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Everything posted by gorlab

  1. Salutations, After a tough game 6 or 7 loss (i can't remember) agains the Minnesota Storm in the VHLM finals, Jet Jaguar the second line centre of the Halifax 21st, will try and move past that disappointment and set his focus on the VHL. Jaguar is expected to go in the first two rounds of the upcoming S66 VHL Entry Draft, and will potentially join the VHL club immediately, and not return to the VHLM for a second season. His agency has released a location preference list, to spur some interest in the player. Jaguar is willing to play for any VHL franchise, though, so don't take this list to heart. He will report to whatever franchise selects him in the entry draft. However, here is the list, from least-preferred, to most-preferred. 1) Toronto Legion - I'm from Western Canada and hate Toronto franchises pretty much full stop. The Legion are no exception. Not a fan of the logo/branding/location. Devise is cool, but IDK how long he'll be the gm. 2) Seattle Bears - Was never a fan of the franchise. Their recent success and semi-recent(ish) logo change makes them a bit better, but they're not very high. 3) Calgary Wranglers - Horrible logo and team name. I hate wrangler jeans. 4) HC Davos Dynamo - I have a sordid history with HC Davos, but that was mostly due to the big Stockholm/Davos rivalry at the time. I'm a fan of the color scheme/branding/ahma. 5) Riga Reign - A team I've played for in my past life. Big fan of the GM. 6) New York Americans - Another team I've played for in a past life, and experienced a lot of success. IMO this is the peak all-time franchise of the VHL, and I don't care what TOR/CGY/whoever the most winning franchise is has to say about it. 7) Vancouver Wolves - Great logo/branding. I always wanted to play for Quebec Meute when Frank was the GM, but the franchise is still attractive to me. (pause) 8 ) Helsinki Titans - I associate Helsinki with DRAPER, and have always liked the organization. Good color scheme/logo/history. 9) Malmo Nighthawks - Big fan of the GM. Would like to be a franchise piece that an expansion team can build around. 10) Moscow Menace - Big fan of the GM. Would like to be a franchise piece that an expansion team can build around. Thanks for reading all! See you at the S66 Entry Draft.
  2. and the final and most important advice: Nobody becomes a sig god over night, or within a week, or within a month. IMO it takes literally 100+ individual attempts/projects before you are even at a basic designer skill level. Then another 500 individual attempts/projects before you are a sim league sig god........ and sim league sig gods are absolute trash compared to real graphic designers. So don't get frustrated, your first 50-100 sigs are going to look like shit, pretty much.... and that's okay. It's all a part of the process.
  3. Oh, another valuable tip is to build up a pretty big STOCK IMAGE database/resource. You can do this by going to google images and typing in random words, and seeing the 'advanced search' setting to a specific COLOR or setting the COLOR to TRANSPARENT when looking for a render or something. So, like.... google image search "soft gradient" or "sunburst" or "grit texture" or "digital art" or "c4d" or "paint spatter" etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. and then take 5 minutes to scroll through and save images you think look cool or could work for a sig. Then change the COLOR setting from color1 to color2, and repeat. Also, I find WALLPAPER PACKS to be filled with good graphic resources. Like download a ' minimal wallpaper pack' from somewhere, and a lot of it will be usable graphics for sigs. I've been making sigs for a couple of years, and my "stocks" folder on my harddrive is 3.2GB in size and looks like this:
  4. 1) The best way to do it is either using the PEN TOOL to create a "path" around the outside of just the render, then turning it into a selection, and clearing/erasing the background. For forum signatures, though. I find using the eraser tool (or applying a LAYER MASK to the image and then using a BLACK hard brush) to just manually erase out the background is good enough and produces a result similar to what you'd get with the pen tool. Because forum signatures are lower-resolution, using eraser/black brush on a layer mask doesn't look as bad as it would if you had a huge resolution image. - To do this, you take your image, you apply a LAYER MASK to it, and then you take a HARD BRUSH and basically erase out the background. There's no easier/quicker way to do it than manually tracing/erasing the background. You could try using the MAGNETIC LASSO TOOL but it'll look like shit. 2) Go here: https://fonts.google.com/ 3) This question is way too open ended to answer. IMO the best advice I can give you is to ditch GIMP, get a cracked version of Photoshop CS5 or CS6, then download/install the TOPAZ LABS plugins (Topaz Adjust, Topaz Clarity, Topaz Clean 3) and the GOOGLE NIK plugins (Analog Efex Pro 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Viveza 2). These plugins MAY be compatible with GIMP, I have no idea. You could research it yourself. Making sigs is basically composing multiple images (background, render, stock images, text) and using different LAYER PROPERTIES.... i.e. most of your "stocks" you probably want to set the layer property to LIGHTEN or OVERLAY or maybe HUE. You should also use ADJUSTMENT LAYERS like Curves, Exposure, Levels and maybe Photo Filter and Gradient Map on pretty much every signature. Adjustment layers give the signature a more uniform look/lighting situation, and prevents the obvious-looking "layered" sig where you can clearly tell the layers apart because there is no blending/uniformity between the background, render, stocks, etc. You can pretty much youtube "GIMP tutorial layers" or "GIMP tutorial Curves" or "GIMP tutorial ______" (any word I wrote before) for more info..... but yeah, abandon GIMP for Photoshop CS5 or CS6. Here's a well-made sig, and although this is a speed video and not a tutorial/walk through, you can still see how much work/layers/adjusting goes into a "good looking" sig:
  5. weird flex but okay Congrats on 10 years Vic. Thanks for everything you've done to help keep VHL running for the past decade.
  6. wow I finally scored a playoff goal......... and we lost and are eliminated. Congrats @Kylrad, @xDParK, @Victor and @Rent A McZ
  8. also is the pay 1 UNCAPPED tpe per 4 reviews? i might be down if that's the case........
  9. Considering you're not 100 tpe ahead of the pack, no unfortunately not.
  10. @Beaviss @Spade18 are boosted animals.
  11. Codrick Past making HAL look like a bunch of boosted animals.
  12. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans Game 4 -Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans Game 5 - Helsinki Titans @ Toronto Legion Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans 4-3 Toronto Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Julian Borwinn Series leader in goals: Vesto Slipher Series leader in assists: Julian Borwinn
  13. Player Name: Jet JaguarVHL/VHLM Team: Halifax 21stCash you have: $1,500,000 (1.5 mil + .5 mil from brand - 500k for previous purchase = 1.5mil)Purchase Name: First Gen Doubles WeekCost of Purchase: $1,500,000Cash Left: $0
  14. I'm stealing these for April 15 - 21 What VHL team logo do you like best? I think the Wolves are pretty dope, but the expansion teams (Moscow & Malmo) both have great logos. I probably hate Calgary and Toronto's logos tho. What VHLM team do you want to be drafted by? None of them because I'm headed to the VHL straight off. I hope the reapers do good in the draft though! Is your player a blonde, brunette or redhead? Jet Jaguar doesn't have hair. He has an aerodynamic headpiece made from a super strong metallic alloy. Colored tape for your stick, totally yes or absolute no? why? Is there any league restrictions for tape colour? I fuck with white tape on the blade, and a color job on the knob. (pause) Funniest thing about your player? He's a cybernetic robot, created by a group of Japanese scientists in a Ukrainian cave, to combat skyscraper-sized monsters. What is your goal/ fight song? Probably the Jet Jaguar theme from Godzilla vs Megalon. It's called 'Punch! Punch! Punch!' I think.
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