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Everything posted by BluObieZ

  1. Anytime you want to go at it, i'm game. The league will never be the same after
  2. 1) very confident. The team expects the confidence from me 2) Myself for just being myself. People may hate me but oh fucking well 3) Me and no. I just need hookers and blow 4) have no idea. Don't really care. They better be the Idaho Potatoes. 5) Nope the cup is ours and everyone knows it 6) meh
  3. Lol what a failure of a team Calgary is. But this doesn't shock me because of how big of a failure their GM is
  4. The argument victor has returned! You may proceed being a baby and telling on me. Go ahead. I'll wait.

    1. McWolf


      Who are you talking to?

    2. BluObieZ


      Oh you guys know and crybaby forsure does

  5. If Idaho gets the Potatoes I will stay for 1 more player beyond Orion

    1. Enorama


      Just one more reason to not have the team in Idaho

    2. BluObieZ


      I saw that coming. You're not Potato material anyways

    3. NotAVHLM-GM


      You wouldn't want another player anyways, so you propose an idea that would never make it. Smart move

  6. I find it downright appalling that there is no Idaho Potatoes fans out there. Talking about they should be the new Expansion team. 

  7. Idaho Potatoes or bust

  8. 1) less coke 2) Nope 3) Um... yeah. Us. They will hate us in the finals 4) not hard to focus. We're first. People need to focus on us and worry about us 5) I don't know about current and past players to even attempt a proper answer 6) Calgary cause fuck em. Too bad they are in NA. Who do we talk to have Calgary traded to Europe? Justin Trudeau?
  9. Gold - Canada Silver - Europe Bronze - Asia MVP - Ambrose Stark
  10. Boubabi can never live up to some of the shit I've done. Dudes amateur compared to me. Probably best the league keeps him banned. I'd have him rage quitting in no time.
  11. Troll Robbie is stirring... stay tuned ;)

    1. pennypenny


      Shut the fuck up you sound like the last NEIGHBOR I know.

      Might end up like the last NEIGHBOR I know.

      Oh, you don't wanna clash? NEIGHBOR, I know

  12. So I saw the poll on if we should unban Boubabi and I think to myself why is it even a fucking question. It should be a solid fucking yes. Not because of what he brings to the league and all that shitty league related stuff. Nay. Not that. I think it should happen for more selfish reasons. I have been for a long time been told that i was a great troll and the penultimate asshole around here till he came around. That he would say shit that I wouldn't and such. Hell people even accused me of caring too much to not cross the lines that he did. Do you forget the shit I did? I was called the fucking trolliest of trolls and so on. I crossed lines like it was no ones business. Hell I had people wondering why I was never perma banned. Hell I crossed lines that he would never. Because I was so good and finding shit that cut deep and I kept on it till you cracked. I was cool under "pressure" and never got mad. I just had fun with it. You could be sitting their fuming and wondering wtf why isn't Robbie mad. Well because I found it funny and amusing. Boubabi would have no chance against me. So unban his ass so I can make him quit. The league owes me this as a retirement gift for the years of servitude. Good night and fuck you
  13. 1) Cocaine from Switzerland 2) I suck at the moment 3) Play better 4) Us lifting the cup, all we need is pure Columbian Powder 5) No cup 6) 0 I don't really think about them or even care to have a opinion they are nothing to me
  14. Unban Boubabi so I can dispose of him easily

    1. nethi99


      Hmmm, I nice so ok I will make them unban Boubabi.

  15. Fuck yes unban him. So me and him can go head to head. It should be my retirement gift from the league for fucking around all these years. Unban him and let us do battle since all of you seem to think he is worse than me. Then he will quit so you won't even need to ban him.
  16. Hello out there in the VHL I honestly have no drive to make anything original this week. In the film industry we had a death about a week ago of great person. He was the a great man, i never directly worked with him in his department (SPFX) but from what I know he was a very nice person and just a great person to be around. This has really put a damper on the whole industry which leads to today when we had the celebration of life for him in our newest studio that is about to open. Thus making his celebration of life the first thing in there. It was a nice gesture by the union and the studio to do it. But I did not go because it would have been a somber affair with people speaking and telling stories about him. Which is all fine and dandy, but I had none. I may have seen him in passing a few times. His face i for sure knew, but does knowing a persons face warrant going? just because they were a union brother? I didn't think so. So I didn't go and now I will have to face questions of why I didn't go and such. Going would make me wonder when I die will I get a studio celebration of life. Will I have done enough to warrant one? so basically I would have had to face my own mortality. I rather not go and do that. It sucks what happened and everyone in the union and the industry are just downright blown away it would happen to him. It was a stunt gone wrong and something hit him in the head. I know people who were there and saw it. They offer grief counselors to people and that's great but... I don't even know where I am going with. I guess I am trying to voice why I didn't go today... but to a bunch of people that don't work in the industry... Anyways nothing new from me this week because of this. This is not anything to do with VHL so sue me.
  17. 1) Good but so far I have not done anything. Maybe I should lay off the drugs? 2) Couldn't care any less, as long as he brings a cup ill be happy 3) I live life hungover from the parties I go to. Being a god every girl wants my cock. It's quite tiring. You should feel sorry for me... no sorry for yourself for not getting laid as much as I do. It's quite sad... what was the question? Oh yeah. Hangover... yeah im hungover so much that I cannot distinguish what hangover im on right now. 4a) Lifes short so party and fuck as much as you can 5) None 6) The height of my trolling. It was epic. Short Bus also which was me trolling and 5's a crowd was around that time. Yeah... Old Robbie was fun. He should come back
  18. Well... Well.. Well... look who went 24th and is rocketing up the rankings
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