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Status Updates posted by Gustav

  1. 8:00 EST, May 8th.

    Happy Anniversary of Cornell '77.

    Either you get it or you don't.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DMaximus


      Words can't even begin to describe to pure joy derived from listening to that show. I get chills just thinking about how amazing Phil's bass sounds in Scarlet>Fire or in TLEO. Or how amazing Jerry sounds in Row Jimmy or Dancin' or Scarlet>Fire or Morning Dew.

    3. Gustav


      Don't forget the first set's Jack Straw--arguably my favorite rendition of that song, ever. And, well, the entire last set. That show was magic.

    4. DMaximus


      And they pick things right up the next night in Buffalo, at the Aud, with an unbelievable help>slip>frank to open a pretty amazing show. 

  2. Day 1 of Town of Salem starts MONDAY, 9:00 AM EST. Sign-up closes whenever I assign roles Sunday. Sign up here: 


  3. Dying on the toilet is a small price to pay for the title of #BunpKing.


    The person above me will become #TheOtherBunpKing and I shall bequeath upon them supreme command of Dil.

  4. It's time for the TENTH Town of Salem game. Want to try it? Let's make this one a party! 


  5. JOIN CULT IN THE JUNGLE REPUBLIC PEOPLE! We still need 9 more...


  6. My lottery survey has reached 28-3 in favor of changing the system, over 90%. Time to do something? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Josh
    3. K1NG LINUS

      K1NG LINUS

      Clearly this means there should be more lotteries.

    4. TheFlash


      Aaaaaaand nothing is done

  7. My sig still looks weird smh MY HEAD

    Stupid forum doing stupid forum things

  8. Play Town of Salem! It's fun! All are welcome--details here: 


    1. eaglesfan036


      Don't do it Gustav is a bad man

  9. sigs are still messed up in this dark theme smh

    A lot is messed up in this theme smh

  10. The person below me types too slow in Pokecord


  11. TOWN OF SALEM #8 STARTING SOON...don't miss this one @jhatty8


  12. Town of Salem 4 starting (likely) Thursday night! Sign up while you can: 


  13. Town of Salem AGAIN? Why not? Sign up here: 


  14. Town of Salem is BACK! Sign up here: 




  16. Who?

    Also, if you like mafia, sign up here: 


  17. Wow, two compliments back-to-back. I love it.



    (The person above me gets all of my love and respect)

  18. Yeah sex is cool but have you ever snarkily wished happy birthday to someone a day or two younger than you?


    Happy birthday by the way @Rayzor_7

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fonziGG


      Yeah sex is cool but have you ever stayed hydrated?

    3. Beaviss
    4. nethi99


      Oh yeah...

  19. ...is there going to be a S82 World Cup? Maybe I'm just missing something but I haven't seen anything about it

    1. Dil


      Isn’t that an off season thing, I suppose there’s still some time

    2. Josh


      It happens after the season, not before. The last world cup was in November.

  20. #fixthelottery ACTUALLY HAPPENED! Thanks to the BoG.

    1. Matt_O


      you're welcome

  21. #GustavMustav FOR VSN

  22. #hiregoonie

    1. Gustav


      And me too I suppose

  23. #KeepBerockaBenched

  24. #Nighthawk4Life! Just made a big career signing.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. McWolf


      for what reasons?

    3. Gustav


      He doesn't like me or something.

    4. Matt_O


      ^ what he said

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