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VHLM Commissioner
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Status Updates posted by Gustav

  1. Which member do I have to bash to complain about how we still have the “I hate that this needs to be said but” copy-paste in every hiring thread? Give the community some trust; it’s been years since that was an issue. 

    1. Beketov


      We both know the trolls would decide to be trolls the second it is removed.

    2. Gustav


      I don't know; we never use it in the M 🤷‍♂️ I get that VHL jobs are higher stakes but we'd still do something about it if there were an issue in one of our threads and we've never had to.

    3. dlamb


      "That's the way it's always been, so that's the way it'll always be!"


      VHL unofficial motto.

  2. Starting a big (and potentially good) article series somewhat soon. Fresh Gustav content to drop more than once a week if I want to finish it in reasonable time 👁️

    1. rory
    2. Berocka


      Honey wake up fresh Gustav content coming soon

    3. Nykonax


      doesnt this guy say this every 2 months

  3. TFW you've been scouted by as many VHLM teams as there are E GMs 🤔


    And most of the ones who haven't don't have a first-round pick 🤔


    Thanks GMs for doing your homework!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Triller


      I focused on first gens first when doing draft interviews as I wanted to give them the experience so maybe M GMs are prioritizing in hopes of keeping first gens interested.

    3. dlamb


      Maybe the E should be the "entry-level" position......................................

    4. Hogan


      Only 3 teams here, are the GMs sleeping?

    1. samx


      i mean i pretty much predicted the E

  4. Old members: which players do you want to see in the Hall of Fame? Maybe I'll write about them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grape


      Want there to be a Hall of Names for all the goated names we've had throughout the years.

    3. UnknownMinion


      Nathaniel Minion

    4. Berocka


      Scott Greene

  5. New members: what's been your favorite part of the VHL so far? Least favorite?

    1. Scurvy


      Favorite part -  Winning and the community


      Least favorite- Off season, having to do point tasks in off season (would like a free week of at least 8-10 TPE ) just to give a break to the grind in off season

  6. I promise I know more about geography than the average bear, but fun fact: I thought the city was called "Helsinski" until I joined the VHL.

    1. Victor


      why would you admit to this

  7. I have now spent 23 seasons in the big league and still haven't won a game in the finals

    1. Garsh


      have you considered getting good?

    2. Rin


      You do have a HoF player, though

    3. Grape


      Maybe play for a good team?

  8. It's always a nice little health reminder to wake up, open the forum, and see something less than "8 hours ago" next to something I posted.

  9. Town of Salem is back, but with a twist. PLEASE entertain Covidstav this weekend! 


  10. Normally I don't like it when people bump old threads, but: this forum is about to be 10 years old!

  11. When the VHL turned 14, we were asked to contribute a memory from when we were 14. I loved that thread, so I'll give you something that happened when I was 16 and ask you to do the same:


    When I was 16, I did what lots of people my age do and went into a drivers' ed program. Now, this was just a couple weeks after I got my permit, and I was still going around parking lots when I started...so it was a fun, fun drive when on the first day I was asked to take us back to the school from the next town over.


    That same year, I became first trumpet in my high school band (and joined jazz band too...and started taking music theory...kicking off my getting more serious about music). We did a band field trip to Chicago and got stuck hanging out next to the bean for about an hour and a half because our schedule left us in that area with nothing to do for a long time.


    What did you do when you were 16--or, what do you hope to do when you are?

    1. Nykonax


      when i was 16 i found a thermometer in my bathroom medicine cabinet and thought it was a pregnancy test. i then posted to the vhl discord and got flamed by everyone for being an idiot.

    2. jRuutu


      I played Wolfenstein:ET, I enjoyed playing the "sniper"-class as one of the perks is that you could steal the uniform of the enemy and run around undercover. Some maps were high in pace and action, so it was not always easy to spot who is undercover and doing something "odd". I would sneak behind the enemy lines and stab people in the back with a knife. Then I would use the public voice commands to mock the enemy I just took down and run away with their shirt and pants. Sometimes I would just stand there and look at the chaos, in the middle of the enemy - undercover.  Sometimes I would do something useful like open the door to my teammates, so they can get into some restricted area only easily accessible for the enemy. Good game, good times.

    3. Gustav



      when i was 16 i found a thermometer in my bathroom medicine cabinet and thought it was a pregnancy test. i then posted to the vhl discord and got flamed by everyone for being an idiot.

      @Nykonax as someone who witnessed this firsthand…I hope you can look back and realize how funny it was. I was also an idiot at 16 who definitely would have done something just as dumb had I been online much then. 

  12. Nobody beats me because I am the wiz

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rin


      bro FUCK malistaire, all my homies hate malistaire

    3. N0HBDY


      I do indeed beat your all the time

    4. Doomsday
  13. Number nerds: big project incoming at...some point. Keep an eye out

    1. Triller


      Oooo, I love big projects!  Excited for whatever it is!

  14. Congrats to @Victor for--as of this exact moment--having received exactly 10,000 likes

    1. Victor


      Primary reason for HOF induction post delay

  15. 7g5gyb39k83b1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&a

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FrostBeard


      -The absolute insanity that was VHLM GM chat in the mid-S60s 

      @Gustav Let's face it - you, me and everyone else there loved it. 

    3. eagle_3450


      Obviously it's Bek's original username

    4. Victor
  16. Townies: what's been your favorite Town of Salem moment?

    1. McLovin


      Either when I pulled off a Pestilence win or shot like three or four people as Vet in a single night after baiting TP/LO, highlights of my life tbh

  17. Going to point out that our "supplemental point tasks" section recently became the first to break 100,000 posts!

  18. Me on my way to bash members in the GM opening threads

    1. N0HBDY


      Me on my way to beg the commies for another expansion franchise

  19. I have noticed that although this league has 5,028 members, @Berocka is not receiving 5,028 plays on the VHLM commissioner podcast. I'm not sure if this is being done intentionally or if these "friends" are forgetting to click 'play'.

  20. Later on this year, some of our forum posts will turn TEN years old

    1. Triller


      Hit me with a couple media spot titles that won't make any sense these days!

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