasons.
    Seattle bolsters faces such as, Jim Bob, Isabella Campbell, Marshall James Frostbeard, and Rara Rasputin.
    This roster has a ton of depth with a decent amount of star power to back them up. 
    Seattle likely makes the playoffs but loses in the first or second round in my opinion. 
    But hey, STHS could make them sweep the playoffs for all I know.
    @jRuutu @Banackock @FrostBeard @Victor
    5. Vancouver Wolves 21 points
    I really don't like this city, I once got stuck in the freezing cold at the bus stop for hours there. 
    Not going to lie, that was hell, especially being a Florida man myself.
    But this team is essentially even with Seattle in all ways in my opinion. 
    Vancouver's top players include, SS Hornet, Andrew Su, Onde Sandstrom, and Micah Adrienne.
    This team seems to be more focused on scoring goals rather than keeping them out of the net, with a goal differential of only 2. 
    I think both the Wolves and the Bears are the weakest in the top 5 here.
    @McWolf @Da_Berr @fonziGG @Poptart
    1. Prague Phantoms 32 points
    The Phantoms are currently the highest ranked team in the league.
    This team hangs with the big boys any time any day, with an explosive offense and a tight defense.
    Pragues top skaters include, Thomas Landry II, Battre Sandstrom, Riley Knight Gee, and Dan Baillie Jr.
    It's clear that defensively this team is unstoppable with only 55 GA, mainly because of their net minder Grekkark Gyrfalcon (I'm dyslexic and hate this name)
    This team i my favorite to win it in the European Conference this year.
    @diamond_ace  @Doomsday @wcats @Acydburn  @KnightRiley @Sharkstrong
    2. Warsaw Predators 29 points
    The second place team in the European Conference is also second on our power rankings.
    With the best offense in the conference, and the highest goal difference, this team might just be a little better than Prague.
    Warsaw offers many great players such as, Dakota Lamb, Aloe Dear, Latrell Mitchell, and Ajay Krishna.
    This team is ridiculous and you likely don't want to be playing pipes against their destructive offensive core.
    I see this team making it far in the playoffs, if not all the way this year.
    @.sniffuM @dlamb @Renomitsu  @dasboot @Hooperorama
    3. Helsinki Titans 28 points
    Yeah third place in both the league, and this list goes to the Titans.
    With a Goal difference of 16 Helsinki is poised to be another potent offensive warrior this season. 
    With incredible talent like, Valtteri Vaakanainen, Venus Thightrap, Emi Rune, And Zamboni Driver, the Titans are one of the hottest roster out there.
    The reason I appreciate the Titans so much is their goal keeper, it's said that he beat the Maple Leafs by himself, when they employed him.
    Helsinki is likely a top contender in Europe this season, and likely to make a second round appearance.
    @Jubo07 @BladeMaiden @Emi @Tape-to-Tape
    4. HC Davos Dynamo 22 points
    Moving up in the official standings from 5th to 4th in my rankings. 
    Dynamo has a weak game in general, barely staying above .500 by a thread.
    This team is an easy first round knock out to a lower seed or a anyone else in my opinion. 
    However they do offer talent in the form of, Taro Tsujimoto, Tyler Walker, and Kunibuni Unguri.
    A team with an offensive roster that averages under 400, I just don't see this team winning a cup soon. 
    @GustavMattias @Advantage @Berocka
    5. London United 23 points
    Another team barely above .500 is London United.
    A team that while in the standings is better than HC Davos, is likely worse in reality.
    A team in London already sucks, because I also had a bad experience in England, I was 13 and when I noticed the London Bridge was not indeed falling down, I lost my fucking mind.
    London has players that we can list off such as, Mikko Lahtinen, Kevin King, and Kasper Kankkunen. 
    Honestly Kankkunen is my favorite player on this team, once a former Ace with me and I know that he's just awesome at what he does.
    I see London absolutely making the playoffs, doing well for a few games, maybe squeezing into the second round, and getting obliterated.
    However I admit that this team is better than the sim gives them credit for, I just don't argue with Simon.
    @Beketov @IamMOOSE @16z
         Well that concludes this power ranking list, I hope you all enjoyed me talking shit about the teams you're on, and telling you why Toronto will win it all.
    Thank you all for reading, and please tell me what you think in the comments, tell me more about why your team is better than I give them credit for. You're allowed to be wrong. Anyways I hear my dad coming home from the bar for real this time, I'd better grab my helmet, jockstrap, and mouth guard. Stay warm, and stay icey, Seacrest out.
  14. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Spartan in A Rough Start In Toronto   
    The first week for Toronto has been a rough one to say the least. In their first 8 games the Toronto Social Club has won 4 games and lost 4 games. Lets take a look at some of the games played this first week and try to diagnose potential problems either with Toronto or the STHS. While I feel as though the sim might have a small factor in this rough start, I feel as though most of it is likely just bad luck, as any team can win on any given day. So without further ado lets get started. 
         Games one and two went as well as you could hope for the Legion, they went 2-0 in the first set of sims. In game one Toronto played the New York Americans, and beat them 7-2. In the first period New York opened the scoring in 1:42 with a goal from Adam Syreck, with assists from RJ Thatcher, and Nathan Steele. Toronto quickly answered 25 seconds later with a goal from Oh Sens, with assists from Nicholas Sunderbruch and Scotty Kaberle. Afterwards the legion opened the flood gates with three more goals in the first period. One from the following players, Frank Funk Jr, Gunnar Odinsson, and Nicholas Sunderbruch. Toronto raked in another two goals in the second period, another for both Odinsson and Sunderbruch. Oh sens scored one more in the third, and New York's RJ Thatcher scored one more goal in the third to end the game 7-2. Game two was much closer, Toronto faced off against LA, and won 6-4. The first period LA lit up the Legion with three goals, one from the following players, Its Gucci, Mikeal Keef, and Vin Calia. Toronto then in the second period exploded with 3 goals to tie the game. Toronto scored 3 more in the third and one more goal was scored by LA. 
         While these two games were both wins, only one of them were deciding victories. Yes Toronto did score 5 straight against LA, but they still allowed three straight and didn't show up in the first period. The first game was in the Legions hands the entire time. While this team has much promise and continues to stun even me, a player on this team, we have a lot to do before the post season. I'd say the bad games we've had so far in the season were due to our defensemen being incredibly tired. We have two pairs of defensemen, and while all four of them are incredibly talented, only having the four is likely to be a detriment to their stamina. However this does not explain the problems in the first period of game two against LA. I feel as if that problem in itself can be solved by just moving on, the STHS is weird sometimes and very unpredictable. 
         What can we take away from this rough start? Well we can say that Toronto's offense seems to still be putting up, just not consistently. We need much more consistent play from our offensive core, and we need to just step up and put pucks in the net. I also see a few problems with our defense, but none that could really cost us too much. We have the best goalie to ever play in the league, and he's retiring soon. So we'd best win some games for my man Hextall. I don't have much knowledge on the sim engine to really diagnose the problem with the team, so for now I figure we'll just have to watch them develop over the course of the year. 
         Anyways thank you all for reading this article, please tell me in the comments what I seem to be missing. I know that I only took an in-depth look at two games this season in the article, but I assure you I researched the other six games the Legion have played in great detail. I hope you all have a wonderful night, stay warm and also stay icy. Seacrest out. 
  15. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from bigAL in I see it now   
    My minds been blown my dude.
  16. Woah
    NickSunderbruch reacted to jRuutu in I see it now   
    What do people around the world have in common? Everybody wants to be a star, everybody wants to be rich and famous. Those who have watched television know that during the past decades there has been an endless amount of talent shows, those who take part in the shows have only one goal - they want to make it. Performing well in a talent show is a great way to get closer to wealth and success.
    The desire to be rich and famous overshadows something that many don't think about. If being famous is the only goal for so many, who are the people who make that happen? Who are the people behind scenes? Such questions can be directed towards other industries as well. For example, in VHL the BOG has been a topic of discussion lately as many wonder who are these BOG members? What are they doing?
    One of the main points of criticism towards the BOG has been the lack of transparency, or that was until now. An anonymous source ''close'' to VHL contacted me via e-mail and offered to do an interview in Zoom.  I was naturally interested, we did the interview and the source shared some startling comments. With their permission, I'm now going to share a transcript of the most revealing bits with you:

    The source wished to stay anonymous, however the source provided an edited picture I could use
    ''All these debates in VHL forum that seemingly criticize BOG are fake. The arguments are put together by experts. For example, look at the topic by ''Fishy''. At the surface, you see fair points and arguments, but when you scratch the surface you see that all the points raised are answered by BOG almost immediately. Almost like they knew such a topic was going to be published soon.
    You might ask what is the point? The point is to show to the average VHL user that BOG is useful, BOG is real.  What better way than answer  ''not a BOG members'' critical arguments in a civilized manner?
    Everything is a lie, nothing is real. They want you to believe that VHL is for building hockey players and having fun, but that is not the case. Ask yourself, where is all the donation money going? To keep VHL running, good guess some years ago, but the real answer is cryptocurrencies, they are mining cryptocurrencies with the donation money! Look for yourself, ''Bogged Finance''.
    The regular members of VHL are like the average singers in American Idol, laughed at by the elites. They are the necessary evil in the journey towards something great. In VHL's case, the judges are replaced by BOG, and the goal is to use the donations to make even more money through cryptocurrencies. ''

    At first, I did not want to believe the seemingly random accusations, but I did some research and sure enough, there is such as thing as Bogged Finance, or short for ''Bog''.  The source spoke the truth. The arrogance and confidence to name your product something that can easily be traced back to you was a shock to me personally at first, but knowing what I know about BOG now and their wicked ways, only the sky is the limit.
  17. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from bigAL in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  18. Haha
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from mediocrepony in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  19. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  20. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Smarch in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  21. Haha
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Mistxh J in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  22. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from Mrpenguin30 in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  23. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from ROOKIE745 in The best positions to play in hockey   
    So today I'm going to go over the three best positions in hockey to play, ranked by the ease of their role. Now Nick, you can't just rank positions by how easy they are, each role is nuanced right? That's what you're thinking, and you're wrong for thinking it, never contact me again with your hippy every role is equal bullshit. There's a reason people watch hockey alright, it's the fighting and the goals. Now if you're unfortunate enough to not be able to do that, well I got good news. You're perfect for these three roles since you're not built to be a real man. 
    1. Goalie
    Yeah these guys are nerds, what else can I say?
    The job of being a goalie isn't too hard, I mean the Leafs lost to a 42 YEAR OLD ZAMBONI DRIVER.
    If that nerd who just drives a big ice broom could beat them, then I'd assume any child with a large pillow in their jersey could as well.
    I'd give this role a pass in some ways, because sometimes you get hit in the throat with a puck, so you gotta have balls to play, and I like balls.
    2. Center
    Sidney Crosby plays center, you know all the nerds want to play here.
    I mean if Sid the kid can do it, so can you champ. So get out there and play center, your main job is to be a snake.
    And by snake I mean to dive like you took scuba lessons in Hawaii for 6 years. 
    So please consider taking roller blading as a hobby if you wanna play center.
    3. Defense
    This ones fairly obvious, all you gotta do is stand in front of the net and not move.
    Playing defense is like playing a video game on easy mode, sure it's fun but where's the reward?
    If you want to play defense all you have to do is be a big guy who punches drywall and blames people around him for his hand hurting afterward.
    So in order for you to actually play defense, all you have to do is not play at all.
         Thank you all for reading my completely legit top three easiest roles to play. There's absolutely no logical fallacies at play in this article, it's as structurally sound and as useful as the United Nations. (haha politics haha funny man go brrr) Anyways thanks again, I hear my dad coming home from the bar, I'd better get my helmet, mouthguard and jockstrap. Stay warm, and stay icy. Seacrest out. 
    also article go brrr
  24. Like
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from BOOM in S77 Toronto Legion   
    I'm proud to say I'm on this team, lets kick some ass boys. #WinItForRookie
  25. Fire
    NickSunderbruch got a reaction from JigglyGumballs in First VHLM Draft as a GM   
    Review: I really enjoyed reading about your experiences in this draft, I know that with Spartan moving up to Moscow you got a lot to deal with now. But I'm glad to see you rise to the occasion, and I know you're going to do alright. Proper grammar was nice, I loved your use of colors as well. Overall this article was very easy to read and the fact you got to pick 69th overall in your first draft that's just perfect. Vegas love baby. 10/10
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