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  1. Fire
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Matt_O in Numbers Don't Lie   
    Malmo time
  2. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to ShawnGlade in Numbers Don't Lie   
    FWIW, I wanted to take you, but by the time me next pick came around you were already taken
  3. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in Numbers Don't Lie   
    This article is an in depth comparison between my player, Trevor Van Lagen, and the 7 centres that were drafted ahead of me in this past draft.  All stats are updated as of 9:21am EST.
    First there is a breakdown of each of the 8 players in comparison. The breakdown is explained like this:
    Draft Pos. - Name - Team
    Goals, Assists, Points, Shots, Hits
    Total TPE
    TPE earned per week to date
    Skating, Strength, Puck Handling, Faceoffs, Passing, Scoring, Defence
    Percentage of decisions that will be made (Scoring, Passing, Skating) grouped into three categories sorted by results of that decision - 80+ = Good , 60-79 = average , 40-59 = poor
    Lastly, I break down how I rank in all the categories above and have separated them into three groups: Stats, TPE, Builds
    Here goes:
    3rd - Phil Marleau (Malmo)
    27g 38a 65p 206s 304h
    266 TPE (66banked)
    23.55 per week
    75SK 40ST 50PH 60FO 50PA 75SC 75DF
    75% - Average
    25% - poor
    4th - Aston Martin (Davos)
    47g 53a 100p 320s 73h
    299 TPE (2 banked)
    24.75 per week
    80SK 40ST 80PH 73FO 70PA 84SC 77DF
    78.6 - good
    21.4 - average
    8th - Michael Gary Scott (Vancouver)
    42g 42a 84p 242s 117h
    318 TPE (3 banked)
    29.5 per week
    81SK 42ST 80PH 72FO 76PA 85SC 75DF
    68.6% - good
    31.4% - average
    10th - Boris the Forest (New York)
    33g 33a 66p 224s 90h
    307 TPE (3 banked)
    17.5 per week
    70SK 40ST 70PH 70FO 75PA 86SC 86DF
    37.2% - good
    62.8% - average
    13th - Scott Greene (Seattle)
    27g 20a 47p 162s 78h
    274 TPE (0 banked)
    24 per week
    70SK 43ST 70PH 70FO 72PA 85SC 82DF
    37.4% - good
    62.6% - average
    18th - Dan Gles (Davos)
    34g 62a 96p 292s 72h
    242 TPE (0 banked)
    20.17 per week
    80SK 71ST 70PH 70FO 65PA 70SC 75DF
    37.2% - good
    62.8% - average
    22nd - Scotty BigShotty (Moscow)
    11g 8a 19p 72s 56p
    204 TPE (4 banked)
    16.67 per week
    70SK 50ST 60PH 70FO 65PA 75SC 75DF
    100% - average
    24th - Trevor Van Lagen (Malmo)
    28g 46a 74p 235s 109h
    257 TPE (1 banked)
    23.27 per week
    80SK 46ST 80PH 70FO 40PA 80SC 80DF
    80% - good
    20% - poor
    Stats Rank:
    Goals - 5th
    Assists - 3rd
    Points - 4th
    Shots - 4th
    Hits - 3rd
    Average: 3.8 (top 4)
    TPE Rank:
    TPE - 6th
    TPE per week - 5th
    Average: 5.5 (top 6)
    Build Rank:
    Skating - 2nd (tied with 2 others)
    Strength - 3rd 
    Puck Handling - 1st (tied with 2 others)
    Face offs - 3rd (tied with 4 others)
    Passing - 8th
    Scoring - 5th
    Defence - 3rd
    Average: 3.57 (Top 4)
    I felt coming into the draft I wasn’t getting the hype my players deserved which is why I posted a few articles trying to hype me up and in the end I fell to the third round still.  It was my connections in Halifax that ended up getting me selected finally in the third round when @Advantage realized “Holy cow this guy is still available this late” and decided to trade up for me in order to not let that opportunity slip away.  
    My player is clearly a top 4 Center in this draft and the numbers prove it. A few of the guys ahead of me got a boost from carry over TPE or heavy donations which is all fair game but it does take away from how committed I was to earning the max I could every week, something that isn’t going to stop.
    For those drafted ahead of me, congrats! You all have put in the hard work and deserved this. 
    To those that passed on me numerous times, suck it. I’m going to make you regret it.
     634 words.  Claiming for week 14/07/19
  4. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Beaviss in Numbers Don't Lie   
    So your saying @Motzaburger was low key the best player in the draft?
  5. Cheers
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to K1NG LINUS in The Hawk House Rises   
    Earlier today, Nighthawks Defenceman Rusty Shackleford is reported to have purchased a 15 bedroom house in the city of Malmö. Shackleford blew through almost his entire bonus to do this, and immediately set about nailing 2x4 planks of lumber over the front door to spell out "Hawk House," though several pieces have already fallen off.
    Shackleford was originally quoted as saying "I couldn't decide who I wanted as a roommate, so I decided to just be roommates with the whole team!"
    Multiple members of the Nighthawks have been sighted entering the home, leading some to believe that the entire Nighthawks roster is living under one roof. 

    Pictured above: Shackleford, Garcia, and Materazo playing the signature Malmö drinking game: "Drink the Beer," in which the only rule is to drink as much beer as possible.
    Every hour on the hour semi trucks have been arriving and unloading kegs and commerical pallets of various types of liquor. Since the festivities began, sounds of raucous chanting and yelling mixed with Russian Hard Bass have filled the surrounding neighborhood, and the smell of cheap lager now permeates from the building.
    The empty kegs and commercial sized pallets of hard liquor have already begun filling the Hawk House's driveway, causing their neighbors to become concerned by what is surely enough alcohol to kill a herd of elephants being consumed nearby. 
    Shackleford has explained that the Hawk House plans on hiring VHLMers to clean up the party debris, but that they would only be paid in beer. 
    @xsjack @Devise @Matt_O @Gaudette @Phil @Wheaties @Bucky___lastard @VanCanWin @GustavMattias @K1NG LINUS @Toasty @Abaddon @fonziGG @Jus @HughJas_ @MetalToday @trevmi @Dalton Wilcox @Jayhawk @mmarcoux98 @HanManHimself @Advantage
  6. Fire
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from SweetMike666 in Hot Takes with Van   
    This article is the first in what I hope to make a series of Hot Takes. My takes will be bold predictions of the future. I will be covering both the VHL and VHLM teams as well as individual players.  Feel free to call me out if you wish on some of these especially if/when I am proven completely wrong in my predictions.
    All the predictions will be made in good fun though some may not be too complimentary of different teams and/or players.  I hold no ill will to anyone.
    Seattle Bears
    After 3 years being a top team, twice with the best record, Seattle tanked last season in regards to both the standings and in trading away players for picks. Now sitting with 8(!) picks in the first 2 rounds, Seattle is primed to expedite the rebuild and return to the top of the league.
    Hot take
    Of the 8 picks Seattle will make, only 2 of the players drafted will still be on the team when they win again... in S68.
    Mexico City
    Mexico City started last year well defensively and finished better than they probably should have.  GM Nykonax is an unorthodox GM who has been left in charge of Mexico City to try turn the franchise into a winner.
    Hot take
    Not only will Nykonax fail to turn Mexico City around, but Mexico will finish DEAD LAST next season.  The locker room will be a mess with all the losing and Nykonax will be forced to trade whatever he has of value at the deadline. 
    Lincoln Tate @Tate
    Lincoln Tate burst into the VHLM in S66 with an incredible 20 goals, 66 assists for San Diego. Tate earned TPE at an incredible rate of 24.8 (!) per week. He is currently the 15th ranked prospect in rjfryman’s Live S67 Draft Rankings. Tate will be going to the VHL next season after just one incredible year in San Diego.
    Hot take
    Lincoln Tate is only the 15th ranked prospect heading into the draft but clearly is better than that. Lincoln should be the number one pick on draft night! In 5 seasons, when a redraft media spot is published, Lincoln will be listed at number 1. There is a future spot reserved for Lincoln Tate in the Hall-of-Fame.
    To summarize:
    - Seattle will won the cup in S68 with only 2 of the players they selected in the S67 draft still on their roster
    - Mexico City will hold a fire sale next season on their way to finishing DEAD LAST in the VHLM
    - Lincoln Tate will be ranked first overall in a redraft in 5 seasons from now on his way to a Hall of Fame career
    That is my three Hot Takes for this week. Hope you all enjoyed.
    Congrats to all who got drafted in the VHLM draft last night and good luck to all those who hope to hear their name called tonight in a milestone moment for each one of you!  The off season can’t end soon enough... we need some hockey around here again!
    519 Words
  7. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from fonziGG in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    Yes! Thanks Malmo! Planning to prove you got a steal here! Super excited to start my VHL career with you guys!
  8. Cheers
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Fire Tortorella in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    Yes please ?
  9. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Thranduil in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    someone take @VanCanWin jeez
  10. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Thranduil in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    congrats @Tate
  11. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Fire Tortorella in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    WOW at that 1st overall pick
  12. Love
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Matt_O in S67 Entry Draft Discussion   
    Anybody remember @VanCanWin bold take with Tate? what a genius
  13. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Advantage in Hot Takes with Van   
    I actually wouldnt be surprised to see Tate go 1.
  14. Cheers
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from CowboyinAmerica in Flowers Prepped for Chaotic VHLM Draft   
    #2 overall! Congrats! Pressure’s on ?
  15. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Sullvino in Draft Hype   
    This is an article to hype up Trevor Van Lagen, a player and person who may not be outspoken in the media or the loudest in the locker room. 
    Trevor Van Lagen broke into the VHLM via the 84th(!) selection of the draft. He was a TPE whore instantly, and built himself into a player who would have success immediately and for his career ahead.  
    Check off the boxes. Max TPE? Check. A particular build to avoid being a lost player? Check. Producer when it mattered? Over point per game - check! Big scoring Center? 80 scoring - Check. Big defensive player? 75 Defense - Check. Top 20 draft ranking? Check. 
    There isn’t a single goal or achievement he didn’t pass. 
    Yet he has only had three teams reach out to him! No he didn’t start early enough to warrant a top 10 draft ranking (by TPE standards that is) but he did nothing to prove he isn’t your best selection to make. 
    This player is a smart, driven player who doesn’t stop on his quest to be the best. He will always overachieve, even once it becomes expected of him.
    Mark this guy as the prospect to watch. He won’t let you down.  He’s a stud, a leader, and a heck of a hockey player. A loyal one at that.
    221 words.
  16. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Rayzor_7 in Draft Hype   
    This is an article to hype up Trevor Van Lagen, a player and person who may not be outspoken in the media or the loudest in the locker room. 
    Trevor Van Lagen broke into the VHLM via the 84th(!) selection of the draft. He was a TPE whore instantly, and built himself into a player who would have success immediately and for his career ahead.  
    Check off the boxes. Max TPE? Check. A particular build to avoid being a lost player? Check. Producer when it mattered? Over point per game - check! Big scoring Center? 80 scoring - Check. Big defensive player? 75 Defense - Check. Top 20 draft ranking? Check. 
    There isn’t a single goal or achievement he didn’t pass. 
    Yet he has only had three teams reach out to him! No he didn’t start early enough to warrant a top 10 draft ranking (by TPE standards that is) but he did nothing to prove he isn’t your best selection to make. 
    This player is a smart, driven player who doesn’t stop on his quest to be the best. He will always overachieve, even once it becomes expected of him.
    Mark this guy as the prospect to watch. He won’t let you down.  He’s a stud, a leader, and a heck of a hockey player. A loyal one at that.
    221 words.
  17. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Banackock in Draft Hype   
    This is an article to hype up Trevor Van Lagen, a player and person who may not be outspoken in the media or the loudest in the locker room. 
    Trevor Van Lagen broke into the VHLM via the 84th(!) selection of the draft. He was a TPE whore instantly, and built himself into a player who would have success immediately and for his career ahead.  
    Check off the boxes. Max TPE? Check. A particular build to avoid being a lost player? Check. Producer when it mattered? Over point per game - check! Big scoring Center? 80 scoring - Check. Big defensive player? 75 Defense - Check. Top 20 draft ranking? Check. 
    There isn’t a single goal or achievement he didn’t pass. 
    Yet he has only had three teams reach out to him! No he didn’t start early enough to warrant a top 10 draft ranking (by TPE standards that is) but he did nothing to prove he isn’t your best selection to make. 
    This player is a smart, driven player who doesn’t stop on his quest to be the best. He will always overachieve, even once it becomes expected of him.
    Mark this guy as the prospect to watch. He won’t let you down.  He’s a stud, a leader, and a heck of a hockey player. A loyal one at that.
    221 words.
  18. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to AcousticKazoo in Trevor Van Lagen Wall Art [2/2]   
    Review: For doing this on your phone, I have to say very impressive! However, it shows as the outline around the player is very obvious. I am not sure if there is a blending tool in the program you use, I'd try that to make the edges appear more smooth, blending it in with the background. Extremely impressive though nonetheless.
  19. Like
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Steve in Trevor Van Lagen Wall Art [2/2]   
    Not bad VanCanWinkle. Not too many people use a phone but you use what you have, right? It looks really good for what it is. I like the concept for sure. For the love of God, get on a PC and do it right, you would be awesome. Great work.
  20. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from AcousticKazoo in Trevor Van Lagen Wall Art [2/2]   
  21. Cheers
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from Steve in Halifax 21st Press Conference   
    1. Philly is the better team. Ottawa won’t win more than one game.
    2. Getting @Steve. Came out of nowhere to be a rock on defence. He built his player perfectly and it translated onto  the ice. 
    4. I’m satisfied yes. Was aiming to be point per game and did just that.
    5. a) no favourite team. Want to win.
    b) definitely helped get settled into the game for sure.
    6. Be a breakout rookie in the VHL. Prove I’m one of the best choices to be drafted high.
    7. Absolutely. He’s a tremendous GM for a developmental league like the VHLM. Makes everyone feel like they belong and still has enough competitiveness to shoot for the moon with his team. He turned a bunch of no namers into one of the top teams. Legend.
  22. Fire
    ConnorMcdavid reacted to Sullvino in S66 Overtime Heroes | Trevor Van Lagen   
    The most exciting moments in playoff hockey are game-winning overtime goals. This article is a preview of a potential VSN piece that will come out after the conclusion of the VHLM Playoffs – “Overtime Heroes”, which will highlight the players and overtime moments in the Season 66 VHLM playoffs.
    Trevor Van Lagen - LW- S67 Draft Eligible @VanCanWin
    Quarter Finals – Game 2 vs. San Diego
    Player Season Stats: G | 28  A | 46  P | 74
    (Series 1-0 Halifax)
    Halifax took game one against San Diego in decisive fashion and came back home to their home ice to try and take command of the series. Halifax took a 4-2 lead into the third period, but watched the Marlins fight back in the third to force overtime. The overtime session was dominated by San Diego, out-shooting Halifax 9-2, but at the 12:28 mark, Trevor Van Lagen scored in a net mouth scramble to take a 2-0 series lead, his second goal of the playoffs. If Halifax goes on to win this series, remember this goal as the turning point.  

  23. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from HughJas_ in First Season Impressions   
    As this season comes to a close, here are a few reflections from my first season in the league.  
    Upon my arrival to this site I was greeted with enthusiasm and lots of help from some very active members. This seemed to peak my interest rather quickly.  It didn’t take too long and I had signed a contract with Halifax 21st.
    Halifax was the destination I chose not because of any reason other than they made an offer and I accepted.  Turns out it was a great choice after all! The team was super active, friendly yet competitive, and talented enough to make the playoffs. They had a spot for me as second line pivot that I quickly settled into.
    I found this season length was perfect, the general community quite receptive and active, the simmers were a bit spotty regarding the consistency of actual games being played every day, but overall a enjoyable first season.
    My player, Trevor Van Lagen, turned in a respectable rookie season operating at nearly a point per game pace. He gelled well with the team and found some chemistry with his teammates. He’s hoping to finish the year strong into the playoffs.
    What does my future here look like? Well I hope to be drafted in the first 2 rounds this season. I have been maxing out my player in TPE and so I will have too much to stay down next season unless I forgo earning for a few weeks. Time will tell what I do.
    253 Words.
  24. Like
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from fonziGG in First Season Impressions   
    As this season comes to a close, here are a few reflections from my first season in the league.  
    Upon my arrival to this site I was greeted with enthusiasm and lots of help from some very active members. This seemed to peak my interest rather quickly.  It didn’t take too long and I had signed a contract with Halifax 21st.
    Halifax was the destination I chose not because of any reason other than they made an offer and I accepted.  Turns out it was a great choice after all! The team was super active, friendly yet competitive, and talented enough to make the playoffs. They had a spot for me as second line pivot that I quickly settled into.
    I found this season length was perfect, the general community quite receptive and active, the simmers were a bit spotty regarding the consistency of actual games being played every day, but overall a enjoyable first season.
    My player, Trevor Van Lagen, turned in a respectable rookie season operating at nearly a point per game pace. He gelled well with the team and found some chemistry with his teammates. He’s hoping to finish the year strong into the playoffs.
    What does my future here look like? Well I hope to be drafted in the first 2 rounds this season. I have been maxing out my player in TPE and so I will have too much to stay down next season unless I forgo earning for a few weeks. Time will tell what I do.
    253 Words.
  25. Cheers
    ConnorMcdavid got a reaction from PenKnight in Early Look at Potential Sleepers | S67 Draft [2/2]   
    @Sullvino nice article although I feel I should at minimum have been listed as an honourable mention here.. consistently climbing the rankings, max earning and very active. I may not get drafted the highest but whoever does will be getting a stud ?
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