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VHLM Commissioner
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Status Updates posted by Gustav

  1. ...is there going to be a S82 World Cup? Maybe I'm just missing something but I haven't seen anything about it

    1. Dil


      Isn’t that an off season thing, I suppose there’s still some time

    2. Josh


      It happens after the season, not before. The last world cup was in November.

  2. Do I look a little shorter?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NSG


      When you gonna shorten ur UN to Gus tbh

    3. jhatty8


      soon enough all of us will be identified by one letter

    4. Alex


      Welcome to the short name club


  3. Those who use a Mac--who here "upgraded" to Monterey and HATES it? Everything is completely out of whack for me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Gustav


      Maybe I missed an update somewhere along the way--I'm pretty sure I upgraded from Mojave and someone else I know says he doesn't download new updates and that he "still has Mojave" so I maybe there was something I just never took care of.


      Either way Monterey has not been nice to me. I doubt Wine would still work for me either if I ever had a reason to use it.

    3. Spartan


      Well that's why, I went from Mojave to Big Sur. You went straight to Monterey lol.

    4. Mr_Hatter


      I basically despise all mac updates categorically since it messes with my work

  4. I actually stopped being a GM so the color of my name would match my profile pic

  5. Since pre-portal players don't have player pages...could I technically name my recreate Scotty Campbell if I wanted to? I won't, just wondering

    1. Hogan


      u wanna be mid?

  6. TOWN OF SALEM IS BACK, run by me for the first time in 4 months. Sign up here: 


  7. Big Numbers Article will be delayed until I actually have the time for it (as in, not this week). I'd rather not prioritize my next forum crusade over my finals and projects 🙃

    1. diacope


      I love numbers

    2. fromtheinside


      good luck with your finals homie

  8. Attention writing nerds: this week I'll be dropping my most quantitative article EVER--and it's not even the mod one. Stay tuned.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomsday


      Is it a fire mixtape?

    3. Gustav


      You will have your mod one--I started this one because I figured it wasn't right to claim something that was mostly other people's words as my own work, and then got a crazy idea and started working on it...so now I have to finish it.


      Might drop the Gustav mixtape at some point 👁️

    4. rory
  9. Take my mod survey and have your opinion represented in an article! All responses are welcome.

    1. Garsh


      how long are you leaving it open for?

    2. Gustav


      I'm planning to write my article at some point next week (assuming I have the time). In my experience surveys don't gather much new info after 4-ish days, but there have been a few people who said they'd do it a bit later and haven't yet so I'm excited for those answers!


      If you're planning to fill out the form, I'd appreciate if it could be done by Tuesday or Wednesday or so, but whatever works for you.

    3. a_Ferk


      Hello I have submitted a form :0

  10. After a great deal of wondering whether I'm good enough, I got my first grad school acceptance today! Here's to many more.

  11. I see we're at the "five featured topics" time of the season again.

  12. What's your best VHL-related Halloween costume idea?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gaikoku-hito
    3. bigAL


      A team outfit: Cologne's first line goes as three parts of a cardboard choo choo train

    4. Gaikoku-hito


      It better then the Prague Phantoms all going as Turtles.

  13. Let's make some people feel old--who else was under the age of 10 when the league was founded? I'd just turned 7 myself.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ledge


      @Domg5 Nope. The league is older than me by a few months. 

    3. Garsh
    4. diamond_ace


      yeah i was already old enough to drink when the league started thanks for that

  14. Just lowered all the required word counts on articles. Get them 50-word media spots going.

    1. Spartan


      no stop I don't want to have to deny everyone because of this FAKE NEWS

    2. Garsh


      BOG making the good changes!

  15. I like how we all know @WentzKneeFan036 and @Fire Vigneault as Eagles and Flyers but neither has been either  of those for a while now

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Banackock
    3. Ahma


      Draper is a living legend :)

    4. CowboyinAmerica


      Was reading an old thread yesterday that referenced Alfie and it took me a minute

  16. What's your favorite NFL team?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spaz
    3. zepheter


      It was the Packers till yesterday.

    4. McWolf


      Browns. Especially on opening days

  17. I keep telling myself to do things and then out of nowhere OH NO IT'S FRIDAY. Here's to a quick semester at least...

    1. Beaviss


      you talking about School or VHL 🤔

    2. Gustav


      I guess kind of both but mostly school. Not even 2 full weeks in and so many projects to deal with.

    3. Beaviss


      we all know VHL > School

  18. This is my last week before school starts up again. What should I do? Wrong answers only.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. diamond_ace


      acquire a crippling gambling addiction. bet randoms at school on which raindrop will fall down the window faster

    3. mediocrepony


      Pour your life savings into meme stocks

    4. JardyB10


      He said “wrong answers only” @Nykonax

  19. Stop locking forum drama before I can shitpost in it smh

    1. Garsh


      gotta be quick on the draw

    2. bigAL


      Too bad your mod powers are contained only in the Town of Salem sub forum 

    3. Gustav


      When Josh (who was gracious enough to give me said powers) was trying to figure out how to set that up there was a VERY brief period of time when I was accidentally given full admin powers. I don’t think I was even online at the time but there was a short window where I could have shitposted in the blue forum and confused the hell out of some people. 

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